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Jumper_Dad last won the day on April 29

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    To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible


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  1. Lakers job is more trash than not until King Flop leaves!
  2. A play that goes down in UK history and will be talked about for years to come.
  3. Another thought, that was the final game in PAC-10 History.
  4. The final strike!!! Kentucky pitching gave up just 3 hits in two games. The Beavers had a great game plan tonight, as I think they went to a 3-2 count around 15 times or more. At one point in the game they had fouled off 14 3-2 pitches. UK pitchers lived on the edge all night but got the outs when they absolutely had to.
  5. I think most NBA coaching contracts are 100%, unless fired for cause.
  6. Rumored Lakers to offer $100+ for 8 years, that's a pretty strong offer.
  7. If he goes, every UConn player immediately can go in the portal. If they were to mostly leave, the next coach would struggle to fill an adequate roster at this point. As far as the Lakers go Woj was on TV earlier saying Lakers are offering a long term deal and see him as a legacy coach like Riley and Jackson were.
  8. UK wrapped up their Regional with a 5-0 win over Indiana State. UK will host either Oregon State or UC Irvine in the Super-Regionals next weekend at Kentucky Proud Park.
  9. Just like there were a few players early on that tried to dismiss Tiger Woods ability, most of the tour either supported him or kept quiet. Their reward came over the next 3 to 5 years as weekly tournament purses grew in some cases five times what they were pre-Tiger due to more TV revenue and sponsorship brought on by Tiger. Heck if I was in the WNBA I'd hope that she go for 30 every night just the create a buzz and excitement for the game. I understand playing her tough not wanting her to beat you, but the extra curricular activities away from the ball just don't make $en$e for group of players constantly complaining about lack of pay. I don't think it's as driven by race or sexuality as most do...it's just pure jealousy on the part of the women in the league.
  10. Her teammates have been slow to have her back in the few flagrant issues that I've seen.
  11. They had the stats, but I didn't think they included them in career stats league leaders list.
  12. UK wins 6-1 and will wait for the winner of Indiana St/Illinois Sunday at 6:00. UK is one win from advancing to the Super Regional next weekend.
  13. Those Chariots were hard to control I bet! Sidenote: I actually remember that and had attended practice a few days before the race...92 I think.
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