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Posts posted by acemona

  1. With the other line of thinking, anything that a group considers a sin can be outlawed.


    Prohibition comes to mind - that social experiment worked really well

    Terry Schiavo - as I have already mentioned, and the government was spot on

    Teaching Evolution in the Classroom (Scopes trial ruled against evolution)

    Galileo's theory that the earth rotates around the Sun


    In this particular case the logical conclusion is that a fetus has human rights. If that is the case, most birth control pills must be banned b/c they prevent fertilized eggs (embryos/fetii) from connecting to the uterine wall - causing "death", I would guess from starvation or suffocation since the connection allows respiration and feeding to take place. Isn't this also cruel?

  2. They have pretty much dropped out of BINGO since the smoking ban came to Frankfort. Not making as much money as they have historically and they have to make it up someway. The Boards of Education have to raise taxes to pay for these activities or they have to charge more at the gate, or they charge to play.


    It is disingenous to say you get in Free at the games in Lexington when the kids that are on the team have to pay somewhere in the neighborhood 500.00 just to walk on the field. If they play 30 games that is more than $15.00 per game for the players, and people complain about 5.00 to get in. WOW


    Any suggestions on where to get the money to support the program if 5.00 at the gate is too much.


    FWIW I think 5.00 was becasue it is a district game.

  3. The scariest part of this whole thing (outside of your moral beliefs) is that now the supreme court has decided that a medical procedure performed in the privacy of a doctor's office with the consent of the patient is illegal. What a slippery slope we follow.


    I am opposed to transplants on moral grounds (not really) but I begin working to ban the procedure based on my moral convictions . . . I work to elect a president who is also against transplants . . . she gets elected and appoints supreme court justices that agree with her positions.


    Transplants are now banned.


    See how scary the possibility is . . .

  4. In his book, Credo, William Sloan Coffin states - I paraphrase


    Everytime that we stand around after some great tragedy and scream toward God, "why did you let this happern" - God is surely standing in heaven and crying toward us - "why did you let this happen".


    We are God's hands and feet on this earth and I believe, as a general rule, God does nothing unless he does it THROUGH us. Of course through prayer and contemplation we can bring God's hand down and miracles can occur - but we are now God's representative.


    When evil occurs it is because we have failed in our job to bring God's Kingdom to earth ('Thy Kingdom Come') it is not God's failing us.


    Please let me caveat here that I love America and I love most everything that it stands for . . . but given that


    It is man that has created a society of haves and have nots. It is man that is prejudiced and oppressive. It is man that withholds love from others. It was sick, twisted individual that committed these heinous acts but we have some liability in creating a world that causes people to act like this . . . some responsibility, some lies with us.

  5. I don't believe that it is simple and straightforward. Otherwise, it would not have became a Supreme Court issue.


    I think that the point of 81's argument is that this may not constitute being a school issue. This kid had not even attended school that day before they were dismissed to attend the activity. As such, the argument is that he was acting as a private person and would not be held to school rules and prohibitions.


    I am a teacher and I would not allow a student to hold up such a sign at a school event. However, I don't think that this falls under the premise of being a school event.


    Example: At a basketball game I would not allow a student to hold up such a sign. Nor would I allow any fan (from either team) to do so. This is definitely a school sponsored event. However, if I go to Wal-Mart and see a student of mine holding up a sign, I cannot discipline them for it. I can't take it away from them. As an individual (not as a teacher) I can give them my opinion on it, but they are acting as a private person.


    You are right, the issue of jurisdiction is not straightforward, however, the issue of the school having the authority, and I would argue the responsibility, to stop the behavior WHEN the school has jurisdiction is straightforward.


    Think the court will rule only on the matter of jurisdiction. If the school had jurisdiction then they acted appropriately, if not they may have stepped outside of their bounds.


    TB & G - would it make a difference to you if the student had not been at school and the event was a school softball game played on a field owned by the city or county and not the school district?

  6. Sure it all applies - given the function of a particular circumstances we agree to give up some of our freedom for the benefit of the function.


    Schools, as places of education, have generally agreed that they would not allow the promotion of activities that they feel are detrimental to the health, education and welfare of students. "Society" has agreed that this is a good thing. Therefore the "right" of free speech to wear shirts or unfurl banners that promote these things are restricted so that a healthy learning environment can be maintained.


    It is really pretty simple and straight forward.

  7. The Tinker case talks about students not having their rights abridged when it came to expressing a particular message. This student even admits that he has no message - therefore no protected right to say whatever he wanted.


    Schools have a responsibility to create environments that are safe and conducive to learning. I am now working in my third different school system and each one of them have had rules forbidding students from wearing shirts mentioning drinking, drugs, and even sexual innuendo (remember the Big Johnson shirts of the 90s).


    This should not even be in the realm of protected speech, and if you have read my other posts you know that I am a big LIB.



