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Fantasy Phenom

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Everything posted by Fantasy Phenom

  1. I think you're new to the BGP FFL league and you're already calling them cupcakes. You must not have played some of the better teams yet. You'll be lucky to get to .500 based on that roster.
  2. If you had read the initial post, you'd see that I will be posting my lineup on Wednesday. :ohbrother:
  3. Everyone wants to challenge and beat the Phenom. Now is your chance. I've been called out for not joining(or even applying to) the BGP FFL. I say I did apply and was turned down due to lack of posting. I'm fine with that, I agree I've not posted near as much as I wanted to when I joined. Here's the challenge, I will post a weekly lineup on Wednesday mornings consisting of a QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, Flex(RB, WR, TE), TE, K and Def. Standard scoring similar to the BGP league, except Fumbles and INT's will be deducted. I challenge you to come up with your own lineup that will out score my lineup. You can pick whoever you want, the object is to score the most points. No prizes will be awarded. IF you beat me, then you'll have a little bragging rights. Are you up for the challenge? If so, post your lineup. Once a lineup is posted, it's final, no changes allowed. If you forget a position or your player doesn't play that week, TOUGH. Are you up for the challenge? Do you have what it takes to beat the Fantasy Phenom? I think not, but let's see what happens.:thumb:
  4. Pay you a compliment in one thread and bash you in another. I love this stuff. How can draft a team in a survivor league and not get two deep at all positions? Terrible, just another rookie like mistake.
  5. Talk about bottom of the barrell. Holy cow you're bad at this.
  6. Turner will have a pretty good night. He should find the endzone at least once if not twice.
  7. Easily Might want to stick to another fantasy sport, because you have no clue what you're doing.
  8. I don't know how a moderator can miss the INT's discussion in this and the previous threads. I'm not even in the league and I knew you guys weren't counting INT's. I know you're not a rookie, but missing that makes a rookie look good.
  9. You've come a long way in the last couple of years. From basement dweller to potential playoff contender. Impressive.
  10. No you don't. Spiller - only starting due to injury - will return to irrelevance when Jackson returns AP - if 8 pts a week works for you then Yes, you do Williams - c'mon really
  11. Cruz and Smith. Live with Greene for now. Gotta love girls who try to play fantasy football but then rely on their boyfriends to make all their decisions for them.
  12. Flip a coin. Go ahead and flip it for next week too. Maybe trade one of them and improve at another spot. Then you won't have to make a tough decision each week.
  13. Talked yourself out of recommending Maclin I see.
  14. The Falcons will still put up good numbers in the pass attack, but not as good as last week. Julio Jones will put up better numbers than Roddy White throughout the year, but you probably still want to start him. Steven Jackson is going to begin the decline of his career soon, if he hasn't already this season. Start Bush, Green Bay gave up a ton of rushing yards to the 49ers, and Bush will steal Forte's goaline carries again.
  15. Greg Jennings missing means that Rodgers will need to look to Jordy Nelson a lot more this week. Luck targeted Wayne a million times last week and he will do the same again.
  16. Between the Law Firm and Aaron Hernandez. BJGE is up against the Baltimore defense. I would take the TE who will get a lot of targets with defenses focusing so hard on Gronk.
  17. Going out on a limb and saying go with Flacco. Leon Hall still returning from a torn Achillis, Nate Clements is awful (starting since Kirkpatrick is still out) and their safeties are weak. I bet Flacco has one of his best games of the year in honor of Art Modell. Plus Rivers will drive you crazy all year, and it doesn't help that the Chargers left tackle Jared Gaither is out.
  18. Looks like you have some high aspirations. Good for you.
  19. I'd go with RG3 in week one. Griffin was 20 for 31 for 193 yards with two touchdowns, no interceptions and a 103.2 rating in the preseason. He will have a pretty strong debut, adding a rushing TD this week I bet. You should get bonus points for how many times he's in commercials on Sunday.
  20. Oh I applied. Guess the committee and commissioner didn't get your input on my application. Scared of who, you? LOL Took you what 10 years to win the league. Even a blind squirrell finds a nut once in a while. I'd win this league within the first 3 years if not each of the first 3 years.
  21. I believe I was turned down due to lack of posting. I plan to correct that this year so next year your committee and your comissioner can find a new excuse to keep me out. Cheer who? Rocket who? I'm not the Guru. Really with the roster you have, I wouldn't be calling anyone out. Combined you might have one good QB. You don't even have 2 starting RB's. For someone who's best player is a TE, you should worry more about how you're going to avoid the Toilet Bowl game instead of how bad I would crush you and this league.
  22. He spells his name with one "T". And like I said, they won't live up to their expectations this year.
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