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Posts posted by ACE

  1. In the end I think Kipton will be the choice. I don't think there will be the surprises with him that Ed(or Reid) might come up with. However, I am usually wrong in the end so it will probably be Ed.:ohbrother:

  2. I can't figure out what's not to like, or at least respect, about Josh Hamilton. Here's a guy who obviously made catastrophically bad decisions in his life, which he acknowledges, and had certainly hit rock bottom. Somehow, someway he managed to get his life back on track and made it all the way back to near the top. I personally believe he truly appreciates this second opportunity life has given him. I really believe that he believes he wasn't capable of getting back to this point without help from a "higher power". He acknowledges that power in the best, if not most polished, manner he knows. I realize the media and those who are non christians are not fond of christian athletes speaking of their faith, that I don't agree with but I do understand.


    If he has other major issues that another poster referred to, I would be interested in the specifics. Believer or non believer, I certainly prefer Hamiltons behavior to those athletes who use foul language, PED's, show abundant arrogance, etc.


    I think Hamilton has become a breath of fresh air during a difficult time for baseball.:thumb:

  3. Yeah, I was starting to like Jesse too and was bummed when she let him go. Are you referring to Ed that she let back? Reid, I believe, has never left. I kind of like him too. In fact, of the guys left, I I'm pulling for Reid. Plus, he has that Clark Kent/Superman thing going on with the glasses, which is cute. :D


    One other thing about Wes...Putting all of his ulterior motives aside, does anyone see what she could be seeing in him? From what I can tell, he doesn't appear to be all that intelligent, seems somewhat conceited, and has been a little combative to the other guys. I know she's unaware of all of his comments behind the scenes, but she has to see those downfalls, for sure, right? Granted, he's good looking, a little bit country, and a musician (which I would consider to be all attractive features), but they just scratch the surface. He doesn't seem to have much more to offer. Anybody else agree with this assessment?


    I liked Jesse but he reminded me too much of Woody Harrelson, I just couldn't get it out of my head.:ohbrother:

  4. From what I've read, it seems Xavier picked KU to keep momma happy. Now momma isn't pleased with the Kansas, and they want out....I expect in the end he is a Jayhawk though.


    If you listen to the press conference, Daddy states that XH always wanted to go to UK, etc. pretty strong stuff, enough to really perturb the Kansas faithful. Sounds as though they may be close to burning that bridge.

  5. My understanding, as limited as it is, is that certain things(while not performance enhancing) are taken to mask things that are performance enhancing. I obviously don't know if that was the case here. I spoke to an individual inside the Marshall University athletic dept yesterday and he said athletes are told to NEVER take anything not approved by the team trainers/personnel. I am certain UK has the same policy. That being said I do really hate this situation both for JJ and UK, I am a season ticket holder.:cry:

  6. Did anybody notice that was Shagari Allein (sp) that was playing for the Globtrotters. The former Wildcat is doing well!



    I noticed Shag immediately, very likable guy. I am really glad for him. I think one of the Bachelors said "that one guy must be 7 feet 9" funny. :p

  7. Unfortunately, the game will be at the high school. There was a strong sentiment that it should have been at the park since this is where all these former players grew up playing even before their high school days. I suspect that they did not want to give up concessions or paid admissions. The park would have been a great touch, pass the hat like the old days, I really think folks would have stepped up.

  8. Tomorrow, the 1965-1969 Tomcat baseball teams are having a reunion. These teams went 107-11, winning 3 consecutive state championships bookended by 2 runner-up 1-0 losses in the state finals. These teams were 2-4 runs away from winning 5 straight championships! Is any one planning to attend? I hope to as I either know or know of many of these players. Hats off to Bobby Lynch for pulling this together, there deserve to be recognized.:ylsuper:

  9. Rajon Rondo out of Oak Hill Academy only 2 inches taller and 15 lbs heavier.


    I know Rajon did not need the weight room to be ready to play. In fact, Rondo is playing at about 165 right now and that is obviously fine as well as he is playing.


    Rivals.com has him listed at 6'5".

    The Celtics website list Rondo at 6'1" 175lbs and that's a stretch. I remember seeing Rondo eye to eye at the Crawford/Bradley Senior Day. As I passed him, I thought to myself it looked like Rondo, but he was so short I thought no way. This was before I knew he was there for Senior Day. I would have put him at 6'0" and 165lbs at best. Sometimes size doesn't matter>:D

  10. Looking at this class (and the potential of having Wall), it provoked some memories.


    I remember the Spring of 1979.


    That was the last UK class I thought of in these terms.


    That spring UK landed local guys Dirk Minnifield and Charles Hurt. They added McD All-american Derrick Hord. Then Sam Bowie came on board. Finally, I waited for a while believing the last piece was coming.


    Ralph Sampson. It was perfect. Just over a year removed from a National title and the "Twin Towers", here were the greatest "Twin Towers" of them all.


    Sampson at Center and Bowie at a Forward. Dirk Minnifield was going to be a great guard and Hord a great SF. Macy was back and Dwight Anderson who both had great years in spite of having no depth the year before and ending in the NIT.



    Then Sampson succombed to local VA pressure. He stayed home.


    Dwight Anderson was kicked off the team about 11 games in after finding the going a little harder with a team filled with athletes and stars.


    It was a good year and even better were to surely follow.


    But Minnifield struggled some the next season as PG alone without Macy. Bowie was magnificent but it never quite clicked.


    Then Bowie was out for two whole years.


    Hord was great as a Junior but the wheels came off in the NCAA (MTSU) and he never recovered. Hurt was consistent but not flashy or a scorer.



    I hope, as great as this class is and can be, it's not the same ending this time. Anything can happen. Both good and bad. Anything.


    I remember all this very, very well. You brought back a lot of memories for me also. I was at UK about that time and got to watch a full practice at Memorial Collesium with Coach Hall's permission. I sat at mid court for 3 hours one Friday afternoon and never budged till it was over. I agree that group never quite achieved the levels that we thought were sure to happen. Hopefully, this time things will be different.

  11. What's your definition of "early?"


    For me it's usually 5:30 or so. I realize that's a little extreme for most but it's normal for quite a few us at the Ashland YMCA. How about starting as early as you can so as not to be late for work or school? I started the early morning routine about 20 years ago when my children first came along so I wouldn't be diverted in the evenings. It's does take discipline though.

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