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Everything posted by Footloose

  1. I too will be glad when they hire the new coach so a new thread can begin. I believe alot of fans and parents are glad that the drama of the past two years are over. I WILL NOT be attending any more girls games. I've heard and seen enough drama to last years from now. It still continues, as we see in these posting! This year, Walton will not have a year end banquet for the girls and their families and friends. It's only the bball girls. Now that tell you just how the season ended. :irked:
  2. As I person who witnessed his attitude from the stands,:sssh: I would hope Cheesman doesn't have a chance. He was out of control at several of the games this past year. I don't believe Walton wants to jump in that boat. Also, as far as cleaning house with all the coaches, the AD's spouse is one of the coaches and I can't see that happening. I believe the AD has a huge influence on who gets the new job. Just my opinion.http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/ubb/sssh.gif :sssh:http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/ubb/sssh.gif :sssh:
  3. Sounds like a great game. Congrats to the Lady Panthers and watch out for Gallatin next year!
  4. I think most parents that I have seen do stats either don't trust the stat keeper or are trying to prove someone wrong which is probably the coach. I know at the high school that my kids attend the stats are published to whoever wants a copy at the end of the season. And if you ask during the season, you can get the information too. This could be used as a reference to college coach, etc... even for scrap books.
  5. What's does parents sitting in different places in the gym have to do with this thread??? Parents have been sitting in various places in the gym for more than the last 3 to 4 years that I have noticed. I choose not to sit next to certain people at games because they yell at the refs or their kid and even the coaches during the whole game and it gets old. It would be one thing to hear fans cheering for the team but now days all I seem to hear is complaining from parents and some fans and I choose not to sit near them and many are very free flowing and loud with their mouth.:scared:
  6. I vote Cory Farris as one of the best hitters in Nky. Seen him play many times thru the years!
  7. Congrats Lady Cats! Awesome win. Great job Jones!:banana:
  8. This is like comparing apples to oranges. Clearly SK is a bigger school and has more athletes to pick from just like Scott Co. This district at times gets fairly evenly matched until you throw in SK. They, just like Scott Co. when they were in this district, walk all over the other teams. Who won't love to see an upset! Go Bearcats!
  9. Madman, you're already crying about the officiating and the game hasn't even started. Just face it Gallatin is probably the better team hands down. As far as officiating, when it's bad, it gets bad for both teams. Last time I checked, I don't believe that we have a handful of refs in the area both Gallatin & Walton area under the age of 60 years old. Most of those refs have been around for at least 30 to 40 years.:creepy:
  10. Those days are long gone where have you been?:laugh: I can go back 10 to 20 years past in HS sports and it seems everyone complained back then too. Now, we just have BGP to record it on and read it again, and again!:laugh:
  11. Congrats to the big blue & white! Go Wildcats! Going ALL A... all the way!
  12. Will be a close game. Maybe even OT. If it goes into OT, I believe Trimble will pull it off with a win.
  13. Madman, what's your beef with the Seniors? Granted not everyone is a "leader". You play as a team and win and lose as a team. I'm tired of reading blame the seniors, blame the coach, blame etc. It's a team effort so quit blaming seniors for not stepping up. Each girl has their talent and just because they are a senior does not mean they are going to excel more than what they are able. As to warm ups, it seems to me most girls teams cut up and don't always take it so serious. Sounds to me you are to upset to be glad about a win. Not all games won look pretty but a win is a win when you read it in the paper.:bunny:
  14. Can say that I can blame them if they're not happy being in. Even though the eight grades maybe good, some people are sick of them being crammed down their throat. This is a team not "look at me, I'm an eighth grader and I'm so awesome". It's about the team not the little girls. No respect for any on both sides. But YEAH Walton's winning and that's is all that matter and YEAH the little girls are Walton savior.
  15. Congrats to the Lady Demons. They fought hard to win this game! Great game!
  16. Congrats to Lady Bearcats! Awesome win!!!! Jeanie, I'm very curious too about Dixon and Sargent. Are they in the "dog house"? They are both strong players and could help contribute to the team.
  17. Wow. Would never have thought the spread would have been so much. Grant is a pretty physical team. Guess the injury and Hopperton being sick really did have some affect on the outcome. Congrats to Pendleton!
  18. A plus for WV because they will not be playing at Carroll Co gym. Walton seems to do well at Trimble's court. Heeger seems to know how to light up the 3's there. This will be a close game. Walton needs to have a guard in Girdy's hip pocket. This will be one of the most exciting games of the year!
  19. No sold out on Coach Rosen be a "miracle worker" that still remains to be seen. WV has a great team and maybe they are tired of hearing all the negative stuff and are concentrating on executing the plan to move forward and have a great season. Way to go girls!!! Onward to the Henry match up and ALL A!!!!
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