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  1. I am not sure that this game should keep being scheduled. No benefit to either team.
  2. I don’t miss games and you clearly didn’t understand my sarcasm.
  3. They have doing that for years. That will not ever be a issue at CCH.
  4. Got to get them while they are rebuilding.
  5. Yes, Link is out with an injury. McEvoy isn’t playing this year.
  6. CCH’s top receiver is out for at least a month so time for Bradshaw and Brooks to step up.
  7. I thought last year was the big year for the Birds to return to form.
  8. Lloyd held the ball for 6 straight minutes in the 4th Quarter and it almost backfired on them from what I heard.
  9. CCH has multiple guards that can torch you on any given night. Tonight it was Hussey who was stellar.
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