    Just for the record - I give up my first, second and fourth amendment rights a great deal 'out in the real world' - have you been on a plane lately? You can yell "fire" in a crowded theater . . . you just accept that in certain places there are certain rules that you follow - as much for decorum as anything else.

  8. The coaching card is by the Kentucky High School Coaches Association. No school has to honor any passes, it is not a KHSAA mandate. And, btw - the region coaches and ADs make the decision at the regional meetings not the host - all decision are based on a vote with each participating school getting one.


    These schools really do need the cost of everyone's entry. Most districts are no longer able to foot the bill for athletics so they rely on the teams/coaches to fund themselves.

  9. Here is the most simple of all facts that many pundits and politicians do not get, or choose to ignore. (Amazingly I think GWB does get it).


    Were it not for Mexicans and other people entering the US from Latin American countries we THE U.S. would be in a state of population decline. When you have a population decline the economy sufferes (not enough people to do jobs) as does programs like social security and other pension plans.


    We are running out of people in the 25-50 age range and if we do not allow the workers, aliens, illegals to enter the country we are going to be in a fix.


    Even witht the slow economic growth of this first quarter, enemployment is still amazingly low at around 4% - why? There are more jobs than people to fill them.


    Just for kix and grins, the terrorist of 9-11 were here legally and had gone through the process. They were not crossing the border looking for jobs.


    Simple put we need the immigrant population to grow and we need to find a way to get them to pay SS taxes to help supports those of us who will need it in 10-15 years.


    one more - the Bible (for those Christians on here) tells to to "love the alien in our countries". FWIW Matthew 25 tells us that whatever we do unto the least of these we do unto Jesus, and if we do poorly - then we are separated from the sheep and associated with the goats.

  10. I'd say Zanny is talking about kids going to Lexington Catholic for academic reasons moreso than athletic reasons.


    Just for the record, when adjusted for socio-economic status Public School students outperform private school students on the ACT and during their college years. In exceptional public schools you don't have to make the adjustment for socio-economics standing of the students.


    Private School, especially conservative christian ones, with the support from RW radio have sold the public a bill of goods that is not true. Even in the state of KY where our education is so bad.




    I don't know if you can use this link, but you can go to the Kentucky Council on postsecondary education and look under data/reports and view the High School Feedback report.


    It is telling.

  11. I would say that to suggest that Jesus blessed you and allowed you to have a nice car or nice house is unhealthy religion. To do so is to suggest that Jesus intentionally caused someone to get Alzheimers or CP or to be born with Downs syndrome.


    To connect worldly happiness with other wordly doings I think is the antithesis of the Jesus message. That message is to pick up your cross daily and follow him - not get in your BMW and follow him.


    Why would a savior who railed so much against worldly ideas of success bless someone with wordly success. That is just crazy. This is not to say that there is something you should do with all that you have but to say "God Blessed me and Gave me this" is like saying, I prayed hard so I won the basketball game.


    I would say blessings from God occur in non-worldly riches.


    But that is just me.

  12. It is not a so called crisis, it is a real crisis.


    At the end of fiscal year 2006 the Bd of Ed. paid an architect fee of 150K+ out of it s general fund. (The money was immediately replaced in fiscal year 2006-2007). When the $$ come out of the fund, it actually put Frankfort in the red. KDE has seized financial control of the district and will at the very least have a strong influence in personell decisions including # of teachers and coaches at all levels.


    School Districts, by law, cannot run deficits and must maintain a 2% contingency fund. Frankfort fell short of both of those.


    If Foley is creative and parents work hard, they should be able to overcome any cuts in staff through fund-raising support by the booster club.


    All Frankfort needs to do to improve is to give the coaches the freedom to coach without worrying about job security related to coaching strategies.

  13. States contribute about 50% of local school revenues

    Local taxes contribute about 47%

    Washington contribute about 3%


    (I am taking a school finance class and just learned this yesterday:jump: )


    If a student chooses to leave his home district (A) to attend district (B) and District A does not choose to release the state money, district A does not get to keep the money it stays with the state, so there really isn't an incentive not to release the money. The incentive I would say is to try to emulate district B to get the students to stay in their home district.


    Also, it takes about 9000.00 to educate a student in public shools and the ADA $$ that comes from the state is about 4,000.00. (I know this math does not work exactly with my numbers above, but remember they were a national average). The recieving school is still going to fork out some dough.


    Please know too that school districts cannot simply raise taxes to generate more money. If PV assessments are such that it generates 4% more in revenue in one year, the district cannot raise taxes without them be subject to a voter recall.


    As for the public/private notion, IF district A felt district B was recruiting, they could cut off all reciprocal money and potentially cause a financial hardship for district B if district B continued to take students. (See Breathitt County and Jackson City). Public schools do not have this safeguard with private schools. This is not to suggest that any school recruits, this is just a "talking point."


