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Everything posted by ladiesbballcoach

  1. Considering baptism and your faith in Jesus Christ is a personal decision, this is one of the areas that I disagree with those who practice the infant baptism. No one can make that choice for you. Although, I would be interested in what Scriptures that the Catholic faith bases their infant baptism on. Not a Papal Decree but Scripture. I understand that we are all sinners at birth but the one that says that I could make that decision for my child. But that should be for another thread and not here.
  2. You want to see some shots, go to youTUbe and search for Pistol Pete Maravich winning the NBA Horse competition.
  3. Well, I found a minority group that this white male is a member of. I am proudly a member of the 19%.:thumb:
  4. I understand that. But according to him he was Catholic from birth to 13, too.
  5. You pose a conundrum for me. TOTAL first instinct, I would abstain from voting as there was no candidate for which I could support. Is that 10% Pro-life? Big question for me.
  6. Now THERE is an interesting statement that I would love to see you put in a thread and discuss.
  7. You would have trouble voting for someone that believes Christ is the Son of God and our Lord and Savior???? I thought you were Catholic.
  8. I am waiting for the post that blames Tubby for Lofton not progressing enough to make the NBA.
  9. Isn't it amazingly sad how in this country that the location of the baby determines whether it is a life worth saving or a bunch of tissues that we can destroy.
  10. So, the faith that is supposed to be the most important thing in my life and drive every decision that I make is NOT to be used to drive my political views? Am I supposed to be a Christian 24/7 except when I walk into the voting booth. It is okay to never consider voting Republican but not okay to consider not voting for someone that has openly rejecting God and Jesus Christ? Are you saying that being a Republican than is worse than being a person who has rejected God? Because you would be okay with a person not voting Republican because they are Republican but not okay with them rejecting a person who is an atheist?
  11. Well, with Obama in charge, that baby would be denied a doctor to care for it, so what is the big deal. We elected a President who didn't support a doctor (well except for the one that just tried to kill it) being there to aid this baby.
  12. Nope didn't say that. Even so, can you grasp the way of thinking that some Dems would never ever vote for a Republican? Or vice versa?
  13. I have said it to many people that they remind me SOOOOOOOO much of the Ray Kues Brossart teams without Katie Schwegman. All about the same height, hustle their rears off, run the floor, pressure you everywhere in the gym even at halftime of the JV game when you are getting popcorn at the concession stand, rebound, work as a team. They do so much of what is RIGHT about the way basketball should be played. The Klee girl is fun to watch pound the inside game. And I love the running and trapping. You cross midcourt and think, WHEW, I made it past that press and here comes a trap from behind. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. The seem to be a team that would be a joy to coach.:thumb:
  14. Yes. to your question to me. Might not be politically correct but it is honest. Now, I am not talking denomination. No problem voting for pro-life Catholic although I disagree with many of their stances and even their view of the pope. Or any of the other Christian denominations. I am not saying they have had to accept him as their personal Savior, although, that would sure make it easier for me, but not reject who Christ was/is. And let me repeat, while I am not always successful and that really perturbs me when I am not:irked:, I tried to make those decisions with the thought in mind, when I stand on Jdugement Day in front of God, what is He going to think of this decision. Unfortunately, I am like Paul and get frustrated when I fail too many times at this.
  15. Okay, let me rephrase again. If a Muslim who rejects the idea of Christ as the Son of God but merely is a man is running for President, I could not vote for them and ask them to represent me in the White House when they stand firmly in the belief that makes up the very core of me. If an Atheist who rejects the idea of there even being a God asks for my vote, they will not receive it. Could you vote for either person and really believe that God would be okay with it? You supporting a person who rejects God's Son?
  16. BTW, congrats to St. Patrick. I have been impressed with each of their teams in the numerous games I have seen them play. I love the style of play that Coach Douglas has them playing and I really enjoy watching them play. I expect them to win their district and if they get away from Montgomery County, they could easily be playing in the last game of the regional tournament. And on any given night, they could beat Montgomery and make that trip to Bowling Green.
  17. Format, location and date was decided in October of 2008 in the 10th Region Coaches Meeting. Not sure how you get 24 hours out of that. The coaches at the meeting decided on the format, agreed that they would take care of their own districts and then contact Coach Collins when their district championship was decided. My understanding is that the St. Patrick coach did not do that and the Bracken County coach, Patrick Kelsch was the one to inform Coach Collins who won their district on Saturday. If my understanding is correct, your district was decided on Friday night about 36-40 hours before the tournament was to begin. Not sure why the St. Patrick coach did not know the location and times.
  18. So, a guy/gal is up there running and you agree with everyone of his political stances but he says Christianity is a crock and you could vote for him and don't think God would be upset about your vote? Remember, I did not say non-Christian. I said a person who rejected Christ. What I mean by that is someone who says Christ is not who Christ really is.
  19. On Judgement Day, the Bible indicates that I will be held accountable for my actions. Why would I think that voting for a Pro-Abortion candidate or a candidate who rejects Christ would not be one of the actions. I think you and I BOTH will be accountable for every action that we have ever done. You for yours. Me for mine. From my understanding, that is what Scripture indicates.
  20. Wow, you were making personal choices at 24 hours of age? You must have been very advanced for your age.:sssh:
  21. Up and Down. Two nice wins in 3 days beating Bracken in OT at Brooksville on Saturday and the win over the Fillies tonight. But that came after a loss, 2nd of the season, to Bourbon County (who has only won 6 games all season) on Thursday. Stand 13-11 so far and are really wanting the first district title for Pendleton since 1995.
  22. I voted for No but the words "have to" doesn't correctly represent me. It would make it a lot easier for me to vote for someone that does share my religious views. I would not vote for someone that stands in stark contrast to my religious views. Anyone that practices a religion that rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our Lord and our Savior would not receive my vote. My reasoning is simple, I care more about what God will feel about my decisions on Judgement Day than anything going on in this country. And I can't believe He would support my voting for someone that has rejected His Son.
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