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Posts posted by ChiefSmoke

  1. My original post, which I may add has not been edited, never mentioned anything about the quality of the 2005 roster. The word "makeshift" was used only in reference to the 2006 roster.


    I thought your point was that Tennessee's best players not playing was the reason Ky has won lately. I apologize if I misunderstood.


    I agree that Tennesse "saving face" is not a compelling argument. From what I know from our game director(Jimmie Reed) and his relationship with the Tennessee game director, that would not be the case. I would bet any changes being discussed would revolve around the logistics of playing the game at the best venue, at the best time, and with the best players possible. And, Tennessee won last year.


    I hope both states continue to get their best 40, whoever they may be, level, etc, and continue to play. It is a great event. I am confident both states can find 40 quality players who will give a great effort. The times I've been involved in the game, it seemed to mean alot to both sets of kids and coaches.


    I can also tell you that in all 3 years, the KY all star staff and coaches had great respect for the Tennessee staff and team. Tennessee has no reason to "save face." We are glad that now we can compete with Tennessee and have success in the series.

  2. In 2005, the Tennessee roster was very strong, with 8 UT signees among other D1 players. ( I could be wrong on the exact number). KY still won by 2 TD's, and were close to scoring at the end of the game. The Ky roster doesn't always have all the good players in our state, but has still been successful over the past 7 years.


    I hope it continues in June. The KY kids have the same issues with reporting, injuries, etc. Let each state get their best 40 and play. I would think the game would become more interesting and better now that it is not so one-sided.


    I got the old program and counted. In 2005, their were 8 Tennessee signees. There were also signees to Memphis(4), Alabama (2), South Carolina, Louisville, Wake Forest, Mississippi State, Vandy(2), Ole Miss, and others.


    For sure, in 2005, Tennessee did not have a "makeshift" roster. It was very good.

  3. Congratulations to both squads and staffs on a well played game- especially on the defensive side of the ball.


    Tom Posey has done a great job building this all star game. It is well attended, organized, etc.


    The Montgomery County facilities looked great. Extras like the landscaping around the bleachers, the seniors names on the lockerroom, the entrance into the stadium from the parking lot, and the press box were exceptional.

  4. Despite Kentucky's success in the "all-star" game in the past half-decade, Tennessee still has a commanding lead in the series (15-8?). While I am not aware of the talent level of the 2006 Kentucky all-star roster, I do know that Tennessee's 2006 roster was a makeshift roster at best (and Tennessee still won), and the 2007 orange roster looks to be similar in a relative lack of talent. At least 15 SEC signees (8 at U. of Tennessee alone) and a couple of Notre Dame signees are sitting this game out.


    In 2005, the Tennessee roster was very strong, with 8 UT signees among other D1 players. ( I could be wrong on the exact number). KY still won by 2 TD's, and were close to scoring at the end of the game. The Ky roster doesn't always have all the good players in our state, but has still been successful over the past 7 years.


    I hope it continues in June. The KY kids have the same issues with reporting, injuries, etc. Let each state get their best 40 and play. I would think the game would become more interesting and better now that it is not so one-sided.

  5. Thanks for the kind words about the head coach and our staff.


    Our assistant coaches are fine men, and very good coaches as well. As good as they are with their football, their best characteristic is that they love kids.


    We enjoy working together and the kids we coach. It is also a great environment- its not uncommon to come to practice and have a pastor present, or Steele Harmon with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Guys like Tom Duncan, Sparky McDowell, Butch Chain, Danny Weddle or John Denham also come by practice frequently and take an interest in our kids.


    The teaching salaries are very good, but have no bearing on our assistants coaching salaries. Money is absolutely no factor in why our guys coach football at Mason County.


    I was hesitant to get into this thread after the college rumor thread. I like how theguru handled that thread, as he does in managing BGPreps as a whole.


    You are correct in thinking that several of our coaches would make outstanding head football coaches. I agree, and I am thankful that they coach football at Mason County.

  6. The reasons for classifying are obvious- you have a better chance of getting 5-8 great players if you have 2000 students as opposed to 200. It might be more fair and give more kids an opportunity to compete and win, comparable to weight classification in wrestling- maybe. You would not expect the 103 guy to be able to defeat the guys in the heaviest weight classes at the state finals.


    But, the tradition is strong, and basketball is NOT a numbers game- like football is without a doubt. You could not play 3 football games in 24 hours, like they do in basketball at the state tournament.


    Also, in basketball, it is not uncommon for a team to win the title that has never won it before. In football that is rare.


    Mason County won the state title basically with 8 kids that played- 2 were sophomores. Two of the juniors were division 1 athletes and of those, one was one of the greatest shooters ever to come out of the state.


    In 93 and 94 at Paris, we had 5 or 6 kids that could have played for anyone in football. If there had been such a thing as 5 man football, for 2 seasons, we could have played with anyone in the state. In football the difference is when one team has 5 great players, and 5 good players. Your opponent may have 3 great players, but 25 good players. The one with the 25 will probably win in the 2nd half, and exploit the weaker links on the other team. I've been there more than once. Again, football is a big time numbers game unlike any other sport.


