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Posts posted by miragesmack

  1. Bama, folks probably thought the same about Bama back in the day, but you loved every minute of it since you were a fan. As a ND fan I liked Bama too because we owned them and the Bear too. I think he won just one game against us.


    X and T own people today, and their fans love it. One day in the future, publics may become powers again, like they used to be. Hopefully not in my lifetime though.

  2. Manual has the better, more experince QB and he will be the difference....Rams 20-18



    You maybe could have said that last year, but Brutscher is much stronger at QB this year. He has impressed me very much, and so has the offense. My only concern is I have not seen this team tested so there are unknown variables. Oh wait, I meant to say that when we play Trinity next week. :D:p:lol:

  3. There is a very good documentary on PBS, has anyone seen it? It paints a scary picture when it comes to how they deal with vendors.


    Rubbermaid was a company for example. When they met with Walmart officials, the WM guy told Rubbermaid that if they want their business, they must close their amercian factories and move them to China. WM told them how many employees they would have in China, most of who were momen and children and paid pennies a day. WM also had a copy of secret financial records for Rubbermaid, and even personal records of the official at RM. They basically said "we know what you're worth, what you have, and if you don't follow our rules, we'll shut you down". Rubbermaid followed the rules.


    This happened with other companies as well. But, at least we get cheap rubber containers from Walmart to put our Christmas stuff in! Who cares how they go about getting them.

  4. My favorite place ever was Kalaloch Washington, at Kalaloch lodge in North-West Washington state. Redwoods, the only rain forest in america (Hoh rain forest), rock and sand beaches with awesome creatures, and my favorite thing - no TV or radio reception since it sits between the mountains and the ocean. Just a ferry ride from vancouver. And you must know when the tides comes in, or you will die with the trees floating in the surf sometimes.


    I like Albuqurque and the surrounding area too. And Palm Desert, and the Baja Penisula. Seattle is a cool town, just don't go when their are political conventions. Can you say - RIOT!

  5. We went out there, and "ehh". We didn't do any breaching though, since I had the kid with me.


    Roswell was a disappointment too. I expected some quaint little city, but it was a typical, modern looking city of 50,000. No character as all, other than aliens everywhere. Alien statue wearing tuxes and wedding dresses at clothing stores. Aliens in every window at every store. They were even hanging from the stop lights. It almost made me think it's all made up just to get tourist in there.


    White Sands Missle range was more interesting to me. A federal highway runs right through it, and they close the highway when they are testing weapons.

  6. To watch Cross Country. (Running)



    Not my absolute fav, but it's up there. I think it the most difficult sport there is. You already know who will win when you get there, yet the runners still fight to beat the only score that matters - their own personal best. That takes a lot of internal strength.


    My fav is football, high school or college only. Hate the pros.

  7. Well, we got power back today in the Highlands, at least on my street. Now all the neighbors are back in their couches, plopped down in front of the TV's. I almost miss my power outage/ camping trip already. It was kinda fun, plus I got more sleep.

  8. My kid plays field hockey, which has a 10 goal rule this season. Here's how it works against bad teams we used to beat by 16 or more. We now score about 8 easy goals in the first half, running a normal offense. Maybe half is from starters, and half from subs. We also switch offense and defensive players sometimes, playing girls out of position, to give the defenders a chance to get their name in the paper by scoring.


    When we get to nine goals, coach has the players quit shooting until the end of the game. Even on a wide open chance at goal, we work on passing and positioning. Sometimes we knock the 10th goal in and promise the ref we won't shoot anymore, especially if it's very late in the game.


    So I'm not sure how I feel about this, and I see both sides. In a way it makes a mockery of the losing team. A few weeks back, we got by the goalie and had a potential empty net goal shot from 2 feet away that we passed on since it was the tenth goal. We passed it out and started the offense again. It seemed dis-respectfull of the goalie to me, to beat her like that and not take the shot. But if we scored and the game ended, that goalie will miss valuable playing time she needs to get better. It's a catch-22. Can you imagine a FB player beating everyone on the field then stopping short of the goal line and running backwards?

  9. Way to go Rocks!! How'd the "funky cool" Messina do on D tonite? Sounds like Brock and "Buckeye" Whiting were fragging the Bombers! Gotta love it!


    Messina had a great game. Whiting had a hit on a kick return that you could hear in the rafters, right before the crowd went "OHHHHHHHH". McCauley (#45) was everywhere tonight on D as well.


    The X OL looked like a seive almost all night, and the QB wasn't what I expected from that caliber of school.


    My Tigers are gonna need to bring their "A" game in two weeks to beat Trinity.


    I heard two Bomber parents in the john talking about their "rash" of injuries at the end of the game. I got the feeling most were fake from the way they were joking about it. That was a little disappointing, cause there were about 6-7 X injuries at the end when they needed to stop the clock.

