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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. Its not what you said at all, its how you said it. "Good job refs! Way to keep it close !" In my opinion that just sounds childish. You won the game and you're complaining about the way it was called. Many people could complain about the advantages that Rose Hill has over other schools in this state, but thats a can of worms I'm not going to open. Last year when RH went to state, I listened to their ball games and wish they would have won the whole thing, I think its great when a team from this area gets a shot at one of the giants from lexington, but from your statements in this thread its Rose Hill against the state of Kentucky. You stated you had to leave the region to get a game called fairly and thats just not the case for Rose Hill or any program in the state. "For Fraley, or any other coach, to approach a game with the attitude that the only way to win is to hack on their opponents stars, get them upset, and cause them to get into foul trouble, is not ethical coaching." Did you talk to Coach Fraley ? Did you get that info from a reliable source ? Or did you just come up with that off the wall theory all by yourself ? Maybe the players were just playing aggresive ball against a team that is bigger, stronger, faster and more atheletic than them. Thats what good ball teams are taught to do. I highly doubt that Coach Fraleys intentions were to hurt any of Rose Hills players. This is basketball not chess....If you react this way to the way a young Boyd County team's physical play I suggest you prepare yourself for a real shock when you play some of the bigger more atheletic schools. Everything you have said in this entire thread has really blown my mind.


    Like I already said, sorry I offended your delicate sensibilities. I didn't mean to blow your mind.

  2. Is this what its going to be everytime Rose Hill plays a close game,or gets beat.?


    No. No one can blame every loss or close game on the officiating. And of course the RH coach, if she feels as I do, can not afford to vocalize those feelings for fear of reprisal from the officiating crew. This discussion is going down hill. There are always going to be disagreements about close games. I didn't realize my comments would generate such disharmony amongst the ranks. Sorry!

  3. Since my post from last night has been the subject of so many replies, and since the emotions of last night have had time to digest, let me clarify a few things. As stated in an earlier post, the refs are assigned to work the games. That elimanates RH, or any other school getting refs to work their home games they feel will give them an advantage. So the posts saying it is impossible to have a game called badly in your opponents favor on your home court don't hold water.


    The point was also raised that it wasn't the # of fouls, but the timing of the calls, and the players being called. For Fraley, or any other coach, to approach a game with the attitude that the only way to win is to hack on their opponents stars, get them upset, and cause them to get into foul trouble, is not ethical coaching. To use the advantage of having a larger bench to work in fresh legs is a sound philosophy. To have the attitude that the larger bench means more fouls to give is conceding the fact your team is outmatched. Rose Hill won what was a sound victory until the end when BC made their "comeback" against RH's bench. These two teams always play physical ball against each other. To expect this year to be any different was just wishful thinking on my part. I'm just glad no one got hurt in this hack-fest. The refs need to keep better control of the games so the fouling does not get out of control.

  4. You are right! I bet the Buckeyes are rooting for USC, they dont want to lose in the bid one.Michigan would beat them.


    You are dead wrong. Troy Smith is one of three OSU QB's to have 3 wins against Michigan. To have the chance to get 4 wins, 2 in the same season, along w/ the Heisman would be a great accomplishment. We would welcome the chance to play U of M. As I mentioned in another thread, I think U of M is the best won loss team, and the second best team in the nation. I would welcome a rematch, on a neutral site, just to quiet all the nay sayers.

  5. Thats classy. Yeah, all the local officials got together and formed a plan to ruin the lady royals chances of getting back to state, espically during the HOME games. The game was at home, if you have problems with the officials maybe you could say it in a more toned down manner.


    Sorry if I offended you, but since RH's program has come unto itself, the only way for them to get an evenly called game is to play outside of the 16th region. Rose Hill has tremendous talent. Their biggest weakness is the depth of the bench. Opposing teams know this. To get Queen, Terry, and Faulkner on the bench is the best chance for a W against the Royals. I wouldn't mind the fouls on RH if the calls went both ways. But I'm tired of seeing the RH girls get beat to death on one end of the court, and called for playing patty cake on the other.

  6. Can you imagine the dynasty we are gouing to have if USC beats UCLA and OSU??? If they pull it off this year they are very young and extremely talented for the next couple of years...


    I believe ABC cancelled Dynasty several years ago. They lost in the ratings one night to an unranked show.

  7. He would have been abused tonight for sure. Did anyone else notice that UNC wasn't whistled for a foul until 12:18 seconds had passed in the 2nd half and didn't commit their 3rd foul until less than 45 seconds remained. They've got a fine team but when you're allowed to crash the offensive glass with impunity no matter how much contact occurs it greatly helps your cause. They probably would have won anyway but the absence of Oden and the foul dispartiy in the 2nd half sealed the Buckeyes fate.


    With the fouls being called like they were, and the shot clock situation at the end of the 1st half, I believe a little "home cooking" helped UNC. I would like to see a rematch at a neutral site. That would make for a better game.

  8. I'll save my prediction for when we actually know who the Buckeyes will play, but everyone predicting a 2-3 touchdown victory by USC hasn't watched the same Ohio State team play this year that I've watched. Whoever makes it to the game, USC, U of FL, or U of M, they will have their hands full with the Buckeye offense, defense, and special teams. Tressell will have his men ready for whichever group of boys shows up.

  9. I am not a UK or U of L fan, so I think I can be objective. As long as Rick Pitino is the coach at U of L, Tubby will get the recruits Pitino passes on. He may get the occassional standout that is intent on going to UK, but Tubby will always play 2nd fiddle to Rick Pitino. The only way this will ever change would be for UK to get a coach the caliber of Billy Donavon, someone w/ some KY ties that would garner the kind of respect Rick Pitino does.

