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McCreary Central State of the Program

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Someone asked or maybe more than one about how our programs were this year across the board. Here is the results:


Football Record- 1-9

Boys Basketball Record- 10-18

Boys Baseball Record- As of today 1-8. Last year record- 11-22

Girls Soccer- 0-16

Girls Basketball- 16-16

Girls Fast Pitch Softball- 2-4 so far this year. Last year 17-21

Girls Volleyball- 22-6


As anyone can see, what school in their right mind would not fire the AD if they had results across the board like this. People are really tired of this. What are everyone's thoughts? Am I expecting too much? Banker of the South come out and lets play......

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850 enrollment. As far as I know everything has a feeder. We are bigger than Wayne County, Somerset and look at their programs or alot of others. Bottom line is alot of players will not play basketball anymore and Rob has sabotaged the football program for years. Just ask all former coaches, they are all vocal about it.

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With that many kids and a feeder program MC should be able to have more success than they have. Football is the hardest to build because of the $$$ and numbers needed consistently to build a program. It looks like the girls sports are much more competitive, is this due to more parental involvement, better coaching or better resources? There are plenty of rural counties facing the same obstacles as MC that get it done in sports, no reason MC can't.

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