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Everything posted by woodyccrr

  1. DIII and NAIA schools are too expensive and unless you intend on getting a "special" education, it mis most likely not worth it. Some have the desire to continue playing past their final game in HS. Mostly everyone will always have the, "what ifs". But as said before, it is truly up to the individual.
  2. Renee Boots is the Principal at CCHS and i dont recall her husband ever being named the HC. CCHS definitely lacks tradition from a football standpoint. They play in a very competitive 6A District and until they get a premiere offensive player, they will not be competing for the top two or three spots in their district. And to all CCHS fans, passing the ball 60x per game doesnt automatically qualify someone as a premiere player.
  3. You are full of yourself if you think they have the ability to produce a class like last years every season. Wait you are an avid Highlands fan so that answers itself. But I forsee many a bluebird fan trying to draw a comparison between last years team and teams to come. Good luck with that. And BTW, I expect the Blue Colonels to close the gap slightly from last season. Good luck in your 20umm10 campaign.
  4. If I were Bell Co I would be really irritated as well. This thread could go on and on. Even when a verdict on the victories are reached, people will still debate this matter. There were many people who exhaled after the 2004 season and said, okay at least someone noticed. Highlands is always going to be at or near the top each year but the KHSAA at least attempted to recognize that there were "improper" activities taking place in Ft. Thomas. Keep the ring, keep the memories, keep the 2-13 record. :thumb:
  5. I dont have that answer to that and either do you. I understand the issue that supporters of this matter are arguing they deserve the wins because they were unlawfully taken. People on my side of the court are suggesting that if Highlands didnt put themselves in this situation, there would be nothing to discuss and the wins were not unlawfully taken because they were not rightfully earned. Others have gone as far as suggesting the Highlands has politcal or monetary influence on certain types of decisions being made...that is debatable. The reason the KHSAA didnt allow Mitchell to play is because they didnt think the transfer and address change was legit. That is my feeling as well, non legitimate transfer, no soup for you (Birds-not you directly).
  6. Your sarcasm is amusing early in the morning...:clap: No matter what the courts officially ruled, most Non-Birds followers feel that they should not be given back those victories because they are tainted.
  7. You are correct. There has to be some kind of rule....wait, i believe there is. The schools are the ones in violation of the rule as pointed out in this thread, not the athlete. Although the athlete is typically the one who is punished most often. KHSAA needs to penalize the schools more strictly and these transfer issues and lawsuits will be a moot point.
  8. Although Mitchell is an adult and a professional now, we should not be incriminating a former HS athlete. As I stated earlier, he just took advantage of a system that continually allows transfers to compete for a higher achieving institution without justified means. The only way that Highlands program has changed due to these past sanctions is they no longer get junior to senior transfers. Now the kids move in their freshman year, which is not illegal.
  9. Ok. Allow me to open his reason to transfer slightly. He left Cov Cath for football...or girls. :thumb: And i agee Mitchell, himself, did nothing wrong. I'm sure there are dozens of kids who would like to play football for Highlands their senior year so they could win a state championship and become more heavily recruited. IF the KHSAA is lawfully forced to return the previously vacated victories to HHS, there will be an ongoing gaping hole in their integrity for all of time to come.
  10. The KHSAA has little interest in Highlands winning, Campbell Co. Circuit Court may. It's all a waste of time. KHSAA called Highlands out on what they had been doing for years and now the Birds are trying to get the ruling rescinded. That is a JOKE. They are just going to figure out a way to not get caught in the future. Nothing has changed at the school near the Fort.
  11. :puke: Come on man!! Do you know how many kids read these threads? Don't give them ideas to quit a sport or not play a sport because they may have a chance to play college ball...where?? NKU, Thomas More? Don't listen to this person on here..Play as many sports in HS as you can, especially if you can do well at them!
  12. You're right in most cases a frosh playing varsity is a sign of desperate times. However, if a player is that good...what are your options? A) Let him play freshman ball B) Let him play Frosh and JV C) Let him play Varsity only. It is difficult as a head coach to have a kid play frosh/jv ball, when they already competed at the varsity level in another sport. I say you let the kid earn a spot on Varsity and take your lumps...although with Dixies schedule, that may not change a thing. Aren't they usually a 500 ball club?
  13. Heck...based on his record, why wouldn't CC name him as their Varsity HC?? PeeWee coaches have great success in HS. :notworthy: For the sake of an arguement, there was a lot of sarcasm in that statement..
  14. There is no personal knowledge. But claiming an athlete, who is playing for their 3rd HS team in 4 years (Heritage, Ryle, Boone) left Ryle for a reason far more important than athletics is flat out silly and naive. She is an excellent player and may help Boone to some Regional Championships over the next three years...but she shouldnt be wearing a Boone jersey until next season.
  15. Or he could be like another former great Kentucky HS RB who went big time and then transferred in order to play RB...Eric Shelton; FSU to UofL. And he was in the league for a while playing the RB position, not DE which is where FSU had him play.
  16. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::laugh: With each paragraph i read, i laughed louder. There was only one reason she left Ryle...and it wasn't for academics. I bet you're a Bonds fan too. :banana:
  17. Is that a slight towards NKY's slow players??? :confused: :lol: He ought to be given a chance to play RB. He was not recruited as an athlete, he is a RB. He certainly has a chance to have a nice career in the SEC.
  18. I would guess that one of the conditions of him signing with UK had to do with him having the opportunity to play RB. I can see him running some zone well and catching the ball out of the backfield on a regular basis. I cant imagine him being able to outrun SEC defensive backs...however, he is very deceptive. Congrats to Simpson, another reason to root for Wildcat football.
  19. First, when did Wagner start coaching with NCC's staff?? over 20 years? Last i checked, it was somewhere in the ballpark of 99... Second, it does matter when hiring a former player, who is already in the system...especially at a catholic school where he had several family members go there, including an older brother who was an excellent player as well. They want someone who understands the program and community. NCC has had more success in the last 5 years than they did in the previous 25 years...a lot of that success can be attributed to Eddie. Lastly, I never said playing college football makes you a good coach. I stated that he played college football. Knowledge and experience make you a good coach. The ability to communicate with kids and your staff effectively make you a good coach also. Eddie has all of the above. NCC's hiring is slightly comparable to Newports of last year. However, I think Eddie has far more experience and exposure to good football minds at Georgetown. But I also think Nick Rice has some top of the line assistants. I'm not sure what Eddie will decide to do in that regard.
  20. Why would a smart move be to retain the staff?? No matter who the staff may be...NCC is the type of school that has a lot of following by the alumni. He is a former student and athlete at NCC...they will support him no matter what. Now that it is official, his first order of business is acquiring a staff. He will hire anyone he feels will help him win and win consistently. Good Luck to Eddie Eviston...NCC will certainly embrace a former star player being the new head of the program!! :thumb:
  21. :laugh::laugh: There are two running backs in BC alone that will have a better season than Powell. They should keep Powell outside at WR and let him play DB...he is no Miles Simpson..lol. He is also no Travis Elliot and no Devante Bradley.
  22. Like that really matters any more. Well, he didnt transfer to Highlands and his last name isnt Moss, so he may find some hurdles in playing the 2010 season.
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