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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. I like Marvin, but it has to start at the top. The Bengals are becoming the "U of Miami" of the NFL. If they don't stop this now, the wrong mindset will take over completely. It already has a strong foothold in the Bengals organization. If the players had real respect for themselves, the game, or their team, they would stop this crap. But everything comes too easy to these thugs. They think they have a right to anything they want, rather than to have to work for what they earn. I hope the Bengals front office will clean house, Marvin included, build a team around Palmer of other like-minded individuals who want to be successful, but know it will take a lot of hard work and clean living to get there.

  2. I'm not saying that is what happened...I'm just saying it could be...As for that being unprofessional?? I can tell you that officials will not tolerate their partner or fellow refs being disrespected...They will often "T" up a coach if they make derrogatory comments toward their partner...If they witness it during their game after witnessing it during the game prior to their's they may take any negative comment they hear during their game as a continuation of the disrespect to their profession that they just witnessed...Again, my point being if I do not want to be a "target" I am not going to do ANYTHING that may place a bullseye on my back...


    And Britt certainly has a bullseye on her back, as far as some folks from her former school are concerned. Whatever she gets, she deserves. Right?

  3. After reading this post I spoke to one of the officials from the JV game and they confirmed that the player at the center of the "conspiracy" was indeed making comments a good deal of the game...He stated that they were personal comments that may bother other officials but he found them comical...Here are some of the comments: "Hey, don't blink or you'll miss a call...Oh wait, you've been missing them all night"..."I saw you blink, you just missed another one"...Another one was, "Better get a head start cause I've seen you try to get up the floor"...Those may not be the "exact" words but that was how he remembered them...


    By the way, an assistant coach was sitting there in the area around them...


    Now, if I were feeling that the refs were "out to get me", I don't believe I would perpetuate my reputation of being "mouthy" or "disrepectful" to officials if I were wanting things to change...While the refs in the JV game ignored it, it could be possible that the varsity officials watching them work did not appreciate the disrepect of their colleagues and let her know it when she opened her mouth during the varsity game?? Just a thought...


    This is not hearsay...It came directly from one of the participants...


    If you're way of thinking is correct, then the varsity game officials were dead wrong to let what they heard during one game they had nothing to do w/ affect how they called their game. I find the taunts quite comical. All fans, at one time or another have gotten onto the officials, some more than others. You must remember we are dealing w/ high school kids here. The adult refs have to act like adults and not intentionally pick on one or two kids because they didn't like what they heard from her. I Didn't hear what she said during the game. She very well may have deserved the "T". I'm only responding to your comments of the refs not liking what she said to their colleagues. If this was the case, they need to reexamine whether they are mature enough to officiate HS games. Maybe they need to go back to jr. high or biddy ball. If they did that, maybe they wouldn't need that head start to get down the floor.

  4. When Marshall went out on a limb and gave Moss a chance, they had to babysit him. The Huntington PD was always at his apartment for domestic violence calls. More often than not, they hauled his girlfriend away. While sometimes, going after these troubled athletes may be worth the risk, I would be very gunshy. It would be a shame for UofL to get into a situation with Williams like Ohio State did w/ Clarrett. My dad always advised me to stay away from trouble, and it has paid off.

  5. I realize that Laura Terry did not score as much as we are used to seeing during the All A, but she does a lot of intangibles that do not show up on the stat sheet. I am surprised she did not make the all tourney team. Of course this does not mean that the girls that did make it are not deserving. Congrats to all of them



  6. Is there a reason RH hasn't scheduled for a full season of games per the KHSAA rules? Apart for the fact that a full schedule better prepares the girls for post-season, as a 16th region fan I would like to watch RH in as many games as possible.


    I've not discussed this personally w/ Coach Euton, but I believe an attempt was made to schedule more games, w/ several area teams opting not to play RH. The only other option was for Coach Euton to schedule a bunch of out of town games, which there have been plenty of, requiring 2-4 hour bus rides before a game, or an over night stay. This, although sometimes necesary, is not an ideal situation for the girls. I would love to have been able to watch more games, but w/ the refusal of local teams, not all, but some, to play the Lady Royals, the shorter schedule was probably the best option.

