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Posts posted by HIGHLANDS GUY

  1. I am not sure who on Beechwood's staff made excuses and blamed that one event for the loss. Coach Rash stated his opinion, which he is entitled to, that he thought the play was interference but it was part of a hard fought game and he was proud of his players. Even some Mayfield fans though it could have been interference and that there were other non-calls in the game for each side. I think if you look hard enough, there could be a potential penalty on almost every play. Yes, the emotions reached a new level but that can hardly be deemed a microcosm of the Beechwood program. It's quite the contrary and that's why I think a key reason that people reacted to what they saw in the manner they did.


    You are right. I went back and read the quote. He clearly said, "you can't pin your hopes on one call".

  2. I said this in the Mayfield-Beechwood game thread, and I'll repeat it here. In my eyes, the penalties do little to diminish the Beechwood program ... players and coaches were frustrated at a non-call that occurred on the play that ended their season. That happens in the heat of the moment. It isn't like Beechwood's players were taking cheap shots on Mayfield's guys or anything.


    Maybe you are right, but I think as a coach you need to be a bit more composed and a little more dignified (not sure if that is the word I am looking for). I respect coaches who respond, "that was tough call; however, we need to execute a little bit better so it doesn't come down to the officials judgment" more than I do someone who makes an excuse by complaining about a call. Yes there are emotions and it is a bitter tough pill, but a coach may teach no greater lesson than how to handle adversity and disappointment when things don't go your way.

  3. Indiana is considering a points system for the entire athletic program of a school. You earn points for each level of success you have (district/region/semi-state/state). Once you reach a certain number of points over a 2-year period you get moved up a class. Of course that doesn't help the 5A class.


    So if a state adopts this and a team wins state in the "lowest/worst" class, what exactly have they won?

  4. I guess that is where I differ with you and perhaps others. My question to you is what do you have to do to "earn" it? I think the kid who works his tail off every day on the scout team, does every workout with the team just like the starters and participates in all the off season programs does deserve a letter. I see the letter as recognition of effort and being a key part of a team more than some status symbol limited to the starting players only.


    I guess we agree to disagree. A varsity letter used to be for contributing in games at the varsity level, change is not necessarily bad, but your definition is much different than it what letters were awarded for historically. Obviously everyone can set the bar for lettering wherever they choose, but generally I think lowering the bar devalues the achievement.


    With parents arguing for equal playing time for all kids no matter how much talent they have, little leagues giving participation trophies for everyone, schools ending the ranking of students academically, the elimination of not awarding valedictorians and salutatorians, then I suppose the awarding of varsity letters based upon how hard you “practice” fits in nicely with that trend.


    As AI said, “we are talking about practice”.

  5. I lean towards the policy being liberal on earning the letter. The commitment football players make is huge. One quarter played per game sounds like a good way to do it.


    Maybe the commitment is huge, but having a liberal policy does devalue the letter to those that actually "earn" it. Kind of like giving out twice as many state titles in football than any other sport in the state, but that is a whole different topic. :jump:


    The policy at Raceland and any other Ashland area team that follows suit changes the letter from being an award to another piece of spiritwear.

  6. Yes, Catholic education is still the core value of Catholic schools. And don't get me wrong, I really really don't like seeing this, because it does reflect negatively on Cov Cath, but I think truth be told, it does go back to "kids being kids". This is nothing new.


    Agreed. And it even goes beyond kids being kids, I mean where better for a a kid who clearly "doesn't get it" to be than in a Catholic school???

  7. I think the part that I struggle with is do catholic schools (not just Cov. Cath, but all catholic schools) have a real mission that they are trying to fulfill or have they just turned into simply an alternative to public eduction for the more affluent in society. They were all certainly founded upon a mission, but is it still a core value. I know that kids will be kids, and they all mess up and do stupid things, but when you see something like this it does refect on the school and their overarching or more lofty mission.


    Is Facebook out of control is whole different topic all together.

