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Posts posted by HIGHLANDS GUY

  1. Ha, ha! Your point of view is admirable, paNDA. However ... at the next level ... they have NONE of these silly uniform rules. Kids can wear just about whatever they want under their uniform ... they can wear JEWELRY ... they can wear big, nasty HEMP necklaces ...


    This year ... they changed things around to where, if an official saw a uniform violation BEFORE the event started ... it was charged as a warning to the school. The next offense by that school results in a DQ. It seems like that rule went out the window during the regionals.


    paNDA ... I would have bet money that you were taking a couple snaps of our assistant coach/myself last Friday at Ryle ... I would probably pay for a couple of those pictures if they exist (because only I know how angry I was at that moment!). Very cool of you to take pictures. Quite a few of our kids have been included ... and I know they really appreciate it.


    QS: Are these silly infractions National Rules that the KHSAA can not revise/change as they wish or are there people involved in the sport and/or the KHSAA that actually think it is a good idea to DQ kids for the stitching in their compression shorts? If it is the latter, is there a reason behind the rules that isn't readily visible to the casual observer?

  2. No doubt they should. If you take up two seats, you pay double. Why should the airline suffer because of someone else's problem?


    30% of the country is obese. Are they missing out on an untapped market and revenues could actually be higher if they tapped into this market?

  3. I know I am going to show my ignorance here, but what is considered a good time in the 100 meter dash. When I was in school, everything was in yards.


    James Quick, the standout from Trinity's season best is a sub 11 seconds. There are only five (5) boys who have posted sub 11 second time in the state this spring.

  4. To steal a phrase from Fr. Jenkins from ND. People who are are intimidated by the expectations do not meet the high standards we set for our next Coach...


    Followed by.. We don't expect our list of candidates to be large... We believe the people qualified to fill this position will always be a very select few.



    I can't even use the word "spin" to describe these statements, because it is so far beyond spin. Hope everyone put their boots on before reading that.


    The real truth is that because of the requirement that Cov. Cath. does not want a para professional and the fact that the pay at a private school is less than that at a public school, the pool of candidates willing to accept the job is very very limited. So limited that for many really good coaches those factors offset the many benefits such as: having the talent flow through the program to always be competitive, great feeder system, all male school that draws from all of Kenton and Boone Counties, high socioeconomic demographic of the students, community support, etc. Expectations and the unique challenges that may exist do little to nothing to scare away the best candidates from Cov. Cath. Low pay and having to teach at the school more likely have a greater impact.


    If I had to guess who the next Cov. Cath coach will be, I would think the next coach might be similar to both Eviston and Brannen at NCC. Young guys who are alums of the school and whose passion and loyalty might outweigh other factors. A guy like a Nestheide.

  5. I know I going to get slammed for writing this but.....


    If females are allowed to play on the boys team's (and yes I am sure she is good enough to beat out a slew of boys) then a boy who wants to, should be able to compete for a spot on the girls teams. Ladies, you just can't have it both ways and at the moment you do......


    Why can't a boy be allowed to try out for the volleyball team, since the KHSAA doesn't sanction boys volleyball. It just doesn't seem right that a talented young lady can and indeed does compete with the boys, so why shouldn't a boy have the same privilege?


    I believe the difference is females want to play with guys and if they do well they know they have done something. Males don't want to play against females because it does nothing to quench the competive thirst that is hard wired in males. If theysucceeed - well big deal.


    Right or wrong, I try to never agrue over something I wouldn't want and i don't want a few males competing with all females. I am not crazy about a few females competing with all males, but I can live with it.


    As far as the topic at hand, that is very impressive.

  6. I'm just saying be weary. I won't say for sure where anyone is, because as stated above that's best left for God. However, from reading scripture I can say for if person X dies without ever having accepted Christ and his message they won't be in heaven. I don't say that to condemn them or because I want it to be true, it just is. No one goes to the Father accept through the Son.


    While we know the Bible says that, we also know that God is just and that there are unreached people groups that have never heard of Jesus in order to even contimplate a choice. We can debate the issue at length, but the bottom line is we really don't know. I think the fact the fact that I can't fully wrap my brain around God is a good thing and more than anything I really believe that is the sentiment that is present in Rob Bell's works.

  7. How so? If it is agreed that all teams get a total of 40 tickets per session (25 for the team and 15 for others in the school)? It's not like a coach or team is showing up and saying I need these 100 people behind me to get in for free.


    I suppose you are right. I guess I was just thinking the parents of the AD shouldn't be getting in free, but if the school can distribute their tickets anyway they feel that is appropriate, who am I to have an issue with it?

  8. The Cincinnati Enquirier just did a list of the 100 greatest multisport athletes in the area. Kentuckians on the list were:


    #21 - Derrick Smith/Highlands

    #31 - David Justice/Cov. Latin

    #32 - Frank Jacobs/NCC

    #33 - Scott Draud/Highlands

    #45 - Bob Barton/Holmes

    #50 - Bob Demoss/Dayton

    #65 - Jared Lorenzen/Highlands

    #72 - Cory Farris/Boone County

    #74 - John Turner/Newport

    #82 - Allan Feldhaus/Boone County

    #86 - Brandon Burger/Beechwood

    #92 - Andy Seitz/Scott

    #100 - Luke Maile/Cov. Cath


    If there were a statewide list for just KY, who would be the top athletes?

  9. If that's true, ....


    I would suggest you to be patient and wait to see if he is indeed promoting a Universalist theology or if the "teaser" in the promotional video is just that a teaser that leads to a more full discussion. Guys like Rob Bell are all about the diagogue, the journey, the discovery,.... the midrash.


    I will say that trying to determine the location of where anyone (including Ghandi) is living out their eternity is somthing that I think is best left to God, since he is the only one who knows or who can make the determination. I have found that for me personally that is dangerous grounds for me to engage.

  10. The coaches, players and support staff of each team were allowed to attend any and all games! I think the number was 25 tickets for the teams and I think 15 for administrators of the school, meaning AD's, Principal etc.


    Remember this, the Ninth gets a set amount no matter if one person attends or no one attends!


    Maybe, but I still contend their is plenty of abuse.

  11. On the topic, that Rob Bell addresses I really like this CS Lewis quote:


    There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done.'


    In the end I think we all get exactly what we want.

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