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Posts posted by SilverShadow

  1. It's all about approach and damage. Being a fan and second guessing are things every armchair quaterback does. Most "fans" love to kibbitz about how a game went. The damage comes in when a fan, a parent or an AAU coach or anybody else clearly degrades a coach, a team or a program merely because they are dissatisfied for personal reasons. Trashing a coach in front of other parents and especially in front of the players (their own son included) shows nothing but disrespect. Disrespect for the position itself if not for the person in the position. This is counterproductive and leads to all kinds of issues with a team and its players. No, a democracy it will never be and should never be.


    And lastly, you try taking some of the criticisms leveled at some coaches (personal attacks, villification, rumor mongoring) and see if you wouldn't take some of it personally. Despite what you might believe, coaches are human and humans have emotions and feelings.




    Outstanding post.

  2. Do you contend that public schools have less cases of abuse?



    How would you ever know? In public school, such incidents are reported and dealt with. I think there is plenty of evidence to show that. I cannot think of any matter where others in a school or school system had such information and acted in a manner to cover it up. I guess it could be claimed or assumed but I am not aware of any such actions.


    That is not the same that occured in my point. I believe you have to agree with me the issues regarding the sex abuse cases dealt with not only the act but the failure to act and the actions to cover up the act.


    If such were to happen in public schools, cover up, etc. they actually should be held to a higher standard and I think they would be and actually have. I do think more public school teachers who did this have been put in jail compared to priests. But I could be wrong on that.

  3. SS, no one is denying anything. But it has no bearing on the educational opportunities offered by Private schools. In addition, what you are referencing applies only to SOME Catholic schools, and not to all private schools (there are private schools that are not Catholic, and some that aren't religiously affiliated at all). It also has no bearing whatsoever on this discussion relative to athletic eligibility requirements.


    The lawsuit that AllTell refers to is the suit agains the Jefferson County Public School System, that is currently before the Supreme Court. A woman maintains that the racial quotas used by the JCPS as a determinant in the admission process of the magnet system and traditional system is unconstitutional.


    We're not at all talking about segregation 30 years ago.


    You are correct it only happened at some particular schools by a few people. However, the diocese as a whole directed and coordinated its actions in trying to hide the problem and it is very clear the process was literally done across the country by many diocese and that is what got them in so much financial retribution trouble today.


    But to your point, to be consistent then, what is happening in this narrow matter in Jefferson County really has no bearing on public education as a whole. Can we then agree on that?

  4. ^ You have finally showed your true colors and have invalidated all of your previous posts....thanks.


    By pretending it never happened?!

    and in a school setting.


    By not acknowledging it was covered up?!

    and in a school setting.


    And to ignore it, it may somehow never happen(ed)


    But it is OK to reference an over 30 year old segregation lawsuit.



  5. Why? Going back to my comparison to colleges, private colleges are not required to accept every student as a condition of students using tax supported financial aid.


    Why? The reason is each state constitution mandates the public school system and mandates its funding requirements. Nothing in any structure mandates the creation and/or existence of college. In the K thru 12 education system, public schools are required to accept every student. I do not think the private schools would accept such a mandate. In the abscence of such acceptance, it is not possible to accept tax dollars that currently mandate enrollment. It is only fair.

  6. So it's your contention that EVERY kid in Jefferson County that wants to be in a better school get in, correct? Why then did that bothersome lawsuit go to the Supreme Court. Obviously someone didn't get to go to the school they want to go to.


    Something similar to a class action lawsuit regarding actions in private schools not to long ago?

  7. It is not likely that there will ever be a lot of agreement on this subject. In my opinion it is not a question of who pays the taxes or even the quality of the public schools. As a society, we have determined that it is appropriate to use tax dollars to pay for the education of our young people. Private schools provide that service, therefore it seems reasonable to allow the money to follow the kid. As in most areas of society, competition would only strengthen all involved.




    Including mandatory acceptance by the private school of the voucher holding student. In ALL cases, regardless of circumstance?

  8. :thumb:

    I believe you can put it to a vote whenever you can muster the political support. That's the great part about our country--representative government. Of course, you'll have to make a persuasive case for changing a system that has served this country well for over 100 years (after all, we have one of the highest standards of living anywhere and our economy is the envy of the world).
  9. Oh really? Vouchers are not to pay for private education for kids who "opt out" of the publicly-provided school system? That's not the way voucher proponents have tried to sell their idea. The main thrust of the pro-voucher movement has been to give kids an alternative to failing public schools by allowing them to pay for private schools with public-sourced (i.e. tax based) funds. If you think we should pay parents back because they didn't send their kids to public schools, maybe we should give a tax break to people who don't visit national parks, or to people who choose to walk rather than drive cars on public roads, or to people who choose not to attend a state-supported university. After all, why should they have to pay taxes for something they don't use?



