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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. Politically speaking, what makes Gray so much more popular around the state than any of the other viable candidates for Miss Basketball? What does she have that the other candidates don't?


    Goegraphy. She is more centrally located to the Lexington media. The TV coverage, radio talk shows, and Herald Leader coverage give her the advantage over the other players you are looking for in your question.

  2. Well said, Scooterbob...and you highlight a point I tried to make in another thread. To suggest that other's stats be considered alongside Gray's is not to suggest that she is undeserving. It is to observe that sportswriters and others do no more than recycle opinions when they report that she is the clear frontrunner (and one can find coaches or recruiters who would say the same thing about Brown, Queen, Terry, etc) without at some point demonstrating it with what is the only measuring stick we have in sports...a record of performances over time, averages, stats.


    This discussion quickly takes on the appearance of tearing down one kid to build up another precisely because that objective element is so lacking...and the players don't deserve that.


    You bring up a point I should have mentioned. I, in no uncertain terms, had the intention of impying Gray was not deserving of the title should she get it. I only want everyone to realize a conversation on this years Miss Basketball has no legitamacy at all if Queen and Terry are not mentioned as front runners, as well as Gray.

  3. I have seen quite a few games this season and I share Fletch's opinion. (I haven't seen Scott County play). There are some very, very good players across the state. but Brown is the best senior player in any game I have watched.


    I would counter this w/ saying both Queen and Terry can give anyone a run for their money. They have two handicaps. The first one is having two superstars on the same team. It is an absolute pleasure to watch these two girls play together, but as far as individual accolades, they hurt each other. With that said, I believe both girls would choose to play together amd share the spotlight, than to not play together. The second handicap for Queen and Terry is the disparity of talent amongst their own teammates. All the RH girls work hard, but Queen and Terry play far above everyone else on the team, let alone most girls in the state. This makes them both a constant target for double and triple teams and any coach preparing his/her team for RH keys on these two young ladies. Even w/ the continuous pressure, these two keep turning out all star like performances game after game.

  4. I know I may be biased, but as impressive as the numbers are for Queen and Terry, they are even more so when the realization hits you that these two have had to share the wealth. Gray is a good player, no doubt, but either girl from Rose Hill is more deserving. Consider last years sweet sixteen performance by these 2, the fact that they have to play the entire game most of the time due to not having a bench, and it is clear that either Terry or Queen would be very deserving of the Miss Basketball title.

  5. Did I overlook it, or did sunday's edition of the "Independent" not even mention the Rose Hill victory over West Carter in the David Garnes Memorial? I have searched for it several times, and can't find any ink used to report this game. Good coverage of local sports. WSAZ shows up and features it on their 11 o'clock news and the local news provider misses it completely.

  6. Kala is at U of L as a McConnell Scholar which, of course, has nothing to do with basketball. I think all who know will agree that a McConnell is somewhat more significant than is an athletic scholarship. By walking on at U of L, she earned her place on the team which, I would point out, had nothing to do with receiving any accolades and everything to do with her work ethic and determination to succeed.



  7. It's my understanding Terry was playing w/ the flu and couldn't keep anything down. Courageous effort. She still played the entire game. I wouldn't be so quick to judge the D-1 recruit. We've all seen her play many games where she was the dominant player on the floor. Any one could have an off night, especially when they're sick.

  8. I just smell a bunch of hate for a program that is at the top right now. Clarrett shouldn't even be brought up. That guy was/is a nut job, and w/ the talent he had, he could have went to any # of schools and embarassed that school like he did OSU. Even w/ all his talent, Tressell cut him when he realized what a handful he was going to be. OSU is having a lot of success, and there are just some folks who can't stand it. I suppose, w/ the trouble Smith got into a few years back, he should have anticipated this and turned down the Heisman. Then you guys would be saying he disgraced the award. This was a no-win for him because somebody would have put their own personal spin on things to make him/OSU look bad.

  9. Not always...I promise...the NCAA is much closer to these kids now, than in the older days.


    This may be true, but I still think Smith paid for his mistakes and deserved the Heisman this year. Had he gotten in trouble this year, or even last season, I wouldn't think so.

  10. Because they got caught cheating, it is OK?


    Right...and not every program cheats...make sure you are clear of that.


    Not every program gets caught. I should clear this up a bit. It's not always the program itself. It can be in the form of an aver zealous booster, or just in general community actions. I was a decent athlete in HS. I couldn't go anywhere in the county w/o getting free stuff. If it wasn't food, it was movie tickets. If not movie tickets, it was clothing from nice retailers. If this stuff happened to me in HS, I have to believe it happens to these guys, as well. Only on a much larger scale.

  11. As I stated earlier in this thread, Troy Smith was very deserving of the Heisman. For anyone to be so naive as to think that there is a major program in the country that doesn't give their scholarship athletes some type of gratuitous reward (that's basketball also, not just football) is living w/ their head in the sand. The fact that OSU caught the incident, OSU reported the incident, and Troy Smith has learned from his mistakes speaks volumes, not only for Smith, but the entire Buckeye football program. Troy Smith is a quality young man. He won this award on the field. He will add a ring to his finger on Jan 8th. He will go high in the draft. Get over it.

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