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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. Don't know who Hank Gathers is, but I can imagine that would be horrible to witness :(
  2. Actually that was the thought that crossed my mind when they said a player collapsed and is heading to the hospital and BCG wasn't coming out. I thought of heart problems/heart pain.
  3. Wow must be big if BG is leaving with him.
  4. I dont know if I have insight? lol but I'll look.
  5. Even with the right combo in, they held it close. Good win for Holmes against a solid team.
  6. If this team isn't top 25 in Maryland, then KY basketball isn't that great? They are keeping it close with our best team who is top in the nation. I'd say this is a pretty good team Holmes is beating.
  7. The thing is, some of the people making these comments don't like themself/are insecure themselves. Anytime you make a negative comment about anyone else it's because on some level you're insecure about something having to do with YOU. I think everyone could use your confidence .
  8. I wouldn't say they are a better team with him on the floor, all the time. Though I agree he is having a good game.
  9. This probably isn't a game Holmes will be glad was put on tv. They are not giving their best showing. They looked pretty good in the first quarter, but since it's been icky.
  10. To be honest, I'm not overweight and I feel pretty confident in myself for the most part, but the things people are saying in this thread offend me because I take it personal for anyone to say the nasty things some people in here said when I have family members who are overweight and have health problems that lead to it. I watch my family members suffer constantly doing whatever they can to lose the weight, and for people to come on here and make disrespectful comments about people they don't even know or take the time to know is hurtful. My mom might be a little bit bigger than what is considered perfect, but she is gorgeous. And for anyone to be "disgusted" by her makes me want to punch them in their string bean little behind. And I really wish some of these people would say these things to my dads face. Guarantee they wouldn't have the guts to when they saw him. By the way, I'm sure youre gorgeous too, and I wouldn't give a hoot what these perfect people think.
  11. lol, I'm tired tonight, and I super duper hope I fall asleep soon because I have to wake up early.
  12. Exactly. A doctor must provide documentation stating that the person is TRULY handicap. My parents walk fine, are active, but they are overweight. No doctor would give them a handicap sticker and theyd never ask for it ya know.
  13. I completely agree. You can't look at people who are overweight and say "Gosh if they would just stop eating and go run they'd be fine". That isn't true for everyone.
  14. I don't know. Can stupid people get a government check? Obviously. I work at a bank inside of a grocery story and I see those people loading their carts every single day. But in all honesty, what was the point of your post?
  15. I actually find a few of ya'lls comment very rude. Woodsrider you failed to respond to anything I said. I think being fat and doing nothing at all to improve your situation isn't cause for a handicap pass, no way. I think being fat period doesn't give you the right to one. If you're just overweight and need to modify your diet and work out, then do it. But to the people who have family members who you have seen STRUGGLE for YEARS doing everything they can [liquid diets, NOTHING ELSE, working out for hours] and no result, all to find out they have a medical condition that is making it impossible for them to lose the weight, the things you're saying are very offensive. That being said, none of my family members would think of trying to get a handicap pass just to park closer. Leave it for the people who truly need it. There ARE obese people who truly need it. When you can't breathe, you can barely walk due to all the weight on your knees, then yes you need it.
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