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Posts posted by gcbleedblue

  1. Still can't believe this happened, living in Mayfield you can not go anywhere without someone watching that PI call. Just an absolute amazing game that we will hear about forever. I can easily see Somerset winning again next year with quite a bit of talent coming back. Mayfield will lose ALOT of talent. I would say they'll be down next year, but I have come to realize that they're never down.

  2. I can see what you are saying, Somerset did dominate the trenches on the offensive side of the ball, but they didn't dominate the game. This Mayfield team wasn't like the Mayfield of old. They can lose the trench battle, but "outflank" you all game on the outside. I think the first two drives of the game kind of sums up how each other offense dominated in their own style. Somerset pounded it down the middle (later opened up passes by their outstanding qb) and Mayfield hit a bomb right back at them.

  3. I don’t think this Mayfield team loses. Many of their key players have been key players for 3 years now. I’ll be honest I know nothing about Somerset, but they’re going to have to put up points to hang with them. Feel like Mayfield hasn’t had a team in 2A that could compete with them up to this point and Somerset is a little more battle tested in the playoffs. That could play into effect, but I don’t see it making much of a difference.

  4. I'm not certain, but I get the impression that too many parents try to have a say so on who gets hired, what kids get playing time, etc.


    Your keyword is "try." Yes, parents try to get their kids playing time, but anyone who is seriously around the game knows that rarely happens and is often just an excuse when another certain kid isn't playing. I never met a coach that did not want to win every single game and would do whatever they thought they needed to do. The best players always play. Everyone else just makes excuses. 99 times out of 100 that is usually the case.

  5. The three coaches before Lance were there for a combined 9 years. 1 was ran off by parents, 1 quit after one season for the Lone Oak job, one stayed for 5 years and wen onto Warren Central. Lance was there for 10.


    Little league program is fine. Problem is they lose 1-2 kids to Mayfield from 6th to 7th grade. The middle school program finally has some stability. I had a nephew who played on the 8th grade team this last year and they made it to the semifinals. So some talent is there. I also don’t think they have lost many kids in middle school that are very valuable. That didn’t use to be the case.

  6. Also believe Lance Gregory and Mike Rogers had winning seasons their first years. Only Lance won 7 I think Rogers won 6.


    Also Nick is 1 playoff win away from being tied with second all time in playoff wins behind Gregory. (People forget where we were before Gregory and how far he brought the program.)

  7. This is a no brainer. I don’t understand what the hold up is. So many teams would kill to have a 7-5 season. New coach, new qb, havnt had 7 wins or a playoff win in like 5 years and this guy delivers all of that taking over in June despite all the obstacles.


    He lost to 4 teams. All played for a regional championship. 2 are playing this weekend. What more do you want?

  8. You guys have an impressive QB that I am not looking forward to playing 2 years after this year. This is going to be one of those games Graves is just going to have to steal. Owensboro I imagine is going to score 3-4 TDS at least. If we can hold it to three, then I feel our offense can do just enough against this great D to win. We are going to need a big play or a big turnover to help us out.

  9. Game was closer than the score indicated last time. Graves was on the 1 yard line two different times last game and failed to put the ball in the endzone. Owensboro is definitely the favorite, but I feel like our Eagles believe they can win this game.


    Hats off to Coach Kemp! He took over in in June after roller coaster offseason. Which gives you zero time to make any significant changes you want. Had a new qb taking over and had a bunch of sophomores in key skill positions. First 7 win season and playoff win since that magical 2014 run. Won every game he was suppose to and in the second half of the year had his guys play with the team they weren’t suppose to. This team could’ve folded after a 1-4 start but put together a 6-1 record in their last 7 games. Can’t wait to see what he builds off this next year. Remove the interim GC.

  10. The host schools collect the money and are charged with paying the travel expenses of the visiting school and is able to keep the remainder. For many schools, after they pay the travel expenses, they are in the hole for first round games because of mismatched games like this that hardly draw any spectators.


    The KHSAA keeps all the money from the State Championship games only.


    Thanks for all the information.

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