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Everything posted by Hurdster88

  1. Soreboard boys, nothing matters from the past. Only what happens now. I believe it said SK 77. HH. 53.. if you win next year or whenever we play again then you can run your mouths all you want. Till then take your beating and quit crying cause someone stole your cake.
  2. I do believe he took that right out of good ole Dale Muellers playbook. Apparently you all have a short memory of Highlands DUCKING Simon Kenton during the Miles Simpson era. Ole Dale wouldnt put anyone from Northern Ky. on the schedule, if he thought there was even the smallest possibilty that his birds would lose. This was told to me directly from a Highlands Alum who i work with, who played at Highlands himself.
  3. SK 50. HH 10. Running clock early in 3rd qtr. A repeat of last year here. Cant see how it goes any other way.
  4. If SK eliminates its mistakes from last week, it could be a larger margin. Dixie has a good team this year, but they havent played anyone in Simon Kentons caliber so far. This will be interesting to say the least.
  5. Then quit spreading lies about the team. This game is going to be decided by the boys on both teams on the field not some over zealous fans who want to spread lies and start crap on this web site. I think we all graduated high school along time ago. Let the boys decide who is going to win. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH TEAMS. And Go SK.
  6. They are both fine. They will be playing Friday night. You can count on it. Sk by 14+.
  7. Seem to remember beating St.X 37-13 earlier this year right before week one. Guess that was just plain dumb luck on SK's part. It couldnt have possibly been that we were a better team than them...And as for the last time Sk went to the State finals, we upset Manual and Male before losing to a very much superior Trinity. On any ginen friday anthing is possible. Thats why we play the games instead of just voting a champion.
  8. Sk wins by 4 Tds. Ryle struggled with Conner last week. 46-34. SK beat Conner 54-0. Ryle lost to Cooper27-21. SK beat Cooper 26-7. Not sure why anyone would expect the out come to be any different than a SK impressive victory.
  9. Thank you. 51-15 SK over Campbell Co. End of the third here.
  10. Really cause i seam to remember beating St X handedly 37-13 in a scrimmage before week 1.
  11. You need to quit living in the past. What you did to Dixie last year has nothing to do with this year. Strap on that helmet and bring it each week. Thats all that matters this year. The past is the past. You all seem to never want to give anyone but a Louisville school any props. Ask Highlands how the past is working out for them this year.... 28 championships just like Trinity and they are 1-4 this year.
  12. Noone cares about how many championships teams have won in the past. The past has no relevance to this year. So each team better strap that helmet on tight and get ready to bring it each and every week.
  13. Trinity is not on Males level. Male waxed the floor with Trinity. 42-13
  14. Simon Kentons biggest test was Lexington Bryan Station. We beat them 52-35. The game was much closer than the score. Cooper got beat by Bryan Station the very next week 36-0 in a weather shortened game. So im not sure of the logic of saying Cooper will be our toughest game so far.
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