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Posts posted by "old"shooter

  1. Very well officiated game IMO with the regions best in Alderman as well as Coldiron. Good luck to both teams the rest of the way.



    I will agree that it wasn't a bad called game but I will not agree that Coldiron is one of the Regions best.


    Congratulations to Ashland. Maturity paid off in the end.

  2. I'll try to remain above the fray on this one, but I do have to point out that "They" is, in fact, "We". You vote, just as those of us that have children in public schools do. Therefore, if you wish to stop the public financing of education, all you have to do is get a legislator to propose such a law, or find a way to get such a referendum on the ballot, then get it passed.





    This really ruffled Frances' pantaloons.:D

  3. An observation I made @ the game last night........... During the JV game some of the Varsity players were sitting in the bleachers watching. One of the young "ladies" was VERY vocal; shouting a constant barrage of derogartoy comments at the officials. (I'm sure all RH fans that were present heard this as I heard it on the opposite side of the gym)

    She wasn't on the floor a full quarter in the Varsity game when her mouth got her penalized.


    What you say is true but a good official should only be concerned about the present not what happened the previous game or when a player was a freshman.

  4. That's about as insulting as I've ever heard. You can tell your friend there are plenty of public schools who haven't dumbed down curriculum and there are LOTS of teachers and coaches who do more than draw a freaking paycheck. And that kind of attitude is exactly why some of the public schools have problems with uppity snotty people who think they are too good to attend a public school. My public school has over 50 kids getting college credits this year on our campus with a partnership with a local university, has instilled a new freshman academy with teacher's working overtime, had 3 national merit scholars last year, and on and on.........don't lump all "public" schools in the same boat just because you are upset about some stupid athletic vote. Athletics schould not drive high schools. Get over it, the BOC won't let it happen anyway. You educator friend obviously isn't very educated.


    This is a good post. The only thing that I would ask(and this comes from you post)don't lump all of the privates schools in the same boat. Again this is a great post.

  5. Awesome! A great day for public schools in KY. Proposal 3 also passed, it dealt with out of state players.


    I am not trying to get anything started but how does this benefit public schools? Are they going to get more students? Will they be more competitive? Will their atheletes become better atheletes?

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