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Everything posted by TheGameIsComplicated

  1. Demotion by promotion is certainly a possibility at TC. They have used this move numerous times with athletic and non-athletic admin. Irvin seemed to have TC relatively relevant just about every year. With the amount of financial investment TC has made in athletics over the last ten years I can see them wanting immediate contention year in and year out for sweet sixteen appearances. Someone above mentioned Quentin Goodin. Suggesting that Q is ready or even close to ready to run a program is farfetched for me. Stellar athleticism and successful high school and college career does not automatically qualify you as a head coach. Typically, you'd expect a district like TC to look for coaching experience on a resume when looking for a head coach, or even a head coach in waiting (as someone suggested). However, watching Superintendent Higdon hand over the keys over the athletic district to Chris Goodin over the last ten years has been a wild ride, SO who knows? Sad to see Irvin step away, his choice or not.
  2. Agreed. But it would require those groups to actually do something substantially new to them and that is where I think the challenge lies. One horse towns can certainly move easier and faster making changes like these but is the desire among these groups truly there to go make these changes and spend the dough?
  3. I would be very surprised, and excited for RC, if they decided to make these moves. I could be wrong, but I don't recall a time that RC has really sold out for a coach. They have made strong investments with facilities upgrades recently and it would be a great time to really go get a guy worth some money, Foley or not.
  4. At a quick glance, for a 10 year teacher at Rank 2, SW's district is actually around $300.00 more on the certified teacher salary schedule. I don't know Foley's certification credentials specifically but I thought that was a good gauge for salary comparison. I did not look up football money because that takes slightly more digging but It would be hard for me to imagine RC paying more than SW's district on the supplement side.
  5. Can anyone think of one reason Foley would leave SW for Russell at this point? I have genuinely tried all morning and can't come up with one.
  6. I absolutely agree that Boyle Co should be the target for Russell Co's program. Every program in every classification has a "Boyle" that they can try and emulate, steal ideas from and attempt to construct a program similarly too. I guess instead of saying long term playoff success is not realistic, I should have asked, "what would qualify as success for this program?" Is it regional relevancy year in and year out, is it State Championship contention, is it district contention? Where is the bar for this program historically or now?
  7. Obviously, there are a lot of non-football draws to this job (lake cumberland), and it appears that the district is beginning to really commit to the future of the athletic department. Even after all of these check marks in the Plus category, I really see RC as a great spot for a first time Head Coach or even a previous head coach looking to ride off into the sunset. Playoff success is not sustainable at RC for many reasons. I believe there will be flash in the pan times of success but long term region contention is not realistic, in my opinion.
  8. Boone county is actually top 5 in most financial/economical categories in the state, and either 2nd or 3rd in some very significant categories. Low income is actually the opposite of how I would describe Boone Co's school district.
  9. A simple information request from literally any adult to a public entity would reveal this information if there are indeed formal interviews on behalf of a public school. If these interviews are informal (as they routinely are) then there is very little you can do but wait. I have always been a big believer in, not secrecy or hiding information, but to handle a coaching search professionally. Professionally, to me, does not include input from the general public. General public should have no more say in how a publicly funded police officer applies our laws than how our publicly funded athletic departments select coaches. I am incredibly tired of seeing coaching searches bogged down and slowed down because SOOOOOOO many people feel the need to be heard and be involved. Of course, everyone has an opinion and everyone feels they should be heard but where is the line? Take a look at the FAMU coaching search and the debacle that came as a result of "the people paying" demanding strong input on the hire.
  10. Any development on this one after the Christmas break?
  11. I agree with you %100. Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of the NAIA institutions either don't agree with us or can't afford to agree with us.
  12. There is zero chance, imo, that the next head caoch makes anything near what Coach Cronin made. If they were to offer 85-100 for this next coach they would still be a top paid NAIA guy.
  13. Administration seems to be really letting this opportunity slip.
  14. I don't know if a lot of people really understand how far away Gtown is from where everyone remembers them. This hire is not inheriting the dynasty that once was. The Bengals arent building anything else. This program has to hire a guy that can both coach a very high collegiate level of football (not saying they have to come from a high level but be a high level coach), and be able to pull a few kids away from LWC ( a team that has dominated GTOWN for almost a decade) U Cumberlands, and Thomas More. Who knows, KCU might be on the upswing now also. I just don't predict that any of the current high school coaches talked about so far can bring that to the table, and as much as a "Georgetown Man" matters to those folks, it might be time to break the mold.
  15. This is Housekeeper's job to turn down. If Georgetown ever wants to sniff a conference championship or compete with LWC again, they should probably gear their eyes a little more toward a guy like current LWC DC Kleckler. Bert would also be a strong candidate. I just don't see Housekeeper losing this opportunity to someone from outside the program unless he decides that.
  16. I agree that this hire really has an opportunity to change the trajectory of this program, with an up and down history. Ironically, the two guys that have the responsibility to make this hire are former football coaches (AD and Principal). Talk about an opportunity to really do it right one time. Admin has to support marion county football like they never have before, especially financially. Who knows, we'll see.
  17. I think SW can adjust in-game in this matchup slightly better than FD. If it is a close game, that matters. It is up to SW to keep it manageable so that adjustments matter. I like SW 28-21
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