  10. Hence, the first two words of my post. Again, the thread concerns the media, which should be neutral. Unfortunately we've come to expect it from the two political sides. We shouldn't expect it from the media.



    What do you consider "media"? I don't watch TV, so I don't know if there is a liberal bias or not. I only know of it because I listen to talk radio about 4-8 hours a day. Now, radio is media I assume. And what I listen to sure isn't liberal biased. If I hear ONE liberal point of view a day, it is a miracle.


    Why is radio held to a different standard than TV? I assume more folks listen to, or have access to radios than TV. Car, work, etc. Why is there no concern about the bias that is on the radio?


    O'Reilly had a good interview with Obama today while I was listening. I think it was on TV as well, but I thought both parties handles themselves as well as could be expected. It didn't come off as biased, unlike say Rush or Hannity might. Rush mentioned the term "liberal bias" 27 times in one segment, which I guess is 15 minutes or so. Hey, I was bored, taking my lunch break in my car. If you say it that many times, I guess it must be true. :rolleyes:

  11. I've gotten so many e-mails this year about Obama supposedly being a Muslim and his lack of patriotism, etc. Most or all of them are scurrilous attacks that prey on people's fears. Those are just as bad as some of the far left's attacks on Palin.


    So I'm not the only one?!? I have a private email account, that gets pounded with only one type of spam - anti Obama ads. Some are funny, some re bizarre, and some are just plain scary. I've never had any other spam or any anti-McCain ads. Do you think the Bush administration gave out my email? :lol:


    Seriously though, the people that make or forward these things are probably pretty scary individuals. Makes you wonder.

  12. If an 80% approval rating is "all the complaints about her govenorship" than I would be interested to know, in your opinion, what is the level of complaints about the Democrat Congress who has a 17% approval rating?


    Senator Ted "Pork Barrel" Stevens of Alaska is under federal indictment, is probably one of the most corrupt, money wasting senators we have.........yet he has an approval rating higher than Palin's in Alaska. I'll go out on a limb and assume they aren't too picky up there. As long as they get their tax money for their projects, they're happy.


    Not taking a position here, just making an observation.

  13. Can someone explain how you win a H.S. National Championship in any sport???



    They are "mythical" titles, IMO. Most sports, you can pick any team in the top 5, or even top 10, and any one of them could be national champs.


    Volleyball does a great job of settling the issue, especially Mercy and Assumption. They travel around the country, playing top teams. Assumption usually plays top 10 US teams like Mira Costa, Muncie (who beat them this year), Mercy, Sacred Heart etc. Plus there are several tournaments, where the best of the best play. It is easier to draw out who the best is when they play each other.


    Football is more regional, and I think nearly impossible to determine a NC.

  14. KIVA made his HS teams successfull, IMO, though it's the classic chicken-egg story.


    Many of his KIVA kids go to AHS because of Kordes and his KIVA connection. They play for him at an early age at his club. Some kids who wouldn't have gone to AHS before will go there now if they are successful at club ball. It's a self fullfilling prophecy of sorts. You won't see a lot of MAVA kids at AHS. Also, kids go to become a national or state champ.


    My kid peaked his and others interest very early at KIVA. But she just flat out didn't grow after 5th grade, and gave up vball in HS for another sport.

  15. I concur with NO cuts in football. I honestly didn't know anyone did that in KY, but I'm not familiar with how things are out in the state. I remember kids that weighed 110 lbs on the football team when I was in HS. For some, being part of the team really is enough, they don't have to play very much to be happy. They know where they stand for the most part.

  16. Have we all forgotton Ruth Chris......best steak in the world, but you pay a good price for it.


    Pizza......Wicks! Everytime I get to Louisville I have to have a Wicks fix!


    Absolutely!! Just went there for the 1st time last month, and have to admit it was the bomb.

  17. Not overrated, just not much of an offense without Wells. This is a great football team, they just couldn't move the ball, a bit. The second half was much better. It will take a complete game like that and more to beat the Trojans. It was a win, not a great win and not the way you want to win against a team like Ohio.



    Why do you say they aren't great without Wells? They are stacked at every position with top ranked recruits. Almost as much as USC every year. They shouldn't see a huge dip in quality when they move from one player to the next. Unless they are overrated.

  18. It is Rich's fault. I saw an offence that was not moving for over 4 quarters. Then we score on 3 possessions. Why take him out? Brooks should have pre-warned us that he was going to play both of them. All we want as fans is to win. I think that Hartline will get better, but we need to score points.

    If this happened in basketball the fans at Rupp Arena would have been just as upset!


    Are you serious?!? I don't think that's in his job description, updating the fans on his plans. Which then updates the opposition, which makes it harder to win the game. How is that productive?


    I'm old school. If I were a coach, I wouldn't tell you anything. Nothing. Close the practices, and keep the fans in the dark. The team will be better for it.

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