    Yeah, lets draw the line. I have no faith in Social Security. Why should I have to pay into it. To heck with my parents and grandparents, they had their chance. Also, I live in a gated community (not really) so why should I have to pay for police as much as I do. I have never been to a military post so maybe I get a break on that. Roads, I never really go west, why should my dollars go to that and as for that why pay for another part of the county, city road improvement efforts. I join a country club and I pay taxes too, why should I not get part of my taxes back for not using public courses. I should be able to use my tax dollars to pay for my private club membership


    How is this last point in bold any different than what is being asked for with education vouchers?

  10. So what you are saying is that you (or others) will decide for the rest of us what choice we need. Thanks, but no thanks. I've got an idea, lets put it to a vote.


    You have that right now. Tell you what, you think there is that kind of support, go out and file to run for Jefferson County School Board and use this position as a reason to run and campaign for vouchers as a Jefferson Board member. If this support is as strong as you believe you should have no problem in winning. But, I be willing to bet you would not have success with such an election strategy.

  11. First you post that to win the debate you must make some "adjustment" to your student body. But then again "exceptional" schools don't.???

    Would that mean that since you don't make any "ajustments" for the private schools, they are all "exceptional"?


    Keep preaching the "vast right wing conspiracy" line. The fact is that America wants choice, and eventually they will have it. Its just a matter of time.



    Not anytime soon and in fact the vast majority of America supports public schools.

  12. Even more specifically, the average Jefferson County Catholic ACT score is 22.7. The average Kentucky ACT score is 20.3. and that includes the average Jefferson County Catholic ACT score. I say let us embrace diversity and give the citizens of the state more choices, public and private. Perhaps vouchers would be a vehicle to achieve this diversity.


    Including and expecting that all private schools will be held to the same standards as the public schools are held to if they accept a voucher program?

  13. I think if you'd payed attention to his post, he was NEVER critical of the soccer TEAM, simply several students and many parents!! Players normally have the understanding not to act classless in a situation like that, but often so-called fans don't. Agree this needs to be left out of this discussion, and would be better left alone totally!!


    The CC administration has largely been a very good neighbor to BBHS, and I think that has been appreciated and repeatedly acknowledged!! Forgive Striker if he hasn't kept up on the health patterns of the Campbell team, and was going by the first two varsity games between the schools, where Franzen and Eten played large parts in both games. Congratulations on the JV win, and good luck in the finals!!



  14. Professionalism was not brought up by me in the first place. You asked me to explain and I did, there is more instances, but I'm not going to go into them. I agree with you that some of CCHS's administration are high class, however some parents and students are not...



    Good grief, that works both ways fella. I reread the post in question and it clearly states asking a question about the AD animating official calls and he asked a question about it and stated an opinion regarding it. Now, how in the world does that translate to your response to attach the entire Campbell school and then, when called to task you invoke an event that occured in soccer (supposed to occur)? At least you are considerate enough to back off the statement to a degree. Except to clarify the entire Campbell administration is high class, not some. I would expect nothing less of Brossart. As for parents and students, well the bell curve of conduct is not just limited to Campbell. I am sure you can look inside your school and find some parents and students that would qualify as idiot examples.

  15. If that happened, it should not have. But this is a basketball forum not soccer and if that happened, that is how many months ago? Do you really want to bring up past actions by parents at games? I think this site has plenty of documented actions that would not serve anyone. Quit painting with a broad brush of some comment such as professionalism to an entire school. This school has done a tremedous job in helping the Brossart community for a very long time and your school leadership constantly acknowledges that. Why don't you do the same?

  16. Sounds like striker needs to get the facts straight. Eten has not played for better part of 3 weeks not even dressed. He has been sick. Albrecht was at the game and cheered the Camels to victory, along with Nerl. Franzen has played limited varsity time for several weeks now. What is your point? And by the way, do not expect a free pass to suggest Camels will never come close to Brossart in professionalism. That is totally uncalled for and curious to know how such comments reflect on the Brossart community? We will leave it at that.:thumb:

  17. To all "parents need to be more responsible", please described the number of households in Kentucky, today that have 2 parents under one roof. Also, please detail the percentage of single parent household and the failure of the state to enforce child support for single parent household (who I think some on here are expected to earn a living) and that percent is at or below the poverty level.


    Hate to say this but everytime someone says parents, is sadly referrring to a declining percentage of our society.

  18. While Mr. Sears was "researching" the athletic stats of LexCath vs. Tates Creek, I wonder if he happened upon any numbers illustrating the percentage of students graduating from each of those schools and going on to the college of their choice. That's the kind of news I'd like to see in the Herald Leader.


    What is the assumption of your interest?

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