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Posts posted by ACE

  1. Let it slide and pick your battles for a bigger, more critical issues. The teacher, I am sure had good intentions. She/he wanted to get their attention and it appears that happened. There are many kids whose parents are not nearly as involved as you and your wife are, I am sure we will all agree on that. It is those kids who needed the message more than your kids. Probably not the best delivery, but an important one nonetheless.

  2. How hard would it be to get a few sponsors and put a black T-shirt on every seat? I feel like I could pull that one off.


    45 degrees at night at the end of October in Ky just doesn't bode well for a tee shirt no matter what the color. I would love the concept, just not at this time of year. This should be planned in late Sept against a big name opponent.

  3. Hey, don't misunderstand me. I'm very happy with the win. As you said the game was never in doubt, but I guarantee you that Coach Brooks, and Coach Brown weren't happy with the number of yards given up by the defense, and the number of 3rd down conversions by LA. Monroe.


    No question, I know where you are coming from. My problem is that I'm historically used to teams like this taking us to the wire when we play ugly and we barely pull out the win or lose on a last second field goal. You can see I still have many mental scars that will be with me a long, long time.

  4. It wasn't pretty, the defense gave up a lot of yards, but the Cats come away with the win. :thumb:


    Man, we've come a long way. It used to be losses to bad teams when "it wasn't pretty". I love it when a 36-13 win, against a decent opponent, isn't pretty.


    Personally, I believe it was a comfortable win. We took complete control of the game early and played conservatively the rest of the game. It was never in doubt. Not bad considering we played without the #1 quarterback and our two best defensive players-Lindley and Micah.


    I am happy!:ylsuper:

  5. Reminds me of when my 22 year old was small. Our game plan was-in "illness" emergencies, the wife cleaned up and attended to the kid while I got to clean up the "mess". I found that a spatula was a great tool to clean up puke out of the bed then the old rinse off on the toilet. Great memories.:ylsuper:

  6. I agree with you on the timeline Ace, but the one thing I do see is that Hartline is no where near as talented as Woodson.


    No argument from me on that point. My hope is Hartline will be sufficiently effective and another player such as Cobb, Locke, Lindley, Micah... step up as the "superstar" player to get us over the hump to a 6-6 or 7-6 year.

  7. I personally think Hartline is an average quarterback. He performed well against the 2 substandard opponents and not well against superior opponents. I believe the picture will be much clearer after the next two weeks. He should show improvement against SC and Auburn.


    If you will recall, it wasn't until about this exact time in Woodson's junior year that he began to excel. I think we need to get to the 6 week mark to make a more fair judgment. Patience.

  8. I am amazed at the negative attitude displayed by UK fans after one "iffy" performance. Maybe, just maybe, UofL is better than you think and maybe, just maybe, UK is better that they showed. If I am not mistaken this team, virtually the same UK team as 2008, went to Alabama(about one year ago) with Hartline at QB and lost by less than 7 and was an onsides kick away from a possible upset. I think we need to get 4 or 5 games into the season to get a little clearer picture on the direction that this season will take.


    Look at the positives to build on-Offensively, Hartline is completing 65% to 70% of his passes, Locke is healthy and making plays, Seiber is getting his kicks higher with better elevation and kickoffs haven't been too bad, Cobb is a big time weapon, Matthews is a big addition, overall running games has been pretty decent. Defensively, there are a few question marks for sure but this is pretty much the a similiar defensive team as last year-lost Jarmon, Kelly, Jenkins but added Warford, Guy and Evans-also Lindley and Micah came back. Many of Sarurday's issues are correctable. We definitely are not world beaters, but I certainly don't think the sky is falling like some. Patience. Patience.

  9. My game observations:


    Many "could haves" and "should haves" in this one. Both teams had many oportunities-sounds like college football


    The last 15 seconds of the first half was simply bizarre. When it comes to UK football, when you think you have seen it all, think again.


