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Posts posted by BGGreen

  1. Volleyball has become a complete joke.

    Look at soccer too.

    Private schools win every year in volleyball.


    Don't you mean "A" private school???? Anyone willing to set up a similar situation could easily compete if they chose to do so; especially outside the Louisville area!!


    Question for all the folks out there slamming Assumption, and every other private school--If you had a daughter remotely in the Louisville area who had serious volleyball ability, and D-I aspirations; where would you send her to learn and get exposure to college coaches????

  2. Seems like this topic is reaching an impass, and in the end there are simply two schools of thought!!


    One--Let a kid quit a team in mid-season with no penalty when he's unhappy, feels slighted, team's losing too many games, he's bored, gets mad a the coach, etc.


    Two--Make a kid fulfill his obligation to his team, coaches and teammates and finish the season; or wait until that team's season is over to start particiption in the next sport he'll probably quit when the going gets tough.


    I know which team I like come playoff time!!!!

  3. You don't here me complain about the privates most of our best competition is from the private.I was simply answering his question what 6 local county area we were referring to also from a prior post.:thumb:


    Certainly didn't point a finger at you personally, but "occasionally" I hear folks on here (BGP) complain about the private schools being able to draw kids from multiple areas???? :rolleyes:

  4. Yes, Ryle beat NCC. This game is going to be intense. This is a game that CCHS players had marked on their calendars when the schedule came out. NO ONE is going to slack off in this one. There are so many connections between both of these teams. A lot of the players were teammates before they got into high school. Some of the coaches even taught players on the opposite team in their early years. This is a HUGE game for both teams.



    The more I hear about this game, I wonder if it's not "huge-er" for Campbell. I know there are lots of neighborhood and even family ties involved, but CC has possible playoff seeding implications and they aren't near the rivalry for NCC that Beechwood is?? That said I'm sure both teams would love bragging rights for the next year!!


    Does anyone know if this is now scheduled to be an annual game, as they've not played for a while?

  5. What if that environment is unhealthy for the kid. Hey I don't believe in quitting either. I never quit anything I started. But I simply believe some situations it should be okay to move along to another sport without having to suffer the consequences of missing practice time.



    Not sure what designates a "unhealthy situation" but certainly there are exceptions. Regarding grades, I think they normally take care of themselves, and most schools have guidelines in place to deal with that already; but maybe a kid who has been struggling in the classroom should think twice about participating in sports to begin with??

  6. Simply, you are wrong. Tyler and Elliott was 2nd behind Keaton.


    With Keaton and Tyler you could not press nor trap Pendleton. That limited what defenses you could run against Pendleton.


    The previous year with Verax and Keaton, Pendleton was consistently hammered on the boards by the top teams. Elliott stopped that.


    Take any piece out of that puzzle and they are a much less team. They all did their roles to a high degree and came together as a team more than they were individually.


    Elliott also brought a mental & physical toughness to that team, particularily the big men; that wasn't there previously. That's why he was earlier sought out by Mains & Co's AAU team when he was down in Jackson County, and then he ultimately found his way to Pendleton. He was a beast in the middle and made anyone who ventured down the lane pay the price!!

  7. You also are creating a precedent by not letting the kid play on not being fair to kids who may have been done wrong by coaches.


    If every kid (or employee) that thought he'd been "done wrong" by their coach (or boss) quit in the middle of a season (or job), half the teams would never finish their seasons (or jobs)??


    I guess it's an old fashioned adage, but I was brought up and brought my kids up to finish what I/they started--Plain & Simple!! Lots of times it wasn't easy or convenient, but you made the commitment, and you honor that commitment. Odd how things will work out in the end, even though it didn't look like it would early on!!

  8. Boys Soccer Russell

    Girls Soccer Russell

    Volleyball Russell

    Girls golf team Russell

    Girls golf medalist Russell

    Boys golf team Madison Central

    Boys golf medalist Russell


    How does a school of 600 some students with the success they have in football continue to be successful in all the minor sports. The rest of us never seem to have enough athletes to go around. Especially in girls sports.



    I bet if their school name was "Russell Catholic" or "Russell Academy" you'd have 50 posts on here already telling you why!! :D:D

  9. Ty Sargent- What a great player, if you had a team of players like him you would contend for state every year. Still don't know about the Middleton QB situation,except for hearsay, but a big strapping QB(Cox) showed up at a good time.[/QUOTE]


    As did a big strapping center arrive to join Pendleton's basketball team a couple years ago,which put an already good team over the top!! :D

  10. Keep Picking against the CAMELS. They love it. Been proving people wrong fotr the last 4 weeks now. Camels-28 BREDS-17



    Doubt the Camels are that hard up for motivation?? Who picked Conner or Mason to beat them, they were favored over Holmes, and the SK/CC picks were about split?? Credit them for winning the games they should win!!


    Not sure who has the motivation here as they haven't played in a while and I'm sure the smaller school from the north would love to knock off their bigger public neighbor, and their showings against Ryle, CovCath and Simon Kenton would indicate they can. However they've got a rematch with longtime bitter rival Beechwood next week, and this time its not just for where they will play the playoff game?? Could they be looking ahead??


    The Camels on the other hand have secured their playoff spot, but would love to show their program is completely back, and now the second best team in Campbell County!! They've got Dixie next week, an old 4-A foe, but hardly a bitter rival?? Both teams compete for some of the same kids, especially in the middle of the county.


    You could make a case that neither CC and NCC wants to risk much the next two weeks with larger goals ahead in the playoffs, but I can't imagine either will "mail it in" the last two weeks like you see sometimes in the pros. Very interesting game if you look at the behind the scenes implications!!




    All that said, NCC may have a little more speed and offense than the Camels, with the "D's" about even. Normally the 6-A school's size advantage will overwhelm the 2-A's in these matchups, but seeing that NCC was able to move the ball vs. Ryle, Simon Kenton and CovCath; I think they can handle CC's defense, but it won't be easy. With all the rain this week, the "field turf" at Newport may play to NCC's advantage as well. I like NewCath in a close game 24-14.

  11. I am a mom and I am all for kids playing any and all sports. I am an avid football fan, and while my son is not old enough yet, I continue to support the other kids. I have heard that soccer has a high injury rate, but cheerleading (imagine that) is the number 1 sport for injuries according to our physician at UK sports med.


    Unfortunately that's correct, but I think you'd be surprized where the injuries occur. As someone who's seen cheerleading from the "competitive" teams to the "recreational" teams, I'm guessing more injuries occur on the rec teams who often lack the training, conditioning, etc. of the more accomplished cheerleaders; but still try some of the same stunts and builds. It's a far more challenging sport now than most realize--I know I was surprized when I witnessed what they do!!

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