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Royal Uncle

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Posts posted by Royal Uncle

  1. Knight will never hold a candle to Rupp. This was said before but Rupp has 163 fewer losses than Knight. End of Story.


    While not disputing Rupp's greatness, I think it is necessary to take off the big blue glasses and look at this objectively. Rupp amassed his wins in a time when the competition was not what it is today. The only real threat for recruiting he had was Wooden at UCLA. In today's game, to have the win total and winning percentage Knight has is awesome. If Rupp were coaching today, while I believe he would have a better team than Tubby currently has, I think you would see him falling in line w/ Coach K, Knight, Smith, Donovan, and the rest of the top coaches of today.

  2. What are you guys going to say when Southern Cal whips Michigan and Florida takes care of business against Ohio State? The Big 10 will look like the Almost Big 2.


    Come January 8th, I hope someone digs your post up. If Michigan has to settle for the Rose Bowl, and if Florida is given an early Christmas present by way of a trip to the BCS title game, The Big 10 will finish in prime fashion. I predict double digit victories for both OSU and U of M.

  3. I'm sorry Card fans but I was thinking about Rutgers and how close they were and everything...and you people haven't said anything about their program. OK you backed into the BCS bowl game thanks to a team losing in three OTs on the road. I'm glad y'all are going instead of Rutgers, but...Oh I'm done.


    Can you smell the hate? Why not just let the U of L fans enjoy their moment in the sun. They have a good team. The Big East was so competitive this year, you had to know it would take U of L, WVU, and Rutgers on the last day of the season to decide a champion. I'm only surprised Cincy wasn't in the mix yesterday.

  4. I think that last year's OSU team was better, this defense is not very good...but Florida turns it over...so I look for OSU to be the champs.


    While last years defense was great, the most points this team had scored on them 17 until the Michigan game. One 12 point, 10 points twice, 6 games w/ single digits, and 1 shutout. Michigan, the #2 team at the time, scored 39 points on the Bucks, the only team to even give them a contest. They held the defending nat'l champs to 12 points. This defense may not be the best, but to say they are not very good is not being realistic.

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