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Posts posted by justme2018

  1. We'll just blame it on the Wheaties....:thumb:


    Without question, I think most of us fans, critics and Bluegrass Asst. Coaches, would all concur that two things, about UK Basketball which is not appealing.


    1) Recruiting/Talent - why does it seem, other teams have Basketball players, whom can shoot from the perimeter; size at the #3 and #4, who can score inside and outside; can run a half court set.


    2) Tempo/Style of Play - Most would like the push, run and gun style for entertainment value but high scoring, often results in increase in points allowed.


    Is Coach Smith getting the commitment from some of his players, at both ends of the floor....if not, can he win with some of them not playing. Now I'm going to be critical, I won't say who but I saw a player who didn't box out a FT shooter last night, in a crucial point of the game, which I'm going to assume was just due to laziness or not being mentally into the game. Those are the things, lack of basic fundamentals which drive me crazy.



    I couldn't agree more that Lack of fundamentals is what gets me. I swear for a period of about 2-3 years UK was unable to hit a Lay-up or a 2 foot jump shot.

    I don't need to see a run and gun style just a little pick up in Tempo would be fine with me. It would be a different story if UK were actually running an offense when playing the 1/2 court game but standing around passing and dribbling isn't an offense.

  2. ....15-6 and lost to two teams rated #1, Memphis and yes, lost two straight in the SEC.


    ....:rolleyes: I'm certainly hoping, you are jesting and not serious....I usually enjoy your posts SW2000, but this is not one of them.


    I awoke this morning, to snow and I'm assuming, that the UK Basketball program was not dismantled overnight.


    You won't find a more Sports oriented person than I but some of you, analyze each possession, turnover, missed shot, bad pass and crave something to happen, which you can criticize....It's getting tougher to even post in a UK Basketball thread, regardless of win or loss.



    Sorry Strike 3 in some weird way it just came out. At the time of the post I hadn't had my wheaties.

    OK now back to a rational thought. Tubby is a good coach and UK does have some good players. I am UK fan thru thick and thin but something is missing and it has been since 2000.

    Players have come and gone but only one thing stays the same and it is Tubby.

    I dont know......I guess I just expect more and I don't think that is wrong.

  3. It seems as if Tubby ALWAYS has trouble with Dennis Felton coached teams.



    It seems Tubby has trouble with alot of teams, recruiting, Coaching players,

    And winning. I have been a Tubby supporter for many years; always defending him but I am about middle of the fence now with one leg over the other side.

    I can't take much more of this......IMO Tubby is the Larry Coker of basketball.

    Larry Coker---Won a Title in his first year with other players. (Yes he coached them but he already had the talent all he had to do was put them on the court.) Hasn't done crap since that Year. Yes he has had great Reg seasons. Big Deal!

    The style of basketball is just Boring... I can't stand to watch this crap.


    On another note; What are the chances the players are point shaving??:sssh:

  4. My next door neighbor actually sells Sprint Turf, which I believe is what he put in at Highlands. The price varies greatly with the amount of midfield or endzone art that you want. Also it will depend on how much non-playing field area you want to cover. He did say however that they can finance it the field for a school if they want to go with the new Sprint Turf, which by the way I heard it is great.


    It would be my guess that Booster BINGO could pay for your field in a very short time frame. Well that is if you are running it legit.


    If I ever hit the Powerball :banana: all three local schools will get turf fields. :ylsuper:



    From a Great source. Southwestern and Pulaski Co could have field turf by next Fall.

    They were out doing some pricing and samples last week.

  5. Rupp Arena provides very little if any home court advantage for the Cats imo...I hate the way the seating is assigned at Rupp but it has been like that for 30 years now and it will never change...The only time half of the lower arena in Rupp Arena yells is when someone stands up in front of them.


    Yep been on the end of that before.. WOOOO I let them have it too:ylsuper:

  6. I have been talking about this very topic all morning.

    If you were a TOP prospect what arena would you most want to play in?

