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Wildcat Legend

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Everything posted by Wildcat Legend

  1. :argue: It's April 12th, please only post accurate info
  2. I too would like to say that W. Allen is a great competitor, and I enjoyed following his career, I in no way meant to slight him in any way.
  3. No disrespect to Mr. Allen--I think he'll have a solid college career--but as far as Mr.Basketball, IMO he doesn't hold a candle to Slaughter. I have no alliegence to Slaughter, I just think he's the real deal.
  4. "A" and"AA" have nothing to do with it. My school is a very small "A" and we have one of the nicest facilities in the eight region with shot clock's already installed on the upper concourse railing. Also only one of our "A" schools gym's would be considered sub-par. If my vote means anything I say put them in.
  5. IMO A.J. Slaugter, when do they announce this? p.s. Big Zig, just an estimation, how many ice cream cones do you think you and batters box had over the four day's?
  6. Great job sandman on learning how to use the little smilies, they really bring some intelligence to your post.
  7. :jump: :jump: You should have used some of those same suggestions back in the day when I would dominate you in "dunk ball"
  8. Are they announced before that, to the public?
  9. Does anyone know when the KABC regional awards will be announced? Coach of the year-all region team-so on.
  10. No your not---and that's the reason everybody hates Nky
  11. You might not have a problem with paying twice, but it seems all sk's other fams did. Why don't you let them know we don't do that down here in the eigth region, our gym is big enough. I made my my first comment on the basis that of the eight teams in the tourney--sk brought the least amount of people. To be so "good" they don't have a very good following.
  12. What ever---Great job Henry Co. on yet another great regional tourney. Great gym and great history, the p.a. dude was on loan due sickness. You must be a Scott County fan.:madman:
  13. So throwing various types of beverage containers onto the floor, during the winning teams celebration, is considered "losing" with class in Kenton County?
  14. Yea Jealous that Sk and Shelby are playing for the region crown. Just trying to stir the pot alittle bit. You all are good and probably 20 pts better than my boy's. How fun would this site be with out alittle playful arguing.
  15. Your absolutely correct--They deserve the credit-- I was just saying that Slaughter was the real deal. Also Sk is the real deal--Just trying to stir the Sk faithful up alittle bit.
  16. :mad: That is until tonight... Haven't missed an eighth region title game in 20 yrs., not going tonight gonna go watch the local barber cut some hair. That will be more interesting than watching SC destroy sk.
  17. Thanks Mr. Atlas----I don't mean Charles either :lol:
  18. As far as you Mr. Taylor----Did you see any of the games you mentioned? I'd be willing to say NO. First game with Anderson was anybody's game with 3:00 go, second one they got down early by about 19 and cut it to 6 and had the ball with 2:00 minutes to go, with Oldham the game was 4-6 points the whole game and Gallatin missed two lay-ups, if they would have fallen, it could have went either way. As far as the Grant game it was the second game of the year, ya Grant won by 11 I believe but once again was a 3-6 point game and Gallatin, no question played the worst game they played all year. So your double digit theory is for the birds.
  20. CC might win, but let me be the first of many to tell you if it comes down to the bench---GC will win by 20. CC has no bench and GC has 9 of about the same caliber players.
  21. I wish they were still in the ninth too. Not because of the basketball team, but their fans.
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