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Aiden Seamus

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Posts posted by Aiden Seamus

  1. Yes, but at least he's singing. And it's not some stuffy, uptight musical format trying to masquerade as cool.


    Have you ever listened to TSO? Judging by your comments I'm assuming you haven't.


    What's uptight about bringing the "rock" to some classic holiday songs?



    Music Snob

    A person who believes he or she has a more refined taste in music and has much more knowledge in the field of music in general. Every song and genre is unacceptable unless the snob happens to like it, then it is absolute perfection. Music snobs feel obligated to enlighten everyone with unwelcome critiques and irrelivant musical trivia.

  2. Gonna buy this weekend, probably Sunday afternoon. Are the different games out there compatible with all systems? Do different games have different kind of equipment to play the game? I have never played any of them. I did have a nintendo 25 years ago.


    Try to buy one from QVC. They have a great deal on the Wii right now. $327 for the system, cables, controller, sports attachments, and you get Wii Sports and another game called "101 in 1."


    They have been guaranteeing delivery by Christmas Eve as well.


    As far as compatibility, the Wii can play Nintendo Wii games and Nintendo Gamecube games. You can also purchase old school games online, play online for free, and browse the internet for free with a Wii.

  3. I'm game to become a Mac user, but someone is going to have to buy that. For a lot of people, ~$999 simply isn't an option for a computer.


    It is if you save up and look at it in perspective.


    In 2 and a half years I spent over $1500 on PC laptops. I finally bit the bullet and dropped $999 for a Macbook and 2 years later, it's running just as good as it did on day one. So if I had kept on the PC bandwagon, I would have essentially lost $500.


    I have owned 4 PC laptops previously and not one of them lasted longer than 2 years. They either became wretchedly overrun by viruses or crapped out on me. Had one that the battery connector, that connects the power cord to the laptop, started sparking and went out. It was in 4 different shops for 6 months+ and not a single person could fix it. So even though the computer itself was fine, I could no longer charge it to use it and no one could fix it.


    Interestingly enough, Macs found away around that problem. They have magnetic power cords, that fall away without hurting the computer should someone trip over them, etc.

  4. Macbook/Macbook Pro. Switched from PC to Mac 2 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made (computer-related that is).


    No viruses, still runs as fast as it did on day one, battery life is still at full capacity.


    Automatically converts PC files you receive or download, such as Word documents and Powerpoint presentations, into Mac format. Better/stronger wireless internet connection than my fiancee's Dell laptop.


    Takes approx. 20-30 seconds to boot up and be on the internet, as opposed to most PC's I've used where it takes 5-10 minutes to boot up and do anything.


    As an aside, it really irks me that EKU's lab computers (Dell PC's) take forever to boot up. It took me 7 minutes (yes, I counted) the other day to log in and get on Firefox. And that was just from the login page, I'd hate to see how long it would have taken if I had to boot the computer up, then log in. Just one of those things that you get used to with a Mac, that bothers you whenever you're forced to use a PC.


    I know they're probably a couple hundred more than what you're looking at (approx. $1000 when I bought mine), but it's worth it. Previously I had owned 3 PC laptops, having to replace them every year or year and a half. My Macbook is on year 2 and has not slowed down one single bit or shown any signs of diminishing performance.


    Yes, it may sound like I've been drinking the Mac Kool-Aid, but honestly, this is the best, most reliable computer I've ever owned.

  5. I had many classes with athletes while at UK and never noticed such thing. I did notice the lack of effort, attendance and intelligence from many, but never cheating like this.


    Neither did I. Never noticed any cheating, however, most of the attendance issues were due to away games. Whenever they were supposed to be in class, someone from the athletic department went from classroom to classroom with a checklist marking who was attending class and who wasn't. Had a class with Shagari Alleyne one semester and he missed a class that he should have been attending. That night when UK had a home game, Shagari sat on the bench and saw zero playing time against a very bad team that UK beat by 20 or 30+.


    Not saying that's the way it is now, just that I never personally saw any cheating. Had classes with several UK football players and the two notable UK basketball players I had classes with were Shagari and Randolph Morris.


