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Everything posted by LuVmdgs

  1. That's what I heard first time ever.. Great win by the jags little sloppy on both ends but good win..
  2. Just heard bad news Maddie Meier is out with a fracture in her foot happened in the cc game.. Wish her a speedy recovery..
  3. No they didnt say it was a joke, Kobe blamed AAU for lack for not teaching skill.. Lebron's son plays every weekend I've watched him play numerous times.. Lebron came out and said he somewhat agrees with him.. Then he mentioned the curuption & the money well that's the boys side of things and not AAU it's the shoe companies. Long story ...
  4. Campbell had the lead the whole game SK pulled within 2 with under a min and Allie neice gets called for a charge and her 5th .. Camels played a good game.. SK looked kinda lost at times..
  5. If they don't get the best out of the player then yes blame them.. One might contribute the early success some of these teams experienced was because they still played like they did during the summer.. Just saying..
  6. I agree, but as I can tell from your post you also have been around the sport for a while. I use this all the time when comparing AAU and High school ball. Although we think this is a big area we all live in a small town every coach knows or should know who the key players are in NKY and what the teams consist of as far as strength and weakness. I do agree the scouting gets much better towards the end of the season but I have another theory I think the coaches and the teams in some fashion almost give up. It's a long season with only 1 prize at the end and once they THINK they can't get the prize they are just kinda along for the ride. As for AAU or summer ball the prize is weekly and if you don't get this one you have a chance to win another prize next time.. I'm using prize as a metaphor of course a plastic trophy is not the only prize. Another issue is they all know how good Holmes Highlands HC are and it's ok to get beat by them is their mentality. When we roll in to Indy or somewhere in Tenn to play we know no one seems to relax the girls a little and they play better. Your points very well taken I appreciate your point of view.. I think Dixie could get lined out and be a factor in the region but they need to get refocused now tonight and move forward. Just holding a good/great team under there average is not good enough. Again I'm not blaming anyone I blame everyone these girls can play I've seen it I PROMISE I have LOL..
  7. I blamed know one in my opinion the coach & the players share wins and loses equal. I am very familiar with what a few of Dixie players can and can not do right now either under direction of the coach or of their own free will they are not doing the things they can do or need to do. Even the Dixie girls that don't play for me during the summer we either play against or watch play during the summer. Something is missing from this team right now not sure what but something is to much talent to be getting beat like they have been. I am aware of the pedigree of the coach great player and I feel a good coach. Sometimes that happens things just don't click but if you watched Dixie play early this year and now something is different. Either way that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it..
  8. No one said she didn't know what she was doing and just because someone has opinion does not mean we think we can do it better. I've been in business a long time I always take suggestions from people on how I could improve I don't always agree but I've never taken that as they thought they could do it better. I think some of you are to sensitive. Parents always blame coaches , coaches blame lack of execution from players , everyone blames the refs just the way it has always been..
  9. I didn't say anything that wasent nice. I attend a lot of games every week I don't have a interest in just one county or one school. I have AAU relationships with girls in both Boone and Kenton fans aren't any nicer in Boone I played and grew up in Boone trust me on this one.
  10. Bench players are not used correctly Tibbs seems tired at times and only time she gets a break is if she is in foul trouble. They seem to spread the floor nicely but need to be instructed to drive the ball not to pass around the outside waiting for a turn over to happen. I agree, with Tibbs they need to play inside out but the only way they (Dixie) get the ball inside now is to pass to Tibbs. They need to drive the ball dump off to Tibbs or back out to Davis or Brock for a open shot. I'm assuming since you committed you must also be a Dixie fan do you think this is the best they can play with talent they have?
  11. The teams were much worse than the refs. The ref should have called that T she tried to flip the ball up with her foot and it hit a ND player sitting in the stands accidentally or not still a T in my book. I don't know anyone from either team but both teams played bad IMO. I watched HC play much better earlier in the week against Dixie..
  12. Well said couldn't agree more. Good things happen with ball penatration. Just my opinion but Dixie has a lot more tools then they are using.
  13. SK wins neice Meier and bosse to much for the camels. IMO..
  14. I agree Brock can defend. Not sure what the answer would have been today I think highlands only had 3 2 point field goals everything else was a 3 or foul shot. Dixie stayed in a lazy 2 - 3 except for the last 3 min. Maybe flip that around play a 3 - 2 or try man do something. Don't just let them shoot over you all game. Dixie has little to no penatration again Brock seems to be one of the only to drive the ball. Good things happen when you drive towards the basket.
  15. Agreed fans do take it to the extreme sometimes. I was on the Ryle side other than one of my AAU players playing for Ryle I really don't have a dog in the fight but I've been around this a long time and never heard a bench with the air ball chant..
  16. It was a good game refs were about the same as I've seen all year. I did find it strange that the air ball air ball chant I thought was coming from the Holmes fans was actually coming from their bench. I guess nothing wrong with it just seemed strange..
  17. 80 63 Scott Cooper looks lost on both offense and defense.
  18. Dixie looked slow confused and lazy and I'm a Dixie fan.
  19. As nonexistent as the offense is the defensive ball pressure but for the last few minutes was also nonexistent. IMO just a poor effort on both sides of the ball tonight for the jags.
  20. HC by 15 NDA looks a little better than they did but cooper had a terrible game. IMO HC way much for NDA
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