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Posts posted by "old"shooter

  1. Only a man living in "a race cocoon" could claim this country still lives "in a race cocoon." I would like to see if he actually walks the walk.


    We have been talking about disparity in race for years, openly, privately, publicly, and otherwise. Its a constant topic in the school system. Its a constant topic on Comedy Central. Its a constant topic even at my church.


    I simply can't fathom what more there is to talk about, and I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent person.


    People congregate privately with other people who have similar backgrounds, tastes, and views. Its the way it is. It is why Serbs don't hang out with Croats, New Yorkers from Little Italy don't hang out with New Yorkers from the Irish Bronx, Jews congregate with other Jews in the Jewish community centers, Mormons center their lives around their wards, and there are First Baptist churches and Second Baptist churches.


    The article said that I need to "feel comfortable saying the wrong things," so here it goes: I am not ever going to like rap music, I am not ever going to believe Kwanzaa should be a real holiday, I am not ever going to use the phrase "African-American," I don't think there should be laws granting preference to black people in anything (including college head football coaching positions), and I'm not ever going to support financial recompense for slavery. Similarly, I am willing to bet that most black people do not like Celtic music, do not heavily celebrate St. Patrick's Day, are not going to call me "Irish-American," do not believe I should be granted preference in athletic scholarships because I don't have the physical ability to compete with many black athletes at running back.


    There are a few black members of my baptist church. We socialize with one another, because we have church in common. There are several black members of the Bardstown football team, and our families also socialize together, because we have football in common. Our community has a very nice "Buttermilk Days" celebration that is organized and conducted mostly by black people, and is attended by everybody, because they all have a love of great food and soul music in common. My dad had several servicemen in his Naval unit who were black, and those families all socialized, because they had the unit, the unit softball team, and an apparent love of beer, in common.


    Mr. Holder, and President Obama, don't understand this. We socialize and talk with one another where we have common ground. However, you cannot force the common ground. People are different, and the quciker the Eric Holder's of the world get that through their thick skulls, the quicker we can stop pointing fingers and start enjoying Buttermilk Days with one another.


    Excellent post filled with common sense and reality. I would merely add a hardy "amen". However, I can't imagine there is anyone who doesn't thoroughly enjoy watching Michael Flatley and Jean Butler perform Celtic dances.

  2. "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race."

    He was saying people are afraid to talk about race issues with people from other races, which I find to be true. Not simply talking to people from another race.


    True. In today's climate in this country (as it has been for a number of years), political correctness still rules on issues of race. One must be extremely careful of what he/she says because it is likely that anything remotely critical of a minority will swiftly result in that person being called a racist.


    I believe that, to start a meaningful dialogue, minorities must learn to accept honest criticism without crying "foul". If you disagree, I would suggest you review how criticism of Obama was greeted both during the election and now.

  3. West plays a very physical game! RH had better be ready for a tough game!


    I'll say WC by 20.


    If Rose Hill's players don't develop some pride and determination it could well be 20 points. Coaches can only do so much and then it is time for the players to grow some backbone and perform according to their abilities. Otherwise, the season will end quickly.

  4. How surprised were you when you lost to Ashland last Friday?:banana:


    From your dancing banana, I assume you are hoping I will post something negative about your boys and rekindle the Ashland-Rose Hill feud. That won't happen.


    As I have posted previously, Ashland won because they wanted the game more than did Rose Hill. Ashland showed a lot of pride and determination. Rose Hill needs to learn to do the same. Rose Hill clearly has more talent than does Ashland (although without Gregg, that may not be the case) and will "outtalent" Ashland for the next 3 to 5 years or so unless Ashland attracts some new athletes or Rose Hill has another mass exodus. However, talent and potential don't get it without pride and determination.


    As for coaching, Biggs is a good coach and a nice fellow but I'm quite pleased with the coaching of John Bush.


    See, I made nice statements about both programs and did so in a factual manner. Mayo is now in the NBA, Walker is in the NBA, Euton and Jackson are in Georgetown, and we need to move past the ghosts. Best wishes to you and your boys.:thumb:

  5. Corey Gregg played in the Ashland game last Friday.


    Sparingly and with a lots of tape and a bad limp. No one is using it as an excuse for the loss. As I posted earlier, Ashland won because they wanted the win more than did Rose Hill. However, Gregg's injury is worth mentioning since we all, I assume, believe in "full disclosure", don't we?

  6. Final.


    Rose Hill led by 12 after 3 quarters but were outscored by GC 15-0 in the first 5+ minutes of the 4th quarter. RH came from 5 down to win by 1 on a 3 point goal by Gambill with less than a minute left. GC missed a good opportunity to win when the shot was in and out.


    Rose Hill, as was the case in the Ashland game, really missed its leading scorer and rebounder, Corey Gregg.

  7. Well, the BIG NAIL just hit the BIG HEAD! It's been obvious for several years, Elliott gets a small headline on page 2 or 3, unless it's a loss, then it's front page.


    Wonder how many advertising dollars come from Elliott County and how many subscribers live in Elliott County? My guess is very few of either.


    I realize that Eliott Countians are riding their high horse this year but they need to handle it like it has happened before rather than as finding fool's gold.


    As Joe Torre once told a rookie who hit a homerun and "cadillaced" around the bases, "On this team we act like we have hit a homerun before".


    Elliott County's coverage is excellent considering that the newspaper is located in Ashland and not Sandy Hook.

