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Socially Distanced

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Posts posted by Socially Distanced

  1. 18 hours ago, Squirrel said:

    If I wanted to I could go on and on about our 17 game win streak over PT, but the truth of the matter is 75% of the players on these rosters weren’t even born the last time Paducah won and they couldn’t care less about the past 17 years. Both teams want to win this game this year, period. I have the utmost respect for this rivalry regardless of the recent lopsided streak of outcomes. And I should actually backtrack and say the PT players probably actually do care about the past 17 years because they’re tired of hearing about how they can’t beat Mayfield. They are dying to beat Mayfield this year and will do anything they can to make it happen. Although I am confident in the Cardinals and think they will pull out the win by making less mistakes than PT, I am also secretly kinda shaking in my boots because regardless of opinions, PT has a stacked roster this year. With that being said, Mayfield also has an amazing roster this season. I just hope emotions are held under control Friday by players AND fans and it is a good clean game and may the best team win!

    Best post of this thread so far!! 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    As long as Boley keeps throwing interceptions, the risk of an unexpected loss or losing a close matchup versus a tough opponent is there. Last year he was 4th in the state in interceptions thrown with 15. After 3 tonight (easily could have been 4), he is on pace to exceed that this year. Turnovers are the key stat in a football game. LCA offense is creative and gets receivers open and one on one matchups in space. Their o-line is doing a great job protecting Boley. They will put up points but turnovers can derail that. 

    I tend to agree with this. Boyle is very very good and LCA is very good as well. But I also think Boyle has plenty to work on. 

  3. PT has everything you could want. They have every goal infront of them to achieve. I do agree with the concern for the number of penalties but I don't see that going away unfortunately.

    Watching them on the field and more importantly watching the sidelines-- there is a lot of energy and emotion and while I think both of those are good things they can also get the best of the kids and coaches at times. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, R1 sports fan said:

    Previous regime really hurt McCracken, the numbers just ended up being far below where they need to be for a 6A program.

    Very much the case. Not only did the roster size drop significantly at the high school during that time but also at the feeder levels as well. 

    Seeing the number of kids on their sidelines last night was encouraging. Still a lot of work to do. Need to grow the staff at each level as well. 

    McCracken needs stability. They are on their 4th head coach in there 11 season history. 


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  5. Good to see McCracken and PT with lots of kids on the sidelines. Both have a lot to look forward to this year! 

    I really expected PT to look better on offense. They have a lot of talent at every position including the OL. If they are going to live up to the hype they will need stronger game planning (including fewer penalties), better play calling and consistent execution/effort. 

    Very tough schedule ahead but a team full of talent that have a lot of game experience the past few years. They have everything they need. 

    A lot of positives for McCracken. More kids are out. They gave good effort the entire game. If they stay positive and focus on continuing to improve they will have a lot of success. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, WishboneCity said:

    MC’s entire sideline cleared over a shove after the whistle. I’m not pointing fingers, but the blame isn’t all on TC for sure. 

    Here’s a link from a tweet so everyone can make their own judgement: https://twitter.com/teeroyhowell/status/1587128101644951552?s=46&t=ZmtWNvnr-k8vcQIC3P7qOQ

    Looks like the majority of Taylor Co kods and coaches showed some restraint imo

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