  10. Currently, Ohio State has had 98.25% of respondents think they would make these hypothetical playoffs. I'm curious as to how much hatred you would have to have for a program to not vote for, what is clearly, the best, most deserving team in college football. Pull your heads out of whatever body part they are hiding in, and vote on merit, not on personal feelings.

  11. Coker seems like a great guy, very good coach and far too often, the coach gets the credit or in this case, the blame for the actions of his players.


    I know the argument would be, "he and his staff recruited them"....which they did but they are young men, young adults if you will and they must be responsible for their conduct, actions and respectful.


    Miami has long had a reputation, of less than stellar character players and perhaps the will to win, has been overlooked and perhaps the players themselves, must be held accountable. Too many instances have occurred over the years for the Hurricanes and growing up and being responsible, is as important, as winning football games....because this time, it cost a good man his job.


    Coker has no control of his players. W/ last years bowl brawl and the FL INT incedent this year, it is clear his players don't respect their coach, school, game, or themselves. You would never see teams coached by Joe Paterno, Pete Carroll, Jim Tressel, or any number of coaches, including Bobby Knight (I know, wrong sport), act like the Miami players have acted for many years. They have a thug mentallity at Miami. Until that changes, nothing else will. Good luck to the next coach, he's gonna need it.

  12. No way Boise State should be in. I think everyone would agree if they played in any of the BCS conferences, they wouldn't be close to undefeated. I am not trying to take away from what they did this year, but no one can convince me that they are better than the teams in the big conferences. They just don't have the athletes, I watched them play the other night, and they definetly aren't as big or strong as the majority of teams in major conferences.


    Boise State, if this playoff was real, would have to be considered. Regardless of your opinion of their competition, the fact remains they are are a D1 school that is undefeated.

  13. Brady Quinn's performance and decisions in the first half have taken him out of consideration for the Heisman. Troy Smith was, IMO, already the clear choice. This game is just locking it up for him. I would still like to see ND pull this out, but the offense is going to have to step it up like the defense.

  14. I think a point being missed here is that Troy Smith broke the big rule by taking money from a booster. This wasn't a family friend he'd known for years, this was a straight-up cash payment for a football player. It does in my opinion tarnish everything he'll ever do on the amatuer level.


    This was a mistake made by a young man being influenced by big money. Every person posting on this subject, if put in the same position, would most likely react in the same manner. We all make mistakes in our younger years. Troy Smith has matured into a very responsible young man. I am very impressed w/ him during interviews. While I'm sure taking the money is something he regrets, I would suggest it was part of his growing up process. Just one of the many life experiences that help build character. When you learn and rebound from a situation like this, as Troy has, it only makes you a better overall person. For someone to suggest this situation warrants not voting for him for the Heisman is ridiculous and shows how much some people really hate The Ohio State University.

  15. Last I heard newspapers were about selling papers. Does Rose Hill have much of a following?


    I would say they have a rather large following. At any RH home game, you can see cars in the parking lot from OH and WV, as well as KY. I even know of a local family that was relocated for work to Texas, that upon hearing that the Lady Royals made it to the final four, pulled an all nighter, and arrived in Bowling Green in time to watch the semi-final game. I would call that quite a loyal following.

  16. Well, marooncat, in response to your query, let me make a suggestion. Since Rose Hill was last year's state runner-up, since the CJ poll has that team rated as the number three team in the Commonwealth for the coming season by the CJ poll, since two of the team's three all state tournament team members return, since both of these girls were all state last year, since these same two girls are rated in the CJ poll as the number three and number four players in the Commonwealth, since these two girls are two of the three leading candidates according to Cat's Pause for Miss Basketball, since both of these girls have signed major D-1 scholarship offers, since these two girls will finish their careers with over 5,000 points and 2,500 rebounds between them, since no other 16th Region team is listed as a top 25 team in the CJ poll, and since no other 16th Region player is listed among the top 25 players in that same poll, it would appear that, out of respect for what this team and these girls have accomplished and are predicted to accomplish, these two girls and only these two girls should grace the cover of the Daily Independent's girls's basketball publication.


    I think, marooncat, that these two girls have obviously earned the honor as few, if any, have earned it in the past and, to answer your question, it would be a good place to start.


    Couldn't have said it better, myself. The only thing I would add to this, after seeing Rose Hill's schedule, would be the refusal of local schools to play RH at home. For the state runner-up to have only 4 home games is a disgrace, and shows a thorough lack of respect from almost all area high school AD's. Not only no respect, but maybe a little contempt mixed with a lot of jealousy.

  17. It is very possible that people can justify having OSU play USC in the game and calling it the National Championship. If USC wins out they would have had a great resume on their schedule, and would very much deserve to be in the title game. While UM had one good outside of conference win and then the rest of the wins came against mostly weak Big 10 teams this year, and when they played the only other good team in their conference they lost. While if USC wins out they also would have a win over ND, but also wins over other good teams...


    The difference between U of M and USC is that USC lost to nobody, and U of M lost to the best team in the country.

  18. You guys that are hating on Michigan are not being realistic. I am a huge OHIO STATE fan, wish U of M would lose every game they play. But Michigan is the second best team in the nation, certainly the best 1 loss team. I've said it before, but w/ the thumping they put on Notre Dame, and the way they play the BUCKEYES, they earned a spot as the best 1 loss team. The thought of U 0f M winning a nat'l title makes me sick, but they are more deserving of a second loss than anyone else is.

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