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Everything posted by truthbtold

  1. Funny, I guess Fox never throws softballs to conservatives during their interviews?
  2. I totally agree! Makes you wonder??????????????
  3. Is it not his opinion? He say's it's responsible to not make the choice for whatever reason. Others may think different. I don't fully understand what you are referring to with the suppression.
  4. What part of their right didn't you understand? I'm not saying I agree with it, but it their individual right.
  5. Yep! That's why individual rights exist because opinions differ.
  6. Not a liberal, Independent. I have no issue with how many guns you have or what type a person may have. The only time I have issue is when a mentally ill person having access to a firearm.
  7. It's not about suppressing women?:lol: So, what would you call it?
  8. Again, it's not what I care about. It's doesn't matter what you or I think. It's an individual right. I'm sure, everyone you may know doesn't agree with the choices you make, but it's your choice and your life.
  9. First of all, it wasn't directly for you. It was in to be used in general for the right. It doesn't matter what you think about why someone is choosing to do what they want. That's why it's called, "A individual right".
  10. On one hand, you want to eliminate the right of women choice. However, if a child is born with disabilities, you don't want to fund the programs that gives assistance to help with the disabled child(ren)..How ironic?
  11. Do you actually believe that?? Why don't you ask women, whom conservatives violate their right of choice because it's what they may not believe in. It that what's good for the country?
  12. So, am I to understand that it wasn't a big deal or uncommon that he returned a portion of the money?
  13. Not sure it's opened enrollment. The way I understood it, parents wrote a few choice schools that you would like to attend and the school you attended was chosen for you.
  14. I agree with you, I was responding to the last post. It is time to set aside what party you are affiliated with and start holding parties responsible. The system needs to be fixed. Neither parties will not work together to fix the issues, but when one of the two loses the election, the election process is the first thing is pointed to.
  15. Isn't that the way each election is determined?
  16. Would Romney had enough votes to win if these 6 votes would not have been counted?
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