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Posts posted by Dlbdonn

  1. My point with the above post is that the majority of people that I have asked in the last 6 months "Why have the sent your child (children)to this High school ? I think that you can see by my screen name which school I am refering to. The # 1 reason was that it tought the Catholic Faith. #2 for the discipline and academics. #3 and a distant #3 for the sports teams . I believe that these people have their heads in the right places. I also believe that if you would take a poll of parents that send their kids to Private high schools across the State that you would get the same results. That is the way it was in the past,that is the way now , and that is the way it will remain in the future .

  2. My dad sent me to Newport Catholic because we were Catholic and we lived a block from Dayton High then, the tuition then was $125.00 a year, and it was a BIG sacrifice to send me my and my two brothers there. He sent my sister to OLPA I sent my three kids to Newport Central Catholic because we are Catholic .I have had a student there continuously there since 1994 and it was a very BIGGsarifice. My dad attended Dayton High School and always told me before he died that he wished he could have gone to a Catholic high school if there was one available. In both cases public school was not even an option. I have a niece that attends Latin school she is not Catholic .She goes there because she was told by her 6th grade teacher at Ockermann that she was answering too many questions and would she please put her hand down and let someone else answer. Is this typical at public schools ? What she did was stop answering any questions and would come home upset . That was early October . By mid October she was enrolled at Latin school and is flourshing there. O she plays soccer too and is helping Latin school to become a powerhouse in girls soccer in NKY I personally know of only one person who chose his child's high school because of athletics and she went to a public school after failing to make the sports team at the private high school that she enrolled in out of grade school.

  3. :rolleyes::D : Go back and re-read some of the post that are on this thread and others in this forum. There isn't enough cheese to go around with all the whining that your private school supporters have been doing since they (KHSAA AD's and Administrators) finally realized something was possibly going to be done to level the playing field..LEVEL I say..Not slanted towards the private or the public. So quit all the :cry: ing.

    Im not cry :cry: ing . Im happy :ylsuper: with the Status Quo .

  4. The Private Schools finally leveled the playing field now the public schools want to tilt it back again . As long as there are parents who want a higher sense of discipline and a faith based education the Catholic secondary schools and the newer Christian schools will not go away, For some decades the public schools were dominant , now when there is finally some semblance of parity the public schools cry about it.

  5. The Catholic secondary school systems in Kentucky have been around for 50 -60 years if not longer . Now that they have generated a good bit of success in athletics in the last decade or so you have a bunch of public school supporters yelling foul . You didn't hear the Catholic schools crying about the public school sucesses when we were trying to catch up ,and worked hard to do it . Grow up!!!

  6. Swaugs was a Bellevue Grad, taught there many years so it went hand in hand. He wasnt trying to get a higher paying job where you sit on the bench with a suit with 9 other guys milking the payroll. He enjoyed working with the youth and had some really good teams while there. The 1982 team beat NCC when they were ranked number one in the region in the 1st round of District. 1989 team beat NCC in 1st round of District as well. This year's team if they had Chas Moore(sought greener pastures), Mchale kid (3 pt deadeye) grades threw him under the bus, I think they would be a decent team.

    Yeah I know I went to grade school with Mike at Sacred Heart in Bellevue graduated there in '61

  7. KyTmcNcc....I wish more people would take it upon themselves to investigate Private schools as you did. Many people want to believe what they believe, regardless of the facts presented. It's always amazing to me the misconceptions that are out there, that could be eliminated if people would just do their homework. I think some people just want to believe the worst, becaues it offers some sort of justification for their perceived bias.
    Mostly it is just laziness on their part . I guess it is too hard to find the facts . :thumb:
  8. One question regarding the whole mess at LexCath.

    People talk about missions and policies and whatnot regarding who can get aid and so on.

    From what I understand, LC doesn't even have a written policy in regards to who can receive financial assistance and their was no written policy that expressedly states the requirements to receive such aid.

    Hence, the president was arbitrarliy giving aid to whom he or she pleased.

    That is one sticking point that LC got dinged on by the KHSAA.

    You are wrong. I am not affiliated with Lexcath but was able to find this information within 30 seconds by googleing Lexington Catholic and clicking on Admissions then clicking on Tuition Information ,and there was the information that you said didn't exist . It was simple and easy to find with a small amount of effort . :p Now did they follow this procedure? That is the question . Here is the link http://www.lexingtoncatholic.com/admissions/admissions.htm

  9. I don't see how the Catholic school in Bellevue can be considered a feeder school for the High School when It is a consolidation of Catholic schools from Newport ,Bellevue and Dayton and the Middle school ,I believe it is called Holy Trinity is located in Newport at the old St. Stephens school. Only Holy Trinity elementary school kids attend school in Bellevue at the old Sacred heart complex. Besides all of the schools that make up Holy Trinity have been feeder schools at NC/NCC for well over 50 years

  10. The Dixie boys tried to go to the HHS/CCH game tonight. Some got in, some didn't (sold out). After standing around in the cold waiting to get in, they didn't feel much like driving out to Conner to arrive late and support the girls.


    Hmm, come to think of it, I've done the same thing. Being dissappointed about not getting in at CCH, I didn't trek out to Conner either. Instead, I'm sitting here thinking... "Wow, this really did hurt the girls tonight."

    The Dixie boys should have gone to see their girls team's game playing Conner in the first place . Where is their school spirit ? If this is true shame on them for not going to see their girls team play .

  11. And thus the problem. I think for some, the idea of financial aid going to athletes (I know they are not the only ones to get it) is a real problem.


    And private schools cannot and should not say that athletes are not going to receive financial aid.


    I don't know if there is a middle ground between these two sides.


    There MIGHT NOT be a compromise and a governmental ruling party would have to make the call.

    You forget the kids who recieve tuition assistance are students first and athletes second. Get over it.

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