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2017 Central KY Football Clinic for HS Assistant Football Coaches- 4/22

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We all know how important assistant coaches are to a HS football program. Here is a clinic specifically for assistants. It will be short and very inexpensive. Please share this with your staff.


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ttt.... please share. We expect this to be a great day for helping young coaches and especially the ones that want to be a head football coach someday. We are trying to help young coaches and improve football in our state. Thank you- David Buchanan

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I read your earlier post and that is a fair question. Part of the motivation behind this is the shortage of football coaches in our state. Over the last couple years, I have had schools call me wanting help to find a head coach. Not many guys are getting into coaching football anymore. I don't want to get into listing the negatives, but the list seems to grow.


We are doing this clinic at a very low price to encourage & support the guys that want to give it a shot. We want to better prepare them to be head football coaches. It is common for assistant coaches to aspire to be head coaches and we want to help them in that regard.


If anyone else has questions, please ask them. We think the clinic will help young coaches and we are excited about it. I include Chuck Smith and Donald Wayne Smith when I say this. Both those guys love kids and they love football in this state. We are getting old and want to see HS football grow and improve long after we are done coaching. KY HS Football has been very good to us and we want it to have a bright future.

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