    BTW I have a 9 year old son in 4th grade. He has spelling nearly every night and does rote multiplication/division sheet EVERY night and is expected to read 15-30 minutes every night.


    I think there was a myth propagated early on in KERA that basic math and grammar were going by the wayside, especially grammar. This was based on the writing strategy that i call free writing. The goal is to make writing less frightening for young students, so they are told - on these particular assignments - to simply WRITE and not worry about spelling and grammar. This did not mean that they would not learn grammar at other points, but at least on a few assignments that goal was to simply write. If you view or read some of the senior portfolios, you will see that there are some awesome writers in the state of Kentucky today.

  14. In the state of KY we do not require people to wear motorcycle helmets b/c we want them to have FREEDOM of the wind running through their hair, even though we KNOW that wearing helmets saves lives. We also did away with the VET test in Louisville so people wouldn't have to spend 15.00 and 30 minutes of the day, once a year or so to prevent ridiculous amounts of particulates entering the air in Louisville. BTW sincethat time Louisville has not met air quality standards and has lost money, but by gollee some have saved 15.00 and 30 minutes.

  15. If you are going on Paul's word, then no one should ever get married. I think the goal, if you are wanting to take the scripture seriously is to spend a great deal of time understanding the culture in which it was written. While we like to ascribe a future looking author, most of the writers of the new testament thought that Jesus would return in their time. If you can understand the culture then you can understand the reason for that suggestion, and see if it necessarily applies to where you are now.


    it would be my premise that the writers of the new testament did not envision a church hierarchy as we have now so the priest would not be completely set apart. for those that did envision it, it was probably because of their Jewish heritage . . . for what its worth.

  16. As a young boy I had to sit in he car for hours on end while my parents/grandparents smoked. It was a horrible experience for me, including causing severe headaches and burning eyes, so that they - parents and grand-parents - could indulge in a "habit" that they could have easily chosen to avoid. (Since we are negating all studies that says smoking and second hand smoke is unhealthy, we might as well negate the ones that say it is addictive). Spend anytime around young people and I will guarantee you that you will notice a difference in the behavior of children of parents who smoke and those who don't. It is unfortunate that no one has ever completed a study on second hand smoke and ADD or ADHD but I, anecdotedly, would guarantee a connection.


    Taking a kid to McDonalds, and forcing them to ride in a car with two adults smoking are distinctly different things. There are some benefits to putting food into your body, there are no benefits to putting smoke into your lungs. Besides, if your kid doesn't like McDonalds you are probably not going to take them there, however, if they don't like to smell/breathe the smoke you are forcing on them you are not going to quit. You will tell them to suck it up.


    Sometimes when people do idiotic things you legislate against it. But of course sometimes you give in to the idiotic things and unlegislate it i.e. the helmet law and the VET testing in Louisville.

  17. It matters not whether I am a "fine person" or not. All that matters is protection of the constitutional rights of our citizens. The Allen Central people have a right to free speech. Just because it may (real or orchestrated) or may not offend someone else is of no relevance. I oppose the constant war against Christianianity in the entertainment field but I must accept that they are covered by the First Amendment.


    Those of you who side with TDS in this are doing so out of emotion. Our rights are not based upon emotion. If they were, a lot of our civil rights and civil liberties, including many of minorities, would have been extinguished long ago.


    Legally, TDS, its "handlers", and all of you who support this fiasco are wrong. The freedoms of the First Amendment go in both directions whether you and I like it or not. You, out of nothing more than emotion, want to limit the rights of the people of AC. You are wrong. However, as I have stated before, you will win this one in the end. One small step for censorship, one hard hit against our freedoms.


    If Allen Central can stand on principal say they are not going to quit flying the flag - then The David School has just as much right to stand on their principal and say they are not going to play. Refusing to play does not preclude Allen Central from flying the flag. Freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences. Just ask The Dixie Chicks.


    Also, while prejudice and discrimination are distinctly different, when prejudice is practiced by a government entity (i.e. a school) then when are entering into a seriously gray area.


    I think Centre College does an excellent job or reprepsenting their southern heritage with the Old Southern Colonel as their mascot, and they do it without a tinge of racism.

  18. Ace, just trying to help, but you say I'm off the topic...Where is the word Cosmic Christ in Scripture? Again God will condem people who don't come to him to everlasting torment if they don't get a chance to come to him. You need to give God more credit. Merry Christmas to you and yourns.


    The Romans Scripture mentioned above.


    Colossians 1 v 19 ff


    1 John 2:2 ff


    1Cor 15:20 FF

  19. I don't know how to lay my hands on it, but I have seen it written (several times) that the #1 predictor of student success is having a mother with a college degree. The corelation is absolutely stunning.





    i won't disagree, I will simply rephrase my proposition.


    The #1 predictor of student success - that can be controlled by the schools - is student teacher ratio.

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