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Is Lee DeForrest coach of the year in the 12th?

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It's easy to coach teams that have great players. I think you should look at some teams that don't have the talent of the top tier teams but still win 12-14 games. That is good coaching!


You are exactly right, but it is tougher to coach talent sometimes... Kids with talent often don't want to put in the work that others are willing to.:thumb: Just think more people should consider that.

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You are exactly right, but it is tougher to coach talent sometimes... Kids with talent often don't want to put in the work that others are willing to.:thumb: Just think more people should consider that.


I agree with that statement because sometimes that is true BUT would it be tougher to get it out of really talented kids that can do everything or win 12-14 games with kids that are average at best? Tough call.... I'm just saying sometimes people overlook coaches that do a GREAT job with a below average team sometimes.

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Is Lee DeForrest at Garrard the 12th region coach of the year? It sure would be hard to pick agaist him. He should be atop the wish list for alot of coaching vacancies in central Kentucky this summer. Do you think Garrard can keep him? He sure has turned that program around!


I do believe so!:thumb:

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