    I know of recent UK basketball players who have cheated though. One of my co-workers had a class at UK with Ramel Bradley. He said Bradley would copy off him all the time, and the funniest thing happened on the final, when the professor made 4 different versions of the test. Blue copies, pink copies, green copies, and yellow copies. Each color represented a different version of the exam. Bradley had a pink version, while my co-worker had a blue version. He said Bradley copied nearly ever answer off of his exam. He still laughs about it because there was no way Bradley passed that exam.


    With that said, I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this. I came to terms a long time ago that UK athletes were there for sports first, and academics were the least of their concerns for most. There are plenty of ignorant people who get degrees every year. I am amazed by some of the people I have worked with because I have no idea how anyone could have possibly given them a degree. I've worked with some people who didn't even deserve a high school diploma, yet they somehow have a bachelor's.


    I will also add that I've seen way more "regular" student cheating, than student athletes.

  6. I'm sorry, this one is D & G The One. I should have looked on the bottle. I think it's the newest one, but I don't really keep up with stuff like that. I'm telling you, with this stuff ladies hug more often and for a little bit longer. :lol: When it's on, I'd say you get at least a few compliments a day on how good it smells.


    That actually got me in trouble once. I was at The Penguin in Lexington with my fiancee and a few other friends when another girl, who is an old high school friend, showed up. We hadn't seen each other in months. She hugged me, said I smelled "glorious" and proceeded to plant her face on my chest for several seconds. My fiancee wasn't too happy about that. I was wearing Cuba Gold that night.

  7. The ladies I know love it when I wear Dolce and Gabana or how ever you spell it. I don't know if it's the only kind they make, but it is some heavenly smelling stuff but it's expensive.


    I also like Aqua DI Gio, the first Very Sexy from Victoria's Secret (it's embarrassing but cologne is about the ladies liking it IMO), and I've always liked Abercrombies.


    TBW, look into the Dolce and Gabana stuff, you won't regret it man.:D


    There are different types. Regular Dolce & Gabbana for men smells pretty good, but do not get Dolce & Gabbana "Masculine." I was told that I smelled like PineSol when I wore that stuff.

  8. The two the women seem to love are Ralph Lauren Double Black and Curve. Though I'll admit, Curve is grossly overused.


    Two of my other favorites are Versace Dreamer and Cuba Gold (looks like a cigar and is really cheap, like $10). Both of these are sweet smelling colognes.


    Some other good options are Kenneth Cole Reaction, Bath and Body Works "Woodlands," Abercrombie Fierce, Angel Men by Thierry Mugler, and Lacoste Pour Homme.


    I've never been a big fan of Acqua di Gio.

  9. Me too!!! Got to be there by 3 a.m.


    Luckily I don't have to go in until 7:30 AM. Working 7:30 AM to 6 PM. We're not supposed to be very busy, but who knows. (I work for Enterprise, so our mad-rush came on the day before Thanksgiving)


    My fiancee on the other hand, is finishing up her last two weeks as the Housewares Supervisor at Kohl's and she has to be there from 3:45 AM to 3:45 PM. She is dread, dread, dreading it.

  10. Try mixing in wet with the dry.


    Have tried this. He ate the wet food, leaving all the dry bits in or around the bowl.


    Try adding water to your Gravy Train.


    Refuses to eat the Gravy Train with water added. Just lets it sit and solidify into some nasty looking mass. However, he will eat the Gravy Train dry if he's starving.


    Considering how much walking we do, and how little he eats, I am scratching my head as to how he's managed to get to the overweight stage.


    Could be due to giving him a "wet" (or whatever kind of roll) food. Usually, the wet or soft foods are higher in fat, so even if you give them less a lot less wet food than you would dry food, it could make them overweight.


    In my experiences, it's hard for animals to lose weight just by changing over to a "weight control" food. I have an overweight cat that we've been giving "weight control" cat food to for over a year now and, if anything, I think it's made him fatter. The cats are also indoors, so it's hard for him to get a lot of exercise. Tried letting him out a few times and he freaks out when I let him outside; very skiddish, and I don't trust him being outside seeing how we live in an apartment complex with cars constantly driving around.

