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Posts posted by atticus7

  1. Atticus, for some reason I thought you were from Booneville, not Beattyville. All this time I was wrong!


    No...but that is a great place to live too. A lot of people seem to cheat at golf from there but they are otherwise a ok! Is the professor still here.lol

  2. For years when someone had a miscarriage I simply said to that person that "you will have another" or "Too bad". It didn't seem that big a deal because the child wasn't born. All that changed when my wife and I went through our first one. (Watch Marley and Me for an exact replay of it) It was an emotional sucker punch. I just couldn't believe it. I told my wife we would succeed at this if she wanted to do it and the next time we were a success. But I know the blues you have right now. In fact, my wife and I had two more miscarriages which was not what we were told the odds were. 3 miscarriages and one birth was the reverse of the rule. But we persisted and I would not trade the child I have for anything. I am sorry for your loss but remember the Balboa quote which I tell my son now: Nothing hits as hard as life...but it is not how hard you hit but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." You will have well meaning people say insensitive things in the near future. Nothing you cannot handle. You have handled the worst already. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, others have been there and that I have thought about this off and on all day wondering how it would come out.

  3. Bibby said something like people who didn't believe in us can go to hades to paraphrase. Later he apologized. Laettner, not even close as villians go. Simon was a very good announcer this spring for the NCAA. Couldn't stand him in 97. Like I told two Arizona detectives bragging about the game when I was in court one day, I pointed out that we didn't have Anderson and Walker had gone to the pros. So take your two best players away (Bibby and Simon) and give us Walker and Anderson and see how close it is. My point was UK was so good that losing two great players and Zona having their team and the game goes to OT. Good recruiting.

  4. You have an incredible opportunity right now. Read "How to Start and Build Your Law Practice" and go it alone. Do all the GALs and warning orders you can, probates, divorces, etc. Anything you haven't done...get on Westlaw and get a new case and then call that Circuit Clerk and ask for a copy of the file which equals AUTOMATIC FORMS from A-Z and makes you look like a genius. Get your forms organized. FORMS, FORMS, FORMS. Six months is all you need and you have already done that. I started cold and asked questions for 6 months. You are ready and just don't know it. Like an eagle sitting on a nest. Time to fly. Best of luck to you.

  5. I would have a very hard time in trying to pick just one. I know some on here but there are far more people that I don't know, alot of those I feel like I have known them for years.

    Ram is a good friend and I would love to join in one of his well known tailgates at Raceland football games as soon as I am able I will certainly be there. Others would be RTS, McPapa, Birdsfan, Swamprat, Rebel K, Commando (we could talk fishing), Mr. and Mrs. PH, Gold Sunrise, a atticus 7, Alabama Larry,Stick1 and John Anthony (One of the few tOSU Buckeye football fans on here and very knowledgeable)

    I know there are others that I am just not thinking of right now.


    This is a good point...there are so many you want to that it might be easier to pick one or two you WOULD NOT eat with. You know..like Professor or TTC. Just Kidding guys. Hello Old Rambler.

  6. I was as wrong about Hartline as anyone but let's not act like there wasn't plenty of reason to be down on him.

    That said his performance against SC this weekend was as good as any UK QB I have watched. His decision making under pressure was flawless. He made some of the best throws of his or anyone's career at UK and I hope he can continue this level of play. If he does and the D can play like they did in the second half UK has a shot at running the table agaisnt the remainder of thier schedule. I won't hold my breath for that because they are famous of coming out flat after big wins but who knows.


    This is very true. I am surprised he came out of it. There was a factual basis for the negative opinion. But the 180 degree turn and against such competition. Like I said, the crow tastes good. In fact, I will be glad to eat more of it.

  7. I am sorry Mike Hartline. I told my father at the beginning of the year..."he (Mike Hartline) has no arm strength and cannot run. Hartline will be pulled for another qb once the SEC starts and the big guys get hold of him." I was wrong. Even if he never completes a pass the rest of the year I never expected this kind of plaly out of him against these types of teams. I stand corrected.

  8. One thing I took from this game different from others in the past was that UK did not blow a lead in the 4th quarter or the like. They came from behind. I could use countless examples; especially with TN. 3 and 1/2 quarters of a lead and lose it. But to come back and tie..I was at the game and it was a bloody mess....easy to give up on. I was proud of them. A top ten foe at that.

  9. I have been kind of worried about this for myself. I mean going from a C to and A is quite a stretch. My first two years of college I had a 2.3 GPA and decided to buckle down and finished with a 3.5 my last two years. What if my law school goes back that accepted me initially and declares me ineligible retroactively? I know my high school teachers won't back me up because I had a C average there as well. I have already won some trials. Will they be forfeited? This could be bad. Whew! Glad I got that off my chest. lol

  10. I will ask the question Dick Vitale posed to a tv audience on Derrick Rose: What coach wouldn't play Rose when he had been cleared by the NCAA to play college basketball? Can you imagine having him sitting on the bench, cleared to play and just sitting on the bench? It was very interesting question or two although I have been told a coach must know better; it still seemed to be a good question.

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