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Everything posted by OGRaidersman

  1. Excuses don’t equate to wins. You can have top knotch facilities and be terrible. Good coaching on a tough hard nosed team can overcome multiple adversities such as not having major stars or “luxury” facilities. Good coaching and discipline is what forms a tough hard nosed team.
  2. Long time former member of here and Rivals. Have been silent for sometime but after watching Ryle tonight I decided to start anew and share an opinion. I have to say that they have major coaching issues. You have a team with great athletic talent but it is missing leadership and motivation from the top down. Teams of the past never hung there heads or gave in when it hit the fan. Players didn’t lackadaisically jog off the field in between plays. If a player was a rotation player he stood by the defensive coaches. There was discipline and an expectation to do your job. Discipline starts at the top. There is minimal effort aside from one or two coaches to fire these kids up, to motivate them to perform as a talented team should perform. The secrets out everyone knows Ryle has QB inconsistencies. As the hyped “QB Guru” I would of expected adjustments to cover these issues by the 4th official game of the season. Yet we are still running shotgun and drop. Mix it up and use these athlete’s abilities. When you don’t have a standout QB sometimes you have to adjust to the most athletic player you have and run what he can run, even if it isn’t a high powered shotgun attack. Don’t belittle QBs in front of the stands Coach them up or run something else that fits the skills they have. And the coaches need to step their game up because if the team fails it’s on you. Motivate the Players! They don’t show excitement or fire as in 19 years around the Raider program I have become used to seeing. Sincerely a faithful Raider fan
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