  7. Remember that warnings are not necessary once the game starts. In the pregame meeting with the team captains from each team and the two head coach's, the officials read a sportsmanship card that is required by the KHSAA.


    This is the warning for all players and coach's.


    About throwing the ball over the backboard and getting a warning...this should have been a "T". It clearly states in the rule book that this is a delay of game action that is penalized with a unsportsmanlike technical foul.

    It also indicates that this is showing up the officials for the call they made.


    Don't hate the ref...hate the rule!


    Then Terry should have been called for a technical. This just furthers the discussion on poor officiating.

  8. The complaints about the officials have nothing whatsoever to do with the relationship among the fans. One of the three does a very crebible job and though she is young and new to the ranks, she will be one of the very best officials in the 16th Region in due time. The other two simply continue to demonstrate their incompetence every time I see them call a game.



  9. I'm sure if the coaches felt Britt's technicals were justified, they would take action. If they feel as I do, that tonight's T was total crap, then why punish her twice for something that should be a non-issue anyways. If a player gets called for a foul they disagree with, and walks away from the ref griping, that is, IMO, much better than being in the ref's face. This technical foul tonight was totally uncalled for.

  10. I'll get ripped for this again, but this game was just like the game between these two teams on Nov 30. The refs kept the game close. RH ballers get hacked to death w/o getting the calls. Queen gets slammed to the floor intentionaly, and only gets a foul out of it. Faulkner complains about the treatment she is getting, and gets a T. Great job by the Lady Royals to keep it together and play team ball under these circumstances.

    I'll really open myself up here, but the fans had to yell at the refs and have them stop the game more than once to have RH points posted on the board. I would like to hope they were just slow getting the points on the board, but I don't think so.

    Once again, great job Lady Royals!

  11. I'm not going to post on this thread any longer. It has turned into a third grade argument with name calling and the whole works, myself included. I believe LSU and U of L are quality programs. It just gets my blood boiling when when I hear all the haters bashing on one of the most storied and highly decorated teams in the history of college football. Heck, I even hate to hear Michigan insulted over things that aren't true. The Gods were smiling on Florida on Jan 8. Without making excuses for the loss, play the game a day earlier, a week later, it may have had a different outcome. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, GO BUCKS!

  12. We OSU fans do not need to crawl back anywhere. What gives you the right to dictate what we say or believe. If what we Buckeye fans say or post bother you so much I suggest you may want to look elswhere. You have a right to post as you say or believe but I think all the people here have and expect that same right. Just because you hate the OSU program don't think we should all just bow down and give in to what you judge to be right or wrong. I have read your post on many subjects and there have been some very good ones but every time someones disagrees with you or post about a program you dislike, suddenly we as fans should all run and hide. No crawling here. I will continue to support the Buckeyes as a fan and that is the way it should be.


    Everything I would have said to LSUROCK was said by the cat. I would only like to add that I can't wait for the Nick Saban to get the Crimson Tide on their feet so they can whip the crap out of LSU and every other SEC powerhouse. If OSU fans are laughable, then I submit SEC fans to be jealous dreamers. GO BUCKS!

  13. ^ That's not true...I said all along that I thought that LSU would likely handle Louisville, I also now think that USC would too....U of L would certainly have been able to play with OSU and UM.


    I support UofL, but you need to wake up from your dream world. OHIO STATE or Michigan would have walked all over the field on Louisville or any other Big East team this year. We'll never have the chance to prove it, but I fully believe this.

  14. I did not "leave" her out. Anyone that watched RH last year knows that she was a vital part of the team (possibly even the glue that made it all work). I did not think that she even needed to be mentioned. I was stressing that Yates and Spradlin, while not possibly considered high profile players are missed very much this year.



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