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  1. I respect your opinion and we will just have to agree to disagree. Even on preps which is a much better ranking system than the RPI Graves was 11th which is obviously not top 10. I wish PT the best of luck on the year but their schedule isn't great in my opinion.
  2. I don't think I said they were not good I believe the word I used was strong. Across the board they are not strong but there are a few good teams. When you look at other classes they had several contenders while 5A simply did not. Not knocking them at all but to call a team who finished 11th in RPI and then got smoked in round two good is a bit of a stretch.
  3. How do you define good? Graves was 8-4 last year didn't win their district and was put out of the playoff 51-3. They were put out by the eventual state title winner in that class but even in RPI they finished 11th in their class. All of this in a class that most people don't consider to be very strong right now. So do you care to elaborate on why you consider them to be a good opponent?
  4. Yeah believe it or not I know a little bit about how the game of football works so I understand matchups. I may not comprehend it to the level that you do. However, one thing I do comprehend is that against Cov Cath PT had less than 300 yards of total offense and only 14 pts. Now again I may not be the best at understanding but Cov Cath was not even close to the #1 defense and that same defense gave up 41 pts and over 400 yards to Boyle. No matchup scenario A to Z overcomes that period.
  5. They better keep adding more. Corbin tried the same and it didn’t work for them either. PT got put out by a team BC beat 41-0 so they will need a whole Cold War worth of stock pile!
  6. The mighty dollar could be one? The fact that he is from there maybe? Not saying they are good reasons but they are reasons to leave SW for Russell.
  7. Had a little birdie tell me today that it is in fact Foley and will be announced tomorrow. While I trust the person that this information is coming from it wouldn't be the first time that I had reliable information that ended up being false. So I guess time will tell but hold on to you seats this may be getting interesting.
  8. Congratulations to the co-defensive coordinators! The defense seems to be in great hands.
  9. The workouts are only an issue when they lose didn’t you know that?
  10. I don't dislike their chances. I am just going by how they may be health wise and mentally after the game against Corbin. Not saying Corbin is world beaters but I assume it will be a physical war that can take a toll on any team. I personally hope that Pulaski goes 10-0 with that schedule!
  11. My Predictions for the Maroons: Aug 23 at Beechwood - Loss but the game is competitive and close. Aug 31 at Danville Win by running clock. Sep 6 vs. George Rogers Clark Win by running clock Sep 13 at Corbin Loss but game is close Sep 20 vs. Woodford County Loss (little bit of a brain fog from the game before) Sep 27 at South Laurel* Win (The players will want this win more) Oct 4 at Madison Central Win Oct 11 vs. North Laurel* Win Oct 18 vs. Harlan County* Win Oct 25 at Southwestern Win but very close game setting up a wild playoff matchup. (Signals a change in the tides of Pulaski Co) Finishing 7-3 for a promising start to the era of #BURNS BOYS!
  12. I have talked directly to Tyler Ray he is not considering leaving BC for any jobs at this time.
  13. I know Tyler Ray was mentioned earlier but Boyle also has two other assistants who might also consider this move. One is Jackson Arnett who has been a head coach before and may consider making that move again. The other is Nick Mills who I believe recently considered the Hazard job which would also mean that he might be ready make the move towards being a head coach. There are what seems to be a lot of semi local options for this position.
  14. I wouldn't be shocked if he applied. He is a great coach and would do a tremendous job at Lincoln Co. If he does or has applied don't be surprised if he is the leading candidate.
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