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Posts posted by ChiefSmoke

  1. With the holidays, I have missed alot of games, but I really enjoyed the Manual game because of the effort. Our team has improved substantially already. It is fun to watch them play because of how hard they go after it. My father in law got up early to watch them today and was real impressed with the way they faught back against Ballard. This will be a fun team to watch and follow the rest of the season. Good luck to Coach O'Hearn and the Royals!


    Also, congrats to Mikah Turner for being named 3rd team alll state in football.

  2. Alot of time and effort was put into the selection of the offensive line. The staff graded many hours of tape, and then made recommendations to the committee. Everyone would admit that our oline struggled in the first half. But, the second half they played very well.


    Kentucky and Tennessee both had very strong defensive fronts. Tennessee's oline struggled much more than the KY oline.


    The goal of the committee is to put the best team on the field. Based on the results recently, they have done a good job.


    It's pretty simple- winning the all star game is very important to the committee and they pick the team they think has the best shot.

  3. Mr. Football is automatically on the team.


    The coaches vote for the 2 QB's that will be on the team, in a statewide vote.


    2 players from each region, all 4 classes combined, are voted on by the coaches from the region.


    When the selection committee meets in early February, there will be 11 players on the team already- Mr. Football, the 2 qb's, and the 8 players elected by the coaches from that region( 2 from each of the 4 regions).


    The remaining players are chosen by the committee on that Sunday. Coaches may recommend their players to the committee and all star staff, send video for evaluation, etc.


    The all star head coach does have alot of influence, but does not have the freedom to name the team, or remaining players, completely as he would without the committee. In the two times I have been a part of it, we came to a consensus somewhat.


    The process has worked well, and the results have been pretty good with this selection process.


    There are alot of good players that are not selected to the team, including some from my own school, because we have so many good players in the state now. It is tougher to get on the team now because football has improved so much in our state.



    If you have questions, PM me please. I would rather not get into a debate over this, but I did want to share how the process worked.



    Good luck to Kentucky in Knoxville. :thumb:

  4. Mason Co would have won the game if they had a true quarterback who could get them the ball on a more consistent basis. No offence to the Mason QB, but he was short, as well, and I felt as though he couldn't find them in there routes as well as Burke will next Friday. Mason also had a running style of an offense more so than I thought they should have against the Rockets. Don't get me wrong..."the run opens up the pass" and all of that hoopla, but I thought Mason Co should have exploited that aspect more so than they did.


    Rock deserved to win, but Mason's QB had around 280 passing and the team had over 400 yards of offense. Our QB did a great job and the running game was effective as well. I won't begin to get into why we didn't win, just to say that Rock found a way to get one more point and congratulations to them on doing so.


    If our qb can produce each Friday like ours did in the Rock game, we will take it. ;)

  5. The primary reason I was interested in this was because we could go to a 9 game regular season. Most teams would play game #10 as a first round playoff game. The reason a 9 game regular season appealed to me was that we could back up the season 1-2 weeks to avoid some of the heat.


    The heat and concerns that go with it are not being mentioned much anymore if at all regarding six classes. But, originally, that is what made me think it might be worth looking at.

  6. I dared theguru to start this thread after our fans had been mixing it up with eastern KY, northern KY, and then the Trinity fans. He called my bluff!


    Theguru and BGPreps have been a big part of publicizing Mason County football and the success of our kids and program.


    Our fans came through for us bigtime at Lawrence County. Their presence created a playoff atmosphere and built momentum for our team when we started to have some success.


    This thread, like most, is for fun and not to be taken seriously. My personal favorite was the post about the Royals playing the Buccaneers. That's the kind of stuff this thread was made for!





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  7. The guru is #84. The receding hairline, resembling that of his avatar, is beginning to make its move.


    Originally the photographer requested that these guys wear their helmets to hide their faces, but after fixing their hair for the pic the jaw pads couldn't get past their ears.


    These ex-football players are saving their white shoes and high socks for a possible remake of Saturday Night Fever.;)

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