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Fantasy Phenom

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Everything posted by Fantasy Phenom

  1. Hey fluke champion, where's your roster for this challenge? You post all these comments, but have yet to post a roster to attempt to beat me and "put me in my place". To challenging for you? Are you scared? It's about scoring the most points with your team, of course I'm going to select mostly high end guys. I didn't see any dark horses this week. We could certainly amend the challenge next week to leave out the top 10 at each position.
  2. If the challenge is to much for you, then take a hike and post in your NBA threads. It's football season. You clearly don't and won't get it, so I won't waste time explaining it to you. Post a roster and beat my team. IF you beat me, then maybe we'll talk about how silly it is and it takes less skill to do this than it does to play in a regular league.
  3. Start Holmes, Miami has one of the worst passing defenses in the NFL so far this season. Toss up between Greene and Tate. Go with Greene.
  4. Looks like I already have one victory this week. You have 100+ WRs to choose from and you take a guy who won't be playing this week. No wonder GT says you'll never win the league.
  5. Ah, so you're just like some of the other clowns in the thread who have nothing of value to add, so take a pot shot and run. Good Job! :thumb: If you're going to call me out, at least have the jewels to step up and back up your point. Grow a set and then come back and run with the big boys.
  6. If you can win one in ten years, I'm sure it would take me less than 3. All the stars lined up perfect for you last year. Well that and the fact that half your league doesn't know what they're doing.
  7. Oh please, educate me. Even if it is over my head, I'm always up for learning something new.
  8. As stated before I have many championships. I'm still new to BGP. I'm sure you'll learn over the next few years how I measure up to the best in your league. I guarantee it won't take me 10 yrs to win this league. Enjoy your year, it'll probably be the last for quite a while. FYI...your "banana" isn't dancing
  9. Like I said, I plan to use your scoring system from your league but add in deductions for fumbles and INT's. I'll total them, but I'm sure some will do their own totalling to see if they beat me.
  10. Thanks for the invite, but I have more leagues going than I should already.
  11. I'm not going anywhere. Why would I? I fully expect to lose a couple weeks. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now an then. I'll win more than I'll lose.
  12. Using the whole league is a great test of your knowlege and skill. Anyone can pick the top players at each position. The challenge each week is finding that unexpected player who puts up big numbers once or twice a year. I'm in a bunch of leagues.
  13. We have some similar choices. I like where you went with it. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
  14. Ok girls, here's my roster for this week. Maybe you'll quit your whining..he's too scared, join my league, why the whole NFL pool...blah, blah, blah...get some kleenex. QB - Aaron Rodgers RB - LeSean McCoy RB - Maurice Jone-Drew WR - Calvin Johnson WR - Victor Cruz Flex - AJ Green TE - Jimmy Graham K - Justin Tucker Def - Philadelphia Eagles
  15. I don't think you're up for the challenge. Just look at your roster this year, it's clear you're living in the past...Steven Jackson and Sidney Rice You might step up to the challenge, but will be smacked down in the process. As for the "prize", I'll consider doing something at the end IF any of you happen to get lucky and beat me.
  16. Maybe you should ask your comissioner if I applied. I'm positive he received and responded to a PM I sent him. Win the league once and you think you know everything.
  17. No need for you to worry, even if there were something at the end of the rainbow, you'd never get there.
  18. Based on your history, you shouldn't even bother. You clearly don't know what you're doing in either league.
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