    Unbiased answer:


    The crowd noise, the atmosphere etc... That is what makes college sports great. I think the way UK does it is wrong and dumb from the aspect of a former College athlete. I know that the people who seat around the lower parts are the big $$$ crowd. If they really cared about the program or how well the team did; they wouldn’t have a problem with this being done. If they really cared they would take a higher seat in Rupp to be more successful. (Or I would anyway)

    Most could care less it is a “Social Event” for them. Oh I have the $$ to buy UK tickets. Then they sit on their BUTTS wearing their suits the whole game. Only time getting up to meet another Suit wearing $$ donor or if they are getting food, or taking a bathroom break.

    Granted not all of those donors are these way but alot of them are.

    Alot of people talk about not changing because of the history of Rupp; well that doesn't matter to prospects these days trust me.


    Sorry about the book I have wrote here but this topic is very touchy with me. I have had encounters with these fans on numerous occasions. They told me to sit down during big parts of games. I along with the people I was there with were completely stunned and made it a point to stand the entire game.


    Of course all my opinion.

  7. --While Florida fans will deservedly be obnoxious until early April as the dream of dreams has come true holding the national titles in both basketball and football, it might not have been a first. Kentucky is listed in the NCAA record book as the 1950 football national champion after winning the Sugar Bowl over Oklahoma. Back in the day, national champions were crowned before the bowls. The 1951 hoops team won the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, meaning that UK also could lay claim to the double-double.--



  8. OSU rushed three all night long absolutely idiotic.


    Scared of the speed from the WR. Tried to play Zone and the speed stretched the field leaving the middle wide open. UF took what osu gave them 10 yards over the middle and a first down every time. If you can't get off the field on 3rd down you will not win. Leak played a great game!

  9. Should I pull out the photographs of this young man wearing a Buckeye cap, waving an Ohio State Flag or sporting his father's old Scarlet and Gray Buckeye jacket?


    I don't know where the kid went bad...:confused: ...and to think he still comes into my home and eats my food. Bought with my money that is earned because of the great education I rec'd at The Ohio State University. Oh Woody, where did I go wrong? :cry:


    Go Bucks!

    OH-IO :fight: It's time to start getting ready for the big game.



    ha-ha Show' Em... I was young and didn't know better; I grew up.

  10. I must admit that I'm in shock at how Kentucky is spanking the Tigers. I thought the Cats had a shot at winning, but I never dreamed the Cats defense would play this well. :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa



    I would have to agree with you on this. Clemson did just what I thought they would do, come in mad they were playing today and not Jan 1st.

  11. The reason being that......the NCAA found no violations took place.


    SWHSWarrior 2000...you know you would not have heard that from me. Come on over from the "The Dark Side" ..........show some Love for the Buckeyes. Besides, you know I can produce pics with you sporting some OSU clothing.


    One more to go



    Yeah I Know... ha-ha I was young and dumb :lol:


    Isn't my Avatar cute.

  12. If I accused you of being a fair weather fan in error then I apologize. Just seemed odd to me that a UK basketball fan would be watching ther Poinsetta Bowl as opposed to the UK game. As far as your comments about OSU, it seems that you are doing the same thing that you accused me of. Just for the record, I did not jump on any bandwagon after 2002, I have been a fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes Football since the early 70's and have looked up and watched film archive on them from before that so that accusation is wrong. Also, it is your choice but that $ sign :rolleyes: is really getting "old hat" amoungst the OSU haters. Seem stop me like fans always like to take "pot shots" at the teams on top in any sport. I really take it as a compliment in a way.:D


    Apology accepted. Just wanted you to know I wasn’t a fair weather fan.

    In my comment I was making reference to a lot of OSU fans not you in particular. Sorry for making it look that way.

    As far as the haters toward O$U they are everywhere. My hate or dislike maybe a better word was not because of the football program or the fact they are finally living up to their hype of many previous years. It is more based off personal experience with fans mostly those “fair weather “fans I mentioned earlier.


    Back to UK basketball. Hopefully we can pull together and get better by the time SEC play rolls around.

  13. I am agreeing with you. Pure shooters are not necessarily athletes. And athletes are not necessarily pure shooters. Tubby and most coaches, Ricky P included, seemed to favor athletes who can do several things besides poor shooters. Remember Mills was a walk on.


    Sorry I guess I read it wrong.

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