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Posts posted by ChiefSmoke

  1. Is Muntz new? Was he there when they hired the last two coaches? I don't think his ability to get the best coach possible is going to improve with time. Do you cheifsmoke?


    Drew has been there for 3-4 years. He will do the best he can. Coach Dahlstrom did a lot of good things in a very tough situation.

  2. Bourbon's principal, Drew Muntz played and coached for Ray Graham at Harrison. He also coached with us at Mason. He is a good person and cares about football. He especially cares about kids so I know that he will do the best he can to get the Bourbon kids the best coach possible.

  3. I know Coach B will have his troops ready to go to war..He is a great Coach and he knows what it takes to "Find A Way To Win!"



    Players like the champ make the coach look good. But, having the character champ has, he usually gives credit to others because he is a good person and was a very unselfish teammate and player.


    Before practice started, Dustin Grutza talked to the team and did a great job. The great thing about guys like champ, Dustin, Chris, and many of those players is they have not forgotten where they come from and they include the people from their past in their success.


    Some other former Royals are there helping us, including Tony Jackson, Chad Zeigler, and Sean Jackson. Chris Childers and Chris Neal, also former Royals, stopped by practice today. Coach Posey has been able to be there this week and has been a big help.


    As for practice, we have alot to be excited about, but we have alot to work on as well. But, we are pleased with the effort and attitude and I think our former Royals would be pleased with that aspect of the team.


    Our spring game is going to be at 3:30 next Friday. Hope you can make it.

  4. You are so wise, Graybeard. What would a scrimmage be like with only one quarterback. Now that wouldn't be much fun. :D



    At Mason, our plan is to use one qb for both teams this spring. Long story, but we have done this before. Leon's been around the block once or twice. I am sure whatever is best for the team is what he will do, just like we do when we make those decisions here.:thumb:

  5. Coach Baldridge won a state title at Bellevue. And, he will have some former head coaches on his staff. This past week, I met with Coach Mirilovich who had been at UK in the 70's and is now at West Jessamine. Coach Mirilovich is a great football mind. Coach Baldridge is as well.



    Don't underestimate these old coaches.;)

  6. Whats everyone thoughts here on the Royals they made a great turnaround last year rebounding back from a tough year the year before.Chiefsmoke can you tell us a little more about the Royals.I know Ty Sargent will be a tough loss hes a great competetior and should do well at Dayton.With the great coachs we have i look for another great season in Maysville.:thumb:


    We just got from Lexington. Coach O'Hearn and the team performed extremely well and made the community very proud. Mikah Turner is as good as they come- very much a blessing to coach him and watch him on the field and court.


    As for football, we have alot of good things to build on, and a lot of work to do. We could get into more later, but the bottom line is we like what we have coming back, but we also have alot of teaching and practicing to accomplish this spring. We are looking forward to getting it going.


    Congrats to the basketball Royals on a season that far exceeded expectations and one that will always be remembered.

  7. Nice post Coach and I agree totally. As I have always maintained, the differing levels of success in football is caused by NOTHING other than the differing levels of committment found at each program; committment from the administration down to the players. And I'm not talking about the level of committment over the last couple of years. It takes more than a couple of years of full blown committment to be successful in football against programs that have had that level of committment for 20 years or so.



    Very good point on the sustained level of commitment necessary. Our program at Mason has had a lot of improvement, but if we can sustain what we are doing now over the long haul, it can have a much better future when we have more 2nd generation players and all of the benefits that go with building a program over a 20-30 year period. Alot of the programs at the top have 3rd and 4th generation guys on their team.


    On a side note- congratulations to former All State Football Royal Chris Lofton who was named to the All-SEC BASKETBALL team.:thumb:

  8. Football requires alot more financial support to be successful- equipment, facilities, and coaching staff. One helmet can be as much as $170. It is tough for alot of schools to make that type of commitment. Those that are able and choose to do so, public or private, are successful. Basketball requires much less and more schools are able to provide what is needed.


    Tradition plays a role, and it is a big part of the private schools, especially, Trinity and St. X.


    The trend that gets my attention is the dramatic improvement in football in this state across the board, public and private. And, looking at scholarship numbers, most of the best athletes are playing football. I see alot more positive about football programs, public and private, in this state than negative.

  9. Congratulations to the Royals. What a difference a year makes. This time last year all of the talk about MC was weather or not they should fire O'Hearn. Good luck MC and congratulations.


    Coach O'Hearn was 10th region coach of the year last year. Not to argue, but most of the talk I heard last year was he did a great job. Now, they follow up with a region title and a trip to the Sweet 16.


    Congratulations to the Royals, and best of luck at Rupp Arena! :thumb:


    PS- Coach O'Hearn is a pretty good football coach also, especially when he is teamed up with his buddy Henry Boone. But, I won't mention where those two were when they were suppose to be at the UK football clinic. Let's just say you could hear cheering and horse hooves in the background. :sssh:

  10. Blake Gumm's dad is saying that Blake did not make the team because his coach did not send in any highlight tapes of his son.


    I'll ask ChiefSmoke or others in the know - is a tape a requirement?


    The tape is not a requirement. There are alot of good players not on the team because the quality of football has improved so much in our state. I know I am a broken record saying that, but it is the truth and it is important to remember.

  11. What i wanna know is how a team that wins a state championship and has two all staters does got one kid on the team!!!! The people who pick this team need to start paying attention to the eastern part of the state, who the last time I checked took home the state title in all 4 classes


    Russell deserved to at least have one kid on the team......


    Last year Boyd, Russell and Ashland all had players on the team- the region is not overlooked.


    KY HS football continues to improve- there are several good players not on the team because there are so many quality players to choose from.

  12. Great FCA coaches clinic today. Coach Bill Tom Ross, Ray Graham, John Schlarman, Tom Sullivan (BFS) & JB Donahue all did a great job. I'm sure I have forgotten someone and I apologize up front. And as always Coach David Buchanan and Steele Harmon ran and organized an excellent clinic. Hats off to all involved. It was a great opportunity to share football and to Glorify the Lord with some of the best people and coaches in this profession.


    Thank you for the kind words. We had a great day of football with some wonderful coaches. Next year's clinic will be in Lexington. Ray Graham and Paul Rains are taking over.


    On a side note, my favorite part of the clinic was Coach Ross preaching to start from a base defense, then all of his video he was sending the house! He said the opponents were so good on video, they had 2 first downs before they got off the bus so they started stunting early! :lol:

  13. Buchanan's camp is top notch. He is extremely knowledgible about the game, and really helps each camper improve dramatically. Also one of the nicest people you would ever meet.




    Dr. Pepper- Daniel Barker was one of those guys to improve dramatically. I followed him all season at West Carter and was really proud of him.



    I really appreciate the kind words from all of you regarding the camp and the other comments. Thank you very much.


    This camp is nothing fancy, but we work pretty hard the entire day and it is all fundamentals. The foundation is stuff I learned in HS going to Phil Simms camps at Morehead State. Those camps really helped me, and the things they taught us have been the starting point for what we teach our qb's. Amazing the difference a football camp made in my life, but it has helped me and it has helped our teams and quarterbacks to be successful.

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