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Posts posted by atticus7

  1. Yes, but I believe "time wounds all heels".


    :ylsuper: He really wasn't that bad of a guy but I would have preferred Clint Eastwood or Paul McCartney with a speeding ticket rather than Woody with marijuana. For that matter, even Ashley Judd.

  2. I say Ky wins this one and takes the SEC tournament in 4 close games. Patterson and Meeks co-MVPs of the tournament. In the NCAA, the Cats go to the Sweet Sixteen and Billy G is forgiven by all. I told you all it was booze or Louisville and I just can't switch to Louisville yet.

  3. I say he begs Meeks and Patterson to stay and we watch year 3 and 4. I would have given him year 5 but I deduct it because of his rudeness. If he has two more years like these then he goes. What if Patterson and Meeks did stay and we had a great team next year? It is not an impossibility like the SouthernSportsFan suggested.

  4. Only on BGP can you find a person who actually not only has met said Woody but also has had to "debate" him.


    Very impressive.


    Usually, when a criminal defendant is on videotape committing a crime AND admits under oath at trial he committed the crime he is found guilty. Woody not only was found not guilty but the jury got his autograph after the trial and said to the papers "the prosecutor just didn't have any proof". How embarrassing. And it was on the Today show the next morning. So, you can see I just can't vote for Woody. The good news is this all happened in 2000 and I'm doing real well recovering from this loss. Maybe time doesn't heal all wounds.:D

  5. I admit I am having my fears and the demons are coming BUT they did with Brooks too. In fact, I have been wrong so many times in my life I cannot begin to count the times. I was wrong with Brooks because it seemed he should go and was not making progress after the Ohio U. loss especially. But I know I'm right about this, we get rid of Billy now and we are in worse shape. More instability. And do we get rid of the next coach in two years? He COULD help himself with a couple of charm school classes but that is beside the point.

  6. I'm as disappointed as anybody in the season but, as I said in another thread, he MUST not go this season. I don't even think he should quit or that it should even look like he was forced out. If he is quits because of the pressure or is fired then who comes into such a pressure cooker. He was co Sec coach of the year last year and this year goes south the last 10 games and our coach gets the boot. Bad for us. Bad for the future. Let's see how he does the next two years (and how this one ends up) before we do something that will run off high profile coaches and recruits.

  7. I saw a clip a few years ago where Coach K was just starting out at Duke and it showed a young Coach K with a 29-32 record. Even if Casey is correct I believe it is still too early to tell. More importantly, I worry how UK attracts a high profile coach who realizes his shelf life is two years; especially after seeing what happened to the co-coach of the year his first year. It is frustrating but we cannot adopt this attitude this early IMO.

  8. I really want BCG to succeed but at UK you must win. If you are nice and lose you will eventually get the noose around your neck but if you are surly and curt AND lose the former is preferred over the latter. I think there is a method to his madness and he will be a success; his past has proven this to be the case. I DON'T understand why he wants to mess in his own bed with Leach. I haven't figured him out yet. For that matter, I haven't figured out the SC game yet either.

  9. I try to base my opinion on last year. Gardner Webb at the beginning of the year with the other losses and the TN loss and the wins without Patterson and winding up barely losing to Marquette in the NCAA. After GW, if someone would have told me Vanderbilt would beat Ky 41 points with Patterson and TN wins by 3 without Patterson, I would have said no way possible. Then to close out the regular season with victories without Patterson was improbable as well. As the announcers said at the UK/Marquette game, this UK team isn't the same team that played Gardner Webb. Put another way, how did Ky lose at home to GW and play Marquette tough in the NCAA? Without its best player. I felt it had something to do with Billy and his development of the guards. Although it may be a madness, there does appear to be a method to it; at least last year. This year's method is frustrating however but I remember Rick saying it would take him 5 years to get Ky back on track although he got there earlier.

  10. I am a little older than most of you on here so I should be more mature about losing. I have done murder trials as a judge and prosecuted a movie star as a county attorney. I had a man shoot himself in front of me with a swat team during a hostage standoff a few years ago and in 2003 sat with my brother at Jewish Hospital as he died. I mention these things because I think of them as I try to make myself watch UK games now. I try to tell myself I have had worse situations. But I really cannot bear to watch a full game lately even though it is just a basketball game. When the winning shot was made in the S.Carol. game I screamed like a campfire girl. Pathetic. If they don't start winning soon, I'm going to turn to booze...or worse...Louisville!!!!

  11. Barry Manilow - Even Now

    Barry Manilow - Copacabana

    Barry Manilow - This One's For You

    Barry Manilow - (almost any song up till 1980)

    DeBarge - Who's Holding Donna Now?

    Donna Summer - Last Dance

    Perry Como - Make Someone Happy

    Jigsaw - Sky High

    Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride

    Jimmy Dean - Big John

    Lorne Greene - Ringo

    Kenny Loggins - Return To Pooh Corner

    Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed T Live Without You?

    Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual

    P.Williams - The Love Boat Theme (!)

    Peabo Bryson - If Ever You're In My Arms Again

    Spyro Gyra - "Romancing The Stone" (Theme) & (Morning Dance)

    Richard Harris - MacArther Park


    Just to name some of them!


    All these and especially the bold ones.

  12. AHA! Something at which I have an outside chance of being successful.


    However, being a competitive person; I'm afraid that I would be tempted to rent some skis, hit the bunny slope, take on something that I'm not capable of, and mangle an appendage.stretcher.gif


    :thumb: I hear you but my wife is afraid to play bingo and did it as did my 10 year old. you just have 8 years on me. We're not too brittle IF we stay on the tubes. If you get on the ski slopes I cannot take responsibility for you. I got dizzy just looking up at it.

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