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Posts posted by "old"shooter

  1. Anderson County? Pickering? Southside? Myrtle Beach? South Charleston?:isurrender:


    I am for EC. However, I have to admit, having been there for the BBC, that Southside, Pickering, and Myrtle Beach were three of the weaker teams in the event. EC, by losing its opening game to what turned out to be a "second tier" team in the BBC, avoided all the top teams. Southside and MB were in-state host teams and Pickering was from Canada (not exactly a hotbed for hs basketball even with their big record against other Canadian schools).

  2. Hey old shooter, Tell you what I believe are facts. I believe that during the three year span that you mentioned, Hager and Rose Hill played once. It was during the 5th grade year in the first round of the Opt Tourney. This game Hager won. The Rose Hill coach stated that he took the "Hager bullet" in that tourney. That Hager team never played Rose Hill and decided that it was a scrimmage. They won the only meeting between the schools.


    I talked with the RH coach and you are technically correct. He said it was actually a 4th grade tournament in which he played 3rd graders against your 4th graders. He had no complaint since that is just the way it worked out. I was confusing that period with an earlier period when your boys got "bushwhacked" by being forced to play RH (using a factitious team name, I believe) in a Russell tournament.


    There has been so much cloak and dagger activity since 2001 that it is difficult to keep the "activities" straight.


    However, I'll bet we can agree that your official policy is to forbid your elementary teams from playing RH. Surely, you can't deny that?


    But, this thread deals with Ashland and Boyd County and their perceived loss of stature and not elementary "practices". So, to tie all this together, I'll just say that Ashland needs to take a serious look at its feeder system. You get better by playing the better teams.

  3. Not true


    Really? Care to elaborate on Hager's side of the primary issue? Did they and do they dodge RH or not? Or possibly, instead of the "trick" in the tournament scenerio which did happen but possibly may have been a different year, did they lose during that "streak" to RH but afterward declare it a practice game so they wouldn't have to count it? Be honest and forget the spin.

  4. I wasn't aware that there was a change in the grade school system. I know that for years the grade schools in Ashland were only allowed to schedule each other except for a couple of tournaments.


    A couple of years ago, there was a big and impressive article in the newspaper about Hager's Sixth Grade team winning over 50 games in a row in their years at Hager. It sounded great until I was told that the record was built by beating Ashland's other elementary teams and not by beating the best in the area.


    I also believe that that same Hager team was sort of "tricked" into playing Rose Hill in a tournament, possibly at Russell (I do know that Ashland's elementary teams are forbidden from playing Rose Hill even in charitable tournaments). Needless to say, Rose Hill cleaned the undefeated Hager team by a rather big margin.


    Assuming all this is true, it serves as a good example of why Ashland struggles at most all levels in basketball. You can't continually hide.

  5. Rose Hill lost 11 of its players from last year- 2 to graduation and the others to various "relocations". They are extremely young and will have their best teams in the next few years. Playing well this season is actually a bonus.


    Someone posted that Ashland's guards didn't play well. DeLaney was held to 6 shots from the field and only hit 1 of them. The reason was that Johnny Bush almost completely shut him down. If the game awarded an MVP, it would have gone to Bush.

  6. 1. Elisha (with help from God) sent two bears to kill 42 children for making fun of his bald head. 2 Kings 2:22-23


    2. Abimelech killed 69 of his brothers on a stone. Judges 9:5, BT


    3. Doeg the Edomite killed 85 priests and all the men, women, children, infants, oxen, donkeys, and sheep with a sword. 1 Samuel 22:18-19, BT


    4. Elijah (and God) burned to death 102 men. 2 Kings 1:10-12


    5. David killed 200 Philistines to purchase his first wife with their foreskins. 1 Samuel 18:25-27, BT


    6. Abishai killed 300 men with a spear. 2 Samuel 23:18, 1 Chronicles 11:20, BT


    7. The chief of David's captains killed either 300 (1 Chronicles 11:11) or 800 (2 Samuel 23:8) men with a spear. (Sometimes it's hard to correctly count the number of dead bodies in a massacre.)


    8. Elijah killed 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest. 1 Kings 18:22-40

    (The total in this massacre may have been 850 if it included the priests of the groves.)


    9. Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad. Judges 3:31, BT


    10. Samson killed 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey. Judges 15: 14-15, BT

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