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Everything posted by DRAGONPAPPY

  1. Its good to hear this from others. Winning is great and nothing compares to victory. But, victory after struggle, defeat and sacrifice is sweeter. And sometimes victory isn't winning at all, but in giving it your best, knowing that the odds are against you and being able to look your teamates, coaches, fans, families, and God in the eye and not to be ashamed, even in defeat is a greater victory than any win. I'm proud to be a Dragonpappy among Dragonpappies. Big group Dragon hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Its cool! I love the current Dragons muchly, some like my own kids. They will represent well. I'm hoping for more Ws this year, cause its tough without them. If I hadn't went through last season as closely as I did with my boy and the rest of the seniors and watched the class and dignity they played and lost with, as well as the way they stuck together, I may not have been able to defend them. But since I was, I had to challenge any idea that they lacked heart. Again, no worries 68!
  3. I'll have to disagree strongly. Last years guys had heart in spades! One player all year quit a team that lost all but one game. How many teams can say that.The weakness was talent and numbers, not heart. These guys wanted to win and loved to play, they were just outmanned and outgunned. The Cawood game was winnable and Jenkins was actually won, but thats another story. The rest was just lack of manpower and talent. I'm speaking of the seniors here and I do know them and was with them all season. You can't measure heart in ws and ls. I also know many of these kids well and they will do their best and have plenty of heart and Dragon Pride no matter what the score shows.
  4. And with all the love and brotherhood in my heart, may I say GO BIG GREEN! Harlan thread afterall, but I mean that in a calm and mutually respectful, politically correct way. Really I do.
  5. As a former partisan in the city/county wars, turned Monk in the order of "can't we all just get along", I would offer the following. The Dragon fans will see it their way and the Bear fans will see it their way. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I must now return to my meditation and valium.
  6. Geez, even LB recognizes veiled sarcasm when he sees it.
  7. Ok Ok I'm here LB and being almost 300 pounds myself, we would make a good start to a fine line. Maybe I could recruit you (lol) to Harlan City with an offer to work at street sweeping or something. You know theres only 11 Bears can huddle up at once. Some of y'all might join our little old team. I guarentee a playoff game lol!
  8. If HDE gets this impression from me anyone may have, so let me make this a public apologia to anyone who attends or has graduated from a Harlan County School. I truly have never meant to say that Harlan High is the be all/end all. Our school has issues like any other. If I have offended anyone, please forgive me. My issue with the county I guess is really an issue only with a couple of folks and I may have been projecting a little with them in mind. I will in my own defense say that there are other negative mentalities from some of the county folks who post here as well, but thats up to them to correct. I really believe that there are many positive things ahead for the county system if they focus on education. Its ok to have great sports teams, and a fine school. My cynicism comes from lack of faith in some in leadership to make it happen. I am going to have to correct my attitude and in order to be able to do that, I am going to join with my arch-rival Lungbuster, and even to take it further, will not post anything negative ever again about the Harlan County School System. I very much appreciate HDE and all of my friends and aquaintainces who are products of the County system, and I'm sorry that I've allowed myself to offend any of them in responding to LB or any other that I let get my hackles up. So my new motto is "if you can't say something good, don't say anything at all". Sorry guys. oh.. Go Big Green! couldn't resist.
  9. You do just fine with your words HDE! As I've tried to tell LB and company, who thinks I'm trashing everyone who ever graduated from a county school, its the mentality that the new school will solve all the problems I'm railing against. Its a step and a step in the right direction. If they do this right the next Editor from HCHS could be working the New York Times....
  10. My point is with yourself and similarly minded folks, again, not with most. Your post could be applied to the folks that keep telling all the folks in the county that the new school is "the answer".
  11. I'm not concerned with most, just the few that have a big green chip on their shoulders
  12. Just for that Go Bears! Ugh! Call the paramedics!
  13. There you go putting words in my mouth LB. Listen, the education in the county high schools has taken a hit the past few years. I think that a very small part of that is the difficulties with finances and offerings, but I think a large part at least in one of the high schools was discipline. I'm gratified that that came back to that school last year and I believe its a good start. I have tons of friends that are products of the county and they are highly successful/intelligent people. The fact is though that in "general", HHS has been a cut above because education has been the focus. What I was saying, contrary to your mind reading, was that if the student Athlete's "focus" is education and to play sports, HHS is a great choice. Again, being on the biggest, baddest, winningest team isn't always what its cracked up to be. I sincerely hope the new facility will be the magic pill its being billed to be. All of Harlan County will benefit.
  14. Sorry I misunderstood YC. Thought maybe LB had brainwashed you. Whew! Thats a relief. Beg yer pardon!
  15. Give me a break HDE, I'm not as much as a night owl as you!
  16. Well I have no idea why the "powers" decided not to play. However I for one think that the "powers" at HCHS would like nothing better than to bring their 80 or so into HHS and beat the crap out of us just for the pleasure of a certain group that would enjoy it. I'm glad they won't get the satisfaction. I'm for waiting 2-3 years, then starting a yearly game that will never go away not matter how either team is doing. There is one certain well known HCHS official who takes a little to much personal pleasure in his wins over the Green for my taste. So there is your "not touching this post". Its a pretty typical attitude though. Thanks for being predictable.
  17. I agree with the decision to not play the bears this year. I think after the hype dies down about the new school and it can be a productive game for both, they should go back to playing.
  18. I probably could if it weren't for great Bear fans like you LB! Just can't generate that Black Bear spirit!
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