    Burke was a warrior for UofL-what an effort, he left it all on the field


    Locke is becoming a big time player, he makes plays.


    Cobb is supurb, not sure why we didn't see a little more of the Wildcat-I especially thought he should have been QB when we were running clock and forcing UL to use timeouts. One first down and game was over. Hartline wasn't going to throw so why not have a Locke/Cobb dual threat.


    I wish Victor Anderson was in Blue, I really like him


    Hats of the Seiber, kickoffs were deeper and his PAT's has better evevation


    Great effort by Louisville, they never quit and showed a lot of heart

  10. My game observations:

    Putnam stadium, in my memory, has never had 3 crowds like this to start a season, this has been an AD's dream


    The crowd was large but a bit quiet I thought for such a big game


    Hunter and Wetzel are 2 of the best, toughest sophs

    Ashland has put on a football field, they simply have a nose for the game


    What a hard hitting contest-I wouldn't have wanted to take those hits out there.


    If Alber was sick, I can't wait till he gets healthy, phenominal effort:ylsuper:


    Lack of kicking game hasn't hurt AHS yet, hopefully it won't, but sometime I fear it will cost the 'Cats at an inoportune time


    It looked like the same old Ironton teams of the past, just 2 or 3 less horses


    Number 44 has a tough game for Ironton, but he really played his heart out.


    Finally, in the second half as the game was winding down, a few of us thought Ashland had worn Ironton down and the Tigers seemed to "give"-I think credit must go to Ashland's hard hitting


    I hope Swift comes back strong

  11. I have prepared tax returns in the past where my client's refund(or liability) has come to $666. No way that baby's going to happen under my watch. I always make a change to get it off that number-and always to the client's benefit.:thumb:

  12. I truly think this is the most absurd law ever. Folks, it's game day for 6 or 7 Saturdays a year for 5 or 6 hours. They expand the stadium by 10,000 to 15,000 and then take away potential parking spaces. Now that's real intelligence. I do not understand why this is such a big issue. I agree you would think the police would have something better to spend their time on.:ohbrother:

  13. I am confident Evan will overcome this incident. IMO it is a serious incident, whenever the police are involved and and arrest is made it must be taken dead serious. When you are constantly in the media, as the Elliott Co team has been you must be ready to accept the bad that comes with the good. You can't have it both ways. You are allowed to make mistakes, but you have to learn from them. Good luck Evan.

  14. My take is that in the past 3 or 4 years the Raceland coaching staff has completely out prepared the Ashland coaching staff for this game. All the credit in the world goes to the Raceland staff. Ashland once experimented with Matt Thomas at QB, which was a complete disaster and cost Ashland that particular game. Ashland "should" be better prepared for this game mentally and physically. If Ashland is unable to win this game I will be surprised and very disappointed in the Ashland coaching staff. Just my take.

  15. Notes on the game for me:


    Huge crowd, it took 20 minutes in line to get a ticket, I missed Greenups TD


    Sam Hunter, IF he works hard and has the right attitude, can be a special QB


    Carter-the only surprise was he didn't get more touches, but then again they did not need him to carry it more(did he have one ankle heavily taped?)


    AHS can effectively throw or run the ball it appears


    Greenup had a great crowd, better times are ahead for GC


    Fantastic atmosphere for a HS football game


    AHS needs Will Skaggs to put the pads on. Lack of PAT/Field Goal kicker will eventually haunt them.

  16. Team-UK 10-1 with Ramsey at QB

    Player-Couch(followed by Mark Higgs)(non UK-Herschel Walker)



    Least team-UL

    Lease fav player-none


    Fav rival team-Brian Brohm

    Best moment-Couch to Yeast to beat Alabama

    Most heartbreaking defeat-tough to choose on Florida comeback over Uk with Danny Woerful(sp)

  17. Apparently Spurrier did not do his own voting, another from his office actually did the voting. What this shows is that coaches either don't have the time or the concern to properly cast votes in this instance and probably in "coaches polls". I think this makes SS look really bad.

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