    Classifying basketball might be the route to go, but the need to do so is not near as great as is required in football. And, there has been debate about the state of HS basketball in KY as of late. The premier athletic event in KY remains the Sweet 16. I am not sure how wise it would be to screw up the best thing going.


    Being a Mason County fan, I know it is easy for me to say this because our school is one of the smaller schools that can win a title. I recognize that bias. If I were some where else, I might feel differently.


    And, I hope that the All A fills that void to some extent for the schools that are smaller.


    You can tell its March Madness- a football coaches' thoughts on basketball classification. ;)


    If I told you about the conversation in the football coaches' office last spring about the 10th region tournaments, you really wouldn't believe that one! :sssh:

  7. Darius Miller told us today that he will not play football next season. We will miss him as both a player and person, but we support him in doing what he believes is the best thing for him.


    He is a fine young man and it has been a wonderful experience to coach him. I speak for our entire staff when I say we are very proud of him, and wish him the best in the future!


    Our first two days of spring ball have gone very well. We are excited about our team next season. We have alot of work to do, like always. But our attitude is good, and we had alot of fun today. Weather could not have been better!


    Tentatively, our spring game is scheduled for March 23rd, Friday. The exact time has not been set yet.


    Also, congratulations to the Royals and Lady Royals on outstanding basketball seasons. We came within a handful of points of sending 2 teams to the state tournament. Both squads really played well all season and especially in the tournaments.

  8. It's an old cliche, but I would say that the committee tries to pick the 40 that will make the best team, as opposed to strictly the best 40 players in the state.


    I was fortunate to be part of the committee twice, and their goal was to find the best team to beat Tennessee.


    Because of position needs, etc. that is the way to approach it.


    Otherwise, if your top 5 players in the state are qbs, you have 5 qbs. It use to be that way, and they changed it.


    Good Luck KY!:thumb:

  9. Chris O'Hearn at Mason County gets my vote. I've been around some of the best football, basketball, and baseball coaches over the past 40 years, growing up with a coach as a dad, etc. He ranks with the best. Chris knows his basketball, does a great job with teaching the game and organization, and has the people skills it takes to keep it all together.


    He's also great to work with on the kids playing more than one sport. As the football coach, I especially appreciate that about him.

  10. Josh Smith of Frankfort High School has committed to Play college at Johnson C. Smith University. JCSU is a Division II school in Charlotte N.C. Josh will play Tight End for the Golden Bulls.



    Congratulations Josh! You were a tough competitor, and a nice young man the few times we got to talk. I know your dad and Coach Foley are very proud! Best wishes for continued success.:thumb:

  11. The football and basketball coaches across the state and in many high schools are working together more than in the past. Look for more cooperation from both sides in the future. We are fortunate at Mason County to work with Chris O'Hearn as our head basketball coach. Chris and his staff care about kids and support them if they choose to play other sports. Coach O'Hearn is an outstanding coach and our basketball team is one of the best in the state. We are very proud of him, our kids, and team.


    I am still hopeful and believe kids will play multiple sports.


    If Chris Lofton had chosen not to play football, we would not have been near as successful. Considering he is the top shooting guard in the country, I think it is safe to say playing football didn't hinder his development! ;) In fact, I would argue that football and the weightroom give him an edge in toughness and strength that helps to make him a special player.


    From the basketball perspective, had Dustin Grutza decided to focus on football, I doubt if a state basketball championship banner would be hanging in the fieldhouse. If Harry Lewis had also chosen to focus on football, our basketball team would not have been as successful. There are several of these guys over the past 11 years that have had a great experience and made more than one team successful.


    I had a young man speak to me today about not being sure about continuing another sport. I told him we would support him in playing any sport he chooses to do. If playing that sport was fun, he should play it. I reminded him that I(the coach) was there for him. Not the other way around. The school board hires the coach to coach the kids. The kids don't "work" for us. If coaches will operate like that, the kids will know they care about them as people, and in the long run, everyone will be more successful.


    Historically, football coaches have been very strong in supporting our kids to play several sports. Without a doubt, football has improved by leaps and bounds in KY, and football coaches could probably begin to push the one sport mentality for football. But, that would not be good for kids. It would also be wrong. I also believe that in the long run it would hurt football in this state. Hopefully our football coaches will continue to support our kids in playing other sports.



    If you ever get the chance, read some of Bobby Dodd's thoughts on football as being a "game." I am as guilty as anyone in making football life or death. But, Coach Dodd had the right perspective and is one of the greatest coaches of all time. His thoughts would apply to all sports, not just football.


    Sorry for the long post. I guess the offseason gives me too much time, especially on a Friday afternoon without a football game to prepare for. But, I am looking forward to watching the basketball Royals in the MCIT the next two nights. :thumb:




  12. Great stuff Chief. Let me know what you find out.


    I found the playbook, with a schedule from 1965, and scouting reports on Danville, Garrard, and Glasgow. But, I couldn't find the records. I also found my dad's practice schedules from 1969. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. PaulDean or RebelRev might be able to help us out.

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