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Newport vs. North Oldham

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I know this could be alot... BUT what

IF Newport and Mercer win out and Lloyd beats Spencer and N.O. , Spencer beats N.O....

that would leave the district records with Mercer 5-0, Newport 3-2, Lloyd 3-2, Spencer 3-2


How do the tie breakers work in this case?

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The #2 would be determined by a point system. The point system goes like this, you look at the non-district opponents your team has beaten and count their W's. Who ever has the most points is #2. #3 is determined by head to head match up.

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I have no clue who Newport, Spencer, and Llyod have beaten out of district, more less the record of each of the teams they have beaten out of district. It is somewhat complicated.


For example, IF Newport has beaten Grant Co and Grant Co wins 5 games...that would be 5 points.

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