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Posts posted by BGGreen

  1. Johnson Central is a 5A school and only has one middle school, Johnson County Middle School, which is located on the same campus as the high school.



    I don't think this scenerio is at all uncommon, as most of the bigger publics have one or two large feeder middle schools? Up here in NKY that's pretty much the case, and even though the Catholic schools may have multiple feeders, they are mostly rather small (and are K-8 elementary schools as well) in comparison to their county brethern and also lose a lot of kids to the tuition-free public HS's. Not sure you can really "read much" into the number of middle schools feeding a high school??

  2. When talking about athletics, I dont think they get too many of the great athletes from the Catholic grade schools. Maybe you can name a few in the past that came to HHS in the 9th from ST. Thomas or St. Cath. Those boys have NCC usually branded on their hineys. sp?



    I recall a pretty good one, QB if memory serves, from St. Pius a few years back; and his favorite target was I believe from St. Thomas or St. Phillip!! They were pretty fair in hoops as well as I recall. :D

  3. He has been cleared to try and play. Which was completely unexpected but they gave him the choice to try and play and he has chosen to do so. Of course it may cause further injury but the kid just wants to play football a few last times. Whether or not he can play quarterback is yet to be determined but im sure we'll see him somewhere on the field. :thumb:


    Does he play hoops? Hopefully he can avoid further injury!!

  4. I do think the Juggs are going to Win this one! I was joking about the number thing,but I truly think Lloyd will surprise a lot of people this Friday and come to play!


    I've no doubt they will come to play, but facts are facts; and NCC's "D" has shut out four teams, given up 6 & 7 to two others and 18 to one of the best 6A teams in NKY!! In fact no team outside of class 6A has even scored on them!! Lloyd on the other hand is giving up 33/game against a small school schedule??


    I don't like Lloyd's chances unless they catch NCC looking ahead to a neighborhood battle with Campbell and their annual showdown with Beechwood for area small school supremacy!!

  5. I was informed yesterday that Rouse will now be able to play again this season. They have put a smaller cast on him I was told, and it will allow him to play. I know before he got hurt he was on pace to break alot of records at Ludlow this year, and was leading NKY in passing yards and passing TD's. So I know Ludlow will be very happy to have him back. I know news like this is just always great to hear, especially since it seemed like he would never get the chance to play football again...


    So welcome back Jarrett and good luck against Scott next week!!! :thumb:


    GO LUDLOW!!!




    Are you saying he's going to play next week? That's great news for the Panthers and Jarrett!! Hate to see seniors injured, especially with the year he was having. Best of luck to him the rest of the way and stay healthy!! :thumb:

  6. I do agree that the district "appears" to be stronger this year when in reality it is due to the move to 6 classes. A team can be ranked in the Top 10 in any class and really only be in the top third of their class. when there are only 33-36 teams in a class being #10 is not the same as when there were 52-54 teams in a class.


    If you doubt that go back to 2000 or 2005 when Beechwood, NCC, and Bellevue all had very good teams. Pretend NCC (and HC) were in 2A and out of that mix and you still had some very good teams left in district. However, the district overall now is not as strong as it was when NCC and HC were in with Dayton, Bellevue, Ludlow.


    Good points but ones that can be made about most districts and all classes' rankings!!

  7. Montgomery Co. High (1250 kids) has only one feeder program - McNabb Middle School.

    I think it is a terrible disadvantage (athletically) for a school this big to only have one feeder program.... as 2 middle schools = 10 starters coming to the frosh program.

    Just wondering what other situations are...


    Must be a pretty big middle school to feed a rather large high school. I think the issue would be to field multiple teams, as many middle/elementary schools do. The more kids playing at that level, means the more available to develop into good high school contributors. My kid's school (appx. 75 per class coed) fielded four seventh and four eighth grade boy's teams, and 2-3 girl's teams per grade. Several kids from the so-called "B" teams went on to fine HS careers, while some "A" team kids never made the frosh team.

  8. Hey thanks for being realistic and actually realizing that Ludlow really is pretty much at the same level as Bellevue, and that it was an upset when Bellevue beat Ludlow since it was at Ludlow, and if it was at Bellevue then it would not have been an upset. Those two teams are very much alike this year, or were until injuries for Ludlow...


    As for Bellevue being overrated. Now I think they are overrated in terms of how good a couple of the Bellevue faithful make them out to be. Like with one of them predicting Bellevue wins this week. However they are not overrated in being one of the Better 4A teams in the state this year. Our district this year has 4 of the better teams in the whole state in 1A...:thumb:



    Good point as this district is really up this year, with four teams in Litkenhous' top 20 class A teams, including #'s 1 & 7!!

  9. No Dayton would not beat Covcath if they played them 10 times. Dayton has 125-150 boys in the school, Covcath has 1500 boys. Why would you expect Dayton to beat CovCath. Newport Catholic has been playing at Newport since their program started.


    CCH has 472 boys per the KSHAA--Must use different math down on the hill???? :D

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