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Aiden Seamus

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Posts posted by Aiden Seamus

  1. So, I did a little research on chicken salad and turns out, chicken salad was ORIGINALLY served with grapes in it. So it appears the concoction most of us have been used to is not the "original" version of chicken salad, and that the chicken salad with fruit in it is actually the way it has been traditionally prepared.



    Here's a link and some excerpts:




    Some historians say a cook named Liam Gray first made it in Rhode Island in the late 1800s. His original recipe consisted of leftover chicken, chicken “drippings”, an oil and egg mixture and small seedless grapesand we thought the addition of grapes was a modern, creative addition. Not so. Years ago Queen Elizabeth Chicken Salad was the name given to the salad when seedless grapes (cut in half) were added to the basic recipe.One of the first printed recipes for chicken salad is found in an 1894 edition of Recipes Tried and True, a cookbook compiled by the Ladies Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Marion, Ohio.



    Besides chicken, celery has been one of the most used ingredients. In 1886 celery and celery leaves were in “high fashion.” This vegetable was one of the new out-of-season foods consumers could buy so it became a favorite especially for those who could afford it.

  2. Here's what I'm wondering: Perhaps is the fruit and nuts thing more Southern in origin? Momma's an Iowa farm girl by birth.


    Not sure about that. I'm originally from Eastern KY and my extended family is from Virginia and Tennessee. I had never heard of/eaten chicken salad with grapes and nuts in it until I met my fiancee'. Our family has always made chicken salad with: chicken, mayo (or miracle whip), salt, pepper, mustard, and occasionally celery.


    I didn't have it with grapes and nuts until my fiancee (girlfriend at the time) said she was going to make chicken salad one day. I came home and to my surprise, there were grapes and nuts in it. My fiancee' was born in St. Louis but lived in Louisville most of her life. She says it's always been the way her mom has made chicken salad. For what it's worth, her mother is from Indiana.


    I've always just assumed it was a Louisville thing. I have been to several Krogers in the Louisville area and have seen packaged "Derby-style" chicken salad with grapes and walnuts in it.


    Anyways, I usually prefer sweet over savory, so I have fallen in love with the idea of (red) grapes and nuts in my chicken salad. Arby's has started making their chicken salad like this too, but I'm not too fond of it because I dislike celery and Arby's puts celery in theirs.

  3. A few random thoughts from Boondock...


    I've never understood why stores like this always have 53 checkout lanes even though it is apparently illegal to open more than 3 at one time.


    I beg of you people, if an abacus is the most advanced piece of technology you own, please do not use the self-checkout lines. You're going to stress yourself out and all of the people behind you that you slow down.


    Generally speaking, Wal-Mart seems to have better prices than Target with the exception of certain products. With that being said, I'll shop at Target 7 days a week over Wal-Mart if given the option. It's not because I think Wal-Mart is evil but mainly because Target is always cleaner, more organized, the workers respond to questions in complete, coherent sentences while helping you and it's generally just a better atmosphere for shopping.



    I CANNOT STAND the self-checkout lanes. Are they great ideas? Yes, absolutely. Are they grossly misused? Yes, absolutely.


    IMO, the self-checkout lanes are for people with a few items that just need to get in the store, get what they need/want, and then leave. It ticks me off when I see someone with their shopping cart overflowing trying to checkout in the self-checkout lanes.


    Also, it never fails that there is someone using a self-checkout lane that has no clue what they're doing. They take 5 minutes to scan one item, and God-forbid if the register stops and says "Please Wait For Cashier."


    I also don't understand why Wal-Mart can't have the self-checkout lanes open after 11 PM or midnight. In Richmond, they close down the self-checkout lanes around this time and only have the 10 items or less lanes, or 20 items or less lanes open.


    On numerous occasions I have had to go to Wal-Mart late at night for something like milk, bread, pens, paper, etc. Never fails that when I do, I get stuck behind someone in the 10 items or less lane with TWO shopping carts full of junk at 2 AM. I then have to stand there for 20 minutes just to purchase one or two things. Again, if they had the self-checkout open, I would have been in and out.


    Shopping in general upsets me. While on the topic, nothing makes me want to punch a baby penguin in the face more than when someone with a cart full of stuff runs to beat me to the register when I only have a few items. It's like they see me coming, think that my 2-3 items will drastically delay their day, so they run to beat me to the register, cutting me off just in time to make me sit their and wait for 30 minutes while they checkout with a full cart, then their kids/husband come from the back of the store with another cart, and then after all is said and done, they choose to pay with a check.


    I better stop now before I go out and start looking for baby penguins.

  4. Saw the first one (after the American Idol finale, I think?.......something like that).


    Anyways, it was alright but not something I'll probably ever watch again.

  5. Yeah. Um. WOW!!!


    I enjoyed Shakira's performance a little too much I think. My wife is giving me the cold shoulder. :eyeonyou:


    I see you too saw the part where she turned around and shook her butt.


