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Posts posted by HIGHLANDS GUY

  1. Fine, then you will have no problem with our kids calling up your kids to play for a superior program, right?


    I would state again regardless of what injustices you think other programs have done to yours, they aren't "your kids" and that thought process is silly.


    As far as your reply about kids recruiting kids:


    I had no input into the elementary and hugh school I attended. My kids had no input into the elementary school or high school they attended. So neither my friends nor their friends had any impacted on education decisions. Youth peer pressure never really has impacted adult decisions in the two generations of my family that I have been a part of.

  2. Yeah, you are wrong. You expect to cultivate warm sentiments when a program poaches your kids? That was the entire subject of our pre-game speech.


    I trust that the pens used to write those out of district tuition checks is now a lot heavier!


    "your kids" - I have HUGE issues with any coach or program who would think kids belong to them.

  3. Their best game is Cov, who until last year and this coming season has been down. I disagree with the good competition statement. They play a good schedule for a IA school. They don't play what I would call a highly competative regional schedule that pits your athletes against the kind of competition that they would face at the highest college level.


    A marquee game at Beechwood is very different than a marquee game at some of the better biggers schools (Ryle, Cov. Cath., and Highlands)

  4. I honestly don't understand why you would go to Beechwood anymore strictly for football. They are A, which means the competition you play week in and week out is low. They haven't been getting the job accomplished lately at the state level in that classification. Division I coaches look at a player vs. their best competition. You are much more likely to get the desired looks playing at a larger school that has sucess. Of course, Beechwood does have many other benefits to offer. However, their benefits do not exceed Highlands or Ryle academically. Once again, I am not trying to insult Beechwood. I am just making the point that I feel there would be more reasons than football to transfer to Beechwood at this moment in their program.


    The biggest attaction to Beechwood (over schools like Ryle, Cov. Cath, and Highlands) would be the ability to play every down of every play, while still playing for a top program. While there maybe a few every down players at Ryle or even Cov. Cath, my guess is that Beechwood would have more, as would, NCC and Holy Crosss.


    I do think the schedule is very unattractive at Beechwood.

  5. Your posts in this thread are comical. If you watched the game closely, you would see that Beechwood played a boatload of players, subbed liberally and was much more interested in learning about their team than winning this game. Believe me, Beechwood's player rotation would be much different if they felt this was a scrimmage they had to win. If they wanted to win so bad, why did they play their JV defense on Conner's last TD drive while Conner still had their starters in on offense?


    Glad I could amuse you.


    Does our resident Beechwood fan have any comments on the scouting issue? I believe you have been silent.

  6. Holmes drops out due to lack of numbers. Will they be able to field a team this year?


    Calvary will not play Sunday... They take Holmes slot on Friday.


    Dixie Plays Twice (both Saturday and Sunday) to fill in for Calvary moving.


    I think it is great that Dixie is filling in, but I would ask...


    Can Dixie do that? Is there a scrimmage limitation?

  7. Gee, I guess Richard Dickmann will be surprised by your comment!


    From CovCath web site


    CCH Swimming & Diving


    The swimming and diving season begins each year on October 1 and ends with the state swim meet in February. A voluntary conditioning program begins on the first Wednesday in September. Practices are as follows: Water practices are at Silverlake Recreation Center in Erlanger on Mondays and Fridays at 3:00 PM and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 am. Dry land practice is on the school campus on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3:00 PM. Diving practices are usually two days per week at Northern Kentucky University. Swim and Dive meets are typically on Wednesdays or weekends. Those participating in fall sports are welcome to join the team up until the end of the second week after completion of their fall sport. Swimming and Diving provides varsity letters to those who score in the Regional Championship Meet, and JV letters to those who do not. If you have any questions or concerns about the Swimming & Diving program, please contact Coach Dickmann at the link below


    I would venture a guess that the better Cov. Cath swimmers (like all KY high schools) swim with their club team and not with their high school team. High school practices in KY are for those kids who don't swim club.

  8. Your point is well taken, but then again those relatively meaningless district games could be replaced by games against other national powers with potential to be televised, increasing both revenue and recruiting reach.


    They only have 3 of those games, one of which is against X. They already play national powers with the potiential of having them televised. What is the benefit to Trinity?


    With that said the question of could Trinity be a member of the KHSAA and not participate in football is an interersting question though.

  9. I have thought of a similar situation that I can't believe I didn't think of sooner - the Catholic church. We have a highly respected and trusted institution whose leaders hid sexual abuse. So what has happened to the church? Not to the individual priests; not to the leaders who knew of the abuse and tried to handle it themselves. What has happened to the church? I know it is the separation of church and state but that doesn't apply when crimes have been committed. Should the Vatican have closed certain churches (i.e. the death penalty)?


    Voice of Reason: I usually think you are pretty close to spot on, but not with this analogy. The NCAA by definition is a voluntary organization that institutions join in order to compete in intercollegiate athletics. The organization organizes and rules over the member schools.


    The Catholic Church is the Catholic Church. The individual diocese did not elect to join an organizing body. The church is one (or at least it tries to be) from the highest level to the lowest level.


    The difference in the two entities organization and purpose totally breaks down the analogy. Other than being two organizations that both had pedofile issues, they share little else in common.


    The argument over the death penalty comes down to 2 questions IMO:


    - How broadly does the NCAA want to define "institutional control"

    - Do you believe that the cover up was largely to protect the Penn State football brand.


    For the record. I don't think the fact that innocent people (including current players) matters, because whenever the NCAA punishes an organization there are people who no fault of their own are impacted. That is not a valid reason for the NCAA to withhold a penalty.


    The reason I have read for Penn State not getting the death penalty is that the school was not a repeat offender.

  10. Bob Knight is pretty irrelevant to the discussion now, just as would the mention of Joe B. Hall and Rick Pitino.


    It is not irrelevant to cite historically how the teams have negotiated, comprised, or agreed to play. When Knight refused to play home/home, KY gave in and agreed to a neutral site contract. That is an option for IU just as it was for KY previously. A point which Cal stated today in his presser.


    This is a case of both coaches doing what they think is best for their schools, which is what they are paid to do.


    There ain't no good guys, there ain't no bad guys there's only Cal and Crean and they just disagree. - it could even be a song :)

  11. Not arguing it. Pointing out that ending a decades old rivalry in whay you deem as a power move by UK is ignorant, petty, stupid and does damage to the college game as a whole. All because UK isn't willing to go to Bloomington once in 4 years. A freaking joke is what it is..


    I haven't read all 8 pages of this thread, so this may have been brough up, but you do realize that Bob Knigh held the same position (no home/home) as UK is holding now?

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