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Everything posted by footmaster

  1. Time to move on... super talent that just is never healthy for any real stretch of time...
  2. I've always been in Burfict's corner... he's a beast.
  3. Not that it means much, but I agree with you...
  4. Very big "must win"... some ugly plays, but huge win...
  5. Good rhythm and play calling so far on this drive
  6. Come on Green! Ur better than this... I hope his knee was down
  7. Agree, but it's not about getting excited about Dalton... he's a good QB, a proven good QB... is he elite? Nope.. but good QB's have won playoff games and Super Bowls... This is where we disagree... I think Dalton is good enough to win those games and you don't... pretty simple and we aren't gonna influence one another regarding that...
  8. That was a "must win" if there ever was one...
  9. We got ya, Eiffert is the reason if and whenever Dalton plays well... got it, thanks. Or, it's Green.. or it's the defense carrying him... lol
  10. Dalton had success here before Eiffert was even drafted... so, please. And even since Eiffert, the kid barely dresses... and again, Dalton has done enough to help his team reach the playoffs... except last season and the start of this season... which I still think was more on Zampese than Dalton... If u don't think the offense looked better last week and this week under Lasor... then I don't know what to tell you... I don't care if it's the Browns.. they're still an NFL team... Pittsburgh didn't destroy the Browns... does that mean Big Ben stinks?
  11. I've been fine with moving on from Eiffert for a couple of years now... not because I don't think he's s great player, but because he's always hurt... even when he plays, he's playing hurt... it's just getting old with him. If the guy could stay healthy, yes... keep him.
  12. Another BS call against Burfict... textbook, clean hit in the QB...
  13. Uzomah has looked good in the past without Eiffert... I also chalk this up to better play calling, timing and rhythm... Eiffert is very talented, but he's always hurt and his blocking adds little to nothing to an already weak O-line
  14. Another TD to Kroft... I'm liking that kid... maybe get a nice trade for fragile Eiffert?
  15. Sweet 3rd down conversion to Kroft... may have to start grooming him to be our Eiffert... since Eiffert rarely plays
  16. Andy made that drive... converted 2 tough 3rd downs and made a perfect TD pass
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