    I got an "evil eye" but no cold shoulder yet.

  6. Can't argue with this list........and so thorough with bands listed, too. :D


    I could have listed out each and every band, but figured I would only list the one's people might not know.


    Everyone should know that Robert Plant was the lead singer for Zeppelin, but they might not know Bruce Dickinson is the lead singer for Iron Maiden.

  7. Here's my list:


    Freddie Mercury - Queen

    Steven Tyler - Aerosmith

    Davey Havoc - AFI

    Paul McCartney/John Lennon

    Billy Joel

    Elton John

    John McCrea - Cake

    Claudio Sanchez - Coheed and Cambria

    John Fogerty - CCR

    Glenn Danzig - Danzig/The Misfits

    Jim Morrison - The Doors

    Elvis Costello

    Bruce Dickinson - Iron Maiden

    Steve Perry - Journey

    Caleb Followill - Kings of Leon

    Robert Plant

    Jason Wade - Lifehouse

    Meat Loaf

    Eddie Vedder


    Morrissey - The Smiths/Morrissey

    Phil Lynott - Thin Lizzy


  8. I think the Texas Tenors will win. Of course they are cheesy, but like Piers said last night, Vegas is cheesy! I can completely see them performing for over an hour at a show and people paying to watch them. I'm for the Ky boy as much as anyone, in fact his daughter that they showed last night goes to school with my son, but I'm sorry, Kevin Skinner was flat as a pancake last night. I would have loved to hear him sing some Randy Travis, maybe "Forever and Ever, Amen" or something like that. I thought last night was easily his worst performance of the show.


    Barbara Padilla is easily the most talented in the competition-that voice!- but I don't think she will win. If I were her, I would've gone away from the classical stuff last night and maybe sang something like Mariah's "Vision of Love" just to show she has the versatility. She definitely has the octave range of early Mariah and I think it would've been neat to see her do something different for the finale. JMHO.



    I can see your point, but often times, America is not voting for a Las Vegas-style talent (as apparently we should be) but rather on who is more talented, or who pulls at our heartstrings.


    I agree that it would have been nice to see Padilla do something more mainstream, and I think if anything, that may be what kills her chances. Opera isn't exactly a huge draw.


    The Texas Tenors may very well fit Vegas, but they have never impressed me and it's not something I would pay to see.

  9. I think Skinner gets a record deal out of all this, but I don't think he'll win the show. He has gained a huge following since the show, and fans=money. But IMO he has gone down hill every week since his first performance. Last night's performance was pretty hard for me to watch because it was not good at all.


    The drummers remind me of Stomp, they're good, but I've seen that before. The Texas Tenors are too cheesy for me, and Grandma Lee just isn't funny.


    I think Barbara Padilla wins it on Wednesday.

  10. Taylor Swift should be thinking Kanye west right now... she just got some free pub...you can actually google her now... I didnt even know who she was?:idunno:


    Yeah, I have to disagree also. Dare I say, Taylor Swift has been bigger than Kanye for the past 6 months, if not longer.


    Every other song on the radio is a Taylor Swift song - and that's ALL radio, not just country stations.

  11. Pink was on the Today show this morning and I liked her reaction. When asked, Pink said she wished Kanye would have done it to her, that way she could have smacked him upside the head with her purse, that just happened to have actual brass knuckles sewn on the front.

  12. It is a rule, each team had an additional 3 minutes after the halftime clock expires, 15 minutes for regular game and 20 minutes for special occasions; Homecoming, Bowl, etc. The team doesn't even have to be on the field then either, they just have to be lined up when the additional 3 minutes expires in Kickoff or Return formation.


    Dead on.

  13. What did I miss.....I came into my bedroom to turn on and listen to the game and I hear Steve telling us that Boyle won 63 to 7 and thanked us for listening. Well I guess he's welcome but I didn't get to listen to a thing. Did the game start early....are we an hour or so behind them....Or did the clock keep running.......................GO REBELS!!!


    The officials, for whatever reason, started the game about 15 minutes earlier than expected. The game was supposed to start at 5:45, but it was more like 5:30.


    Pikeville hung tough in the 1st quarter; I believe the score was Pikeville - 7/Boyle - 14 at the end of the 1st quarter. But halfway through the 2nd quarter Boyle just unleashed.


    Boyle tried to rack up the points before the half (in order to get the clock running) but couldn't pull it off until the 3rd quarter when they reached the magic 45.


    For those asking whose idea it was - I have been told that the scheduling of this game goes back to one of the former coaches, either Copley or Jackson. Whoever it was, the same coach also scheduled Pikeville vs. Danville for next year's bowl in Corbin.


    Pikeville also had a kid injured tonight, some kind of kidney or rib injury, he had to be taken away in an ambulance just after the 1st half.

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