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  1. Hearing Demauriah and Montavin are both playing basketball next year. And Maddox Hager is back playing. Just rumors!
  2. West Jessamine is the team to watch. They just had 2 kids get D1 offers. Also Coach Adams is a great coach.
  3. Looks like Wayne Count'y Seth Farmer is on the move. He wrote a letter thanking the Wayne County community. He's probably going to Pulaski County.
  4. I think parents got upset with Story when he benched Inmon the girls coaches son and Imfeld when Fugate transferred from Garrard County and Geu Atney became eligible. Those 2 guys have been at DCA there whole life and 2 kids come and take there spot. I think it rubbed the DCA parents the wrong way. We all know Billy Inmon runs DCA. That's why this job is open.
  5. I forgot about half the Boyle kids parents trying to run him off, so this would make sense. Once Hager quit, the Freshman a bunch of the kids and parents turned on him trying to get him fired. And I'm pretty sure Webb and Haddix don't see eye to eye.
  6. I would call Boyle County assistant Coach Jimmy Clarkston. He's been an assistant for Dennie Webb and Steve Adams at Boyle and was also at West Jessamine with Damon Kelly. All 3 12th region champion coaches. He's young, involved with the youth and the kids love him. He's Right in your backyard!
  7. Ryan Young has had one great year in his coaching career, now every opening in the 12th region his name is always brought up. Why is his name so hot? Because he upset DCA in the regional tournament? He's had 2 winning seasons in 7 yrs. Had arguably the best 2 players in the region last 2 years and couldn't win the All A. let's pump out brakes on him for every job opening in the 12th.
  8. I'm hearing they are wanting Austin Sparrow. Current Campbellsville Harrodsburg Head Coach.
  9. Who do you think will be the starting RB? Demauriah Brown? I hate to say this but Brown is not a WR. He looked lost at WR this year. And he wasn't even the second best WR on the team, Geo Brown was.
  10. I heard the QB Transfer from Woodford County quit. Boyle will have no experience at QB next year. And the two qbs battling it out will not have the same speed as Dawson. Could we see Quisenberry at QB? And the loss of Bodner at RB will be huge also. Boyle will be good but I'm starting to think I don't know if they will be as good as this years team.
  11. I hope he does well there, but let's just be real he's not competing in the 11th Region at Frankfort.
  12. Yeah ok, no coach wants to just coach and not win the region. That's every coaches dream. Ed is a great coach and I loved seeing him in the 12th region, I just don't see him winning many games at Frankfort.
  13. Great Coach but why Frankfort. You will never win the Region there. I would think he would go to a school that had a chance at winning Region this late in his career. Frankfort has absolutely no shot in the 11th Region. Good luck, Coach.
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