  12. Basically, what kind of dog food do you feed your dog(s)?


    I have a pug who is a very picky eater (odd for a pug) and I can't seem to find a brand that he really enjoys. He eats when he gets really hungry, but he doesn't go crazy over any food we've tried so far. He's not underweight, but he could use another pound or two.


    So far, we've tried:



    Blue Buffalo

    Science Diet

    Royal Canin

    Nature's Recipe

    Purina Pro Plan

    Kibbles and Bits

    Gravy Train


    He goes nuts over "wet" food, but canned dog food is more expensive, plus it tends to make waste cleanup a little more difficult. I would prefer to give him dry food, so what brand does your dog like?

  13. I just find this a stretch. Just because there is a lack of evidence does not mean that it had to have been suicide.


    Something doesn't sound right. Not to mention (according to other articles I've read) that the guy never showed any signs of depression or any signs that he was potentially going to commit suicide.

  14. Oh you shouldn't have said that. I nearly got up and got dressed and got ready to go to get some of those tiny little burgers. White Castle get's my vote as well. Nothing is better when you're in the mood, IMO.


    I guess if you're in the mood for a long night spent on the toilet. 'Cause that's all I've ever gotten from White Castle.

  15. Chick-fil-A - flat out #1, the best....ever. Great chicken sandwiches, great chicken nuggets, great chicken salad sandwiches. Love dipping the waffle fries in the Polynesian sauce too.


    Now, in a distant 2nd would be Rally's. I always order the same thing. BBQ bacon cheeseburger, and fries. I think Rally's seasoned fries are pretty good, especially if you're tired of Wendy's no-taste, no salt fries, and McDonald's over-salted fries. Not to mention, Rally's has the best Cherry Coke I've ever tasted. They use actual cherry syrup and it's awesome.


    I also enjoy Arby's, but they're so expensive for what you get. Hardees has not impressed me at all lately. I used to really like their burgers, but I was severely disappointed with their "Big Hardee," Big Mac rip-off. It was no different than a quarter pounder with Big Mac sauce; smaller than McDonald's too. This could just be representative of the Richmond Hardees.


    Taco Bell is great if you're out late and starving. Nothing like pounding a few dozen gorditas. Sonic is more of a novelty, but I do like their cheese sticks.


    Wendy's has never impressed me and I'm quite surprised by how many on here say their favorite is Wendy's. The burgers (especially the buns) have no taste at all. Even the Baconator, which should be right up my artery-clogging alley, fails to impress. Nasty, limp bacon, and did I mention that their buns are junk? Wendy's chicken is generally okay, but their spicy chicken is a little too spicy for me.



  16. Sennheiser is a good company, but more known for their microphones than headphones. I know they make a darn good microphone, but the only set of Sennheiser headphones I've used were really, really shotty, with LOTS of static.


    I got some Ear Pollution Nerve Pipes "over-the-ear" headphones for about $40 (on sale) at Hastings and IMO, they're really good headphones with excellent bass (which is important for me because I'm a bass player and often times practice by plugging into my laptop and running Amplitube's Ampeg SVX program). I peeled off the clearance price sticker after purchasing and found that they were around $60 before they went on clearance. You can currently buy them online for $34.95.


    As a plus, you can select your own logos and colors.


    IMO, I think a pair in the $40-$70 range is reasonable. That way you know you get a good pair of headphones, but didn't have to take out a loan to purchase them and possibly replace them should you step on them, run over them with the car, dog eats the cord, etc.


    Here's a link and some details about Nerve Pipes:




    Driver Unit: 40mm

    Impedance: 32 ohms

    Sensitivity: 120dB+/-3dB at 1KHz

    Frequency Response: 30 Hz to 20 KHz

    Cord Length: 1.2M

    Plug: 3.5mm




  17. You can't always have the luxury to type. Who wants to lug a darn computer around with them everywhere they go? Pens and pencils are much lighter and much easier to carry. :D


    Saves paper and ink...thus saving the rainforests and octopi.

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