  8. Biggest joke of a ranking is Kennedy.


    You are correct. He is rated far too high as are FDR, Carter, and Clinton. All these polls are merely opinions of the participants. From the list, it is obvious that this group leans decidedly to the left.


    Also, it is not credible to rate recent presidents soon after they leave office. History must play out to really know the effects of their presidency.


    The poll is meaningless other than to generate discussion and to take shots at certain presidents and to rehabilitate others.

  9. I look forward to The Daily Independent each morning. It isn't what it was 20 years ago but, then, computers and the internet have caused a lot of changes in how we get our news. And, the changes are not necessarily for the overall good.


    I believe that TDI quit printing the weekly leaders in basketball because so many local teams failed to report their statistics for inclusion. It was not unusual to see the leaders based upon the reports of 5 or 6 teams. That makes any information worthless.


    I do agree that we could all do without "Page 2" with its People Magazine level of "celebrity" information that surely appeals only to the dullards of society.


    Overall, I salute TDI. Times are not good for newspapers.

  10. Observations:


    1. Ashland won much because they apparently wanted the win more than Rose Hill.


    2. Rose Hill committed more fouls and Ashland got over 3X as many foul shots because Rose Hill always appeared to be a step slow.


    3. Ashland outhustled Rose Hill which was evident when even Bonner got some widen open snowbirds.


    4. The Ashland crowd was exceptionally small and nearly all of them were parents/adults.


    5. Even the Ashland cheerleaders chose to be elsewhere.


    6. Corey Gregg was playing with a seriously sprained ankle which explains his limited play. It didn't determine the outcome but it was relevant.


    7. Freshman Mike Terry was clearly the best talent on the floor.


    8. Pride won for Ashland. Rose Hill's boys need to develop some before the district game.

  11. Different eras, different games ... the 3-point line has changed the sport dramatically. These two teams didn't play by the same rules.


    I would have liked to have seen either of the teams mentioned above against the 2002-2003 Rose Hill team prior to the departure of Walker in late January. That team had two future NBA players to go with Marques Dawson (still holds the state record for steals in a game and received a D-1 scholarship), Zach Gillum, and Mark King.


    I don't believe either of the other teams could compete with that team. It had too much athleticism and much too much quickness. Walker, Mayo, and Dawson were also fine dunkers- particularly Walker who may be the best in state history.


    That team won't win a popularity contest among partisans in the 16th Region- particularly around Ashland- for both valid reasons and jealousy (more of the latter than the former) but, if we are honest, there were none better in the last 47 years (that excludes the 1961 Ashland team which may or may not have been able to play with the 2002-2003 Walker edition Royals).

  12. You mean like war, which I find morally indefensible and tobacco subsidies which I find morally indefensible, you mean like interrogation techniques that I found morally indefensible . . .


    You see, the joy of living in a democracy is that we all get to be righteously indignant and some point. I was for 8 years, now you can be. See how that works, equality.


    I don't think that our economy or image could be damaged any more than it was over the past 8 years, it might be damaged differently, but it won't be any worse.



    Those items that you find "indefensible" are subject to argument and debate . However, the fact that Obama, from his history, has a complete disregard for the value and sanctity of human life is, indeed indefensible under any scenerio. He is dangerous.

  13. Stinks for you guys doesn't it?


    Yes, it does. It isn't pleasant giving up hard earned money to support projects that you find morally indefensible. But, before it is over, it will stink for everyone- even those millions who elected him looking for the free gravy train regardless of the cost and damage to our country.

  14. A number of people were so caught up with Bush they would tell me ridiculous things like "Thank God for sending us George W. Bush," as well as other, more hyperbole-filled statements. It only lasted a couple years, but it was indeed there. Not that the hyperbole around Obama isn't sickening and over-the-top, because it is.


    I don't recall anyone thanking God for Bush other than in regard to him being a better choice for traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs than was Gore or Kerry.


    On the other hand, we have all heard Obama referred to as being something divine- some even equating him to God.


    There is quite a difference and the difference is frightening.

  15. How is that different than those who opposed Bush being labeled unpatriotic? It's the same games of demonizing the opposition.


    Observe the unabashed "worshipping" by the "masses". Bush was not remotely "worshipped". He was supported because of what were believed to be his policies (he flunked that one by supporting big government but did give us Roberts and Alito). This is very different. Few, if any, of the "worshippers" have any idea as to Obama's true agenda. All that many see, or want to see, is the chance for freebies from the "rock star messiah". The fact that you and others see no difference between this and Bush supporters emphasizes the truth of my post.

  16. You bigtime city slickers are missing the real point. By the time Ballard adjusts to the culture shock of being in Sandy Hook, Elliott County will have a 20 point lead and the Bruins will never catch up.


    If the state tournament were played at Sandy Hook instead of Lexington, Elliott County would probably win it.

  17. We won't have to wait too long for the bar to be pushed lower.


    Just keep watching... :thumb:


    There is no bar. If anything goes wrong during his administration, it will be blamed on the Bush Administration or on obstructionist conservatives. Since the media is, with few exceptions, worshipping at his alter, nothing negative concerning him will be reported (Need an example? Look at the past campaign and consider just exactly what we really know about him?).


    Finally, those who oppose him will, as was the case during the campaign, be branded as racists.


    There is no bar for the socialist messiah.

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