  8. A coach of the year should come from a school that succeeded beyond their teams expectations or showed great improvement. Which coach has done the best, with what they have to work with? If the award were given out to most deserving, not most surprising or "best team", I would say Rash of Beechwood or Wirth of CCHS. Beechwood will have an opportunity to win state and have defeated all of the NKY teams they face this season, with the exception of Cov Cath. Cov Cath, outside a possible upset win over the Birds, is likely the 2nd best team in 5A.


    There are so many posters that would like to call on their coach for having a "surprising" season or an "improved" season....like playing in the Regional Championship or winning your district with a 3-7 record. Awards are not won on regular season play alone and not playoff success alone. Coaches cannot be measured by an influx of talent. Sometimes talent is low, but good coaches will still win.


    So based upon your comments.....


    Under what scenario if any could Bob Beatty be coach of the year?

  9. Really? I thought he was a Conner supporter. Beechwood and Conner are the two schools he seems to be behind from what I recall in his posts on here.


    He is a Conner supporter only to the extent he is/was involved. Praise for anyone else is a slight to his accomplishments.:banana:

  10. Randy Borchers? Dave Brossart? Bob Burnett?


    Is Dixie the 3rd best public school job in nky? Behind Highlands, Ryle and Beechwood. Long term is Dixie better than Cooper, who will have similar demographics to Ryle?


    I would think Brossart would be the most likely candidate. I wouldn't think Borchers would be interested. Why would Dixie want to turn back the clock with Burnette? What about Lickert?

  11. Don't know who is on it this year. I'd assume that the head coach of the team you support knows who is on the committee. You could check with him.


    I don't know who is on it either and I don't care who the KHSAA does or doesn't listen to, but if the individuals that make up the "coaches advisory committee" can't make an objective recommendation about what is and isn't best for high school sports, maybe the KHSAA would find more wisdom reading a message board. At least the pros and cons would be laid out and group think wouldn't be in play and there might be less "group think".

  12. The KHSAA, make it the KHSAA BOC of control, does listen. But not to message board threads, regardless of how many billion times a topic is started year after year after year. They listen primarily to the coaches advisory committees. The football advisory committee wanted more classes. The BOC gave them more classes. The football advisory committee wanted inter district competition in the first two rounds. The BOC gave them inter district competition.


    Who is on the "coaches advisory committee"?

  13. Guru, I understand what you are saying but in breaking a BCBOE rule, aren't you in a sense breaking a KHSAA rule? If not, then why couldn't the Boone County schools or that matter any school in the same school district, just keep switching players as their different teams needed them.


    Seems to me you are saying a kid from Boone County could play football for Boone, Basketball for Conner, then play Baseball for Ryle and it wouldn't matter to the KHSAA since he lives in the County of Boone.


    I don't believe it does matter to the KHSAA. They only concern themselves with varsity sports. You can't be "inelegible" with the KHSAA at the JV or Frosh level.

  14. Melvin Miles.

    He didn't win a championship in wrestling but came very close in track.

    The Shotwell brothers and Troy Cole were part of the Wrestling State Championship...and may have very well won individual championships as well.


    The 1993 Conner vs. Cov Cath playoff game was 7 to 3 (Due to a slip by a Conner DB on a "mysteriously wet" field with about 6 minutes left in Park Hills)

    Miles did not qualify for the state meet in track, and was number 2 100 meter runner in NKY that year.

  15. If I am not mistaken, Boyle Defensive Coordinator Jeff Hester teaches a weight training class all day in which all athetes at Boyle have the option of taking. This is a great program that more schools should do. A lot of "academia" shun this as curriculum in public schools, but weight training is a life long endeavor and to me is totally useful as part of any academic curriculum.


    Put me in the "shunning crowd".


    I think on the totem pool of academic pursuits, a “weight lifting class” would be near the bottom.

  16. I'd say both have an advantage. The larger metro areas will typically have stronger programs, especially if their region includes private schools and/or open enrollment. Rural schools can have the closer communities, which wont make the draw of athletes better but can make the tradition and commitment deeper. So i feel they both can have success. But tuition paying schools usually dominate all sports.